Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Real Christians Will Not Eat Matzo's Blessed By Christ Rejecting Rabbi's...Say What????

The Chief Pharisee of the Churches of God is now ragging on matzo's.  According to him, REAL Christians would never dream of putting a matzo that has been blessed by a Christ-rejecting rabbi into their righteous and holy mouths.  Why would a REAL Christian defile their temple of a body with this Jewish filth?

How incredibly STUPID can this man get?  Since the Chief Pharisee rejects almost everything in the New Testament he conveniently IGNORES the following scriptures

Mark 7:13

"He said to them, “Are you also stupid? Do you not know that nothing entering from outside a man can defile him?”  Aramaic Bible In Plain English

"And He said to them, "Are you so lacking in understanding also? Do you not understand that whatever goes into the man from outside cannot defile him..."  New American Standard Bible

"Are you so dull?" he asked. "Don't you see that nothing that enters a person from the outside can defile them?" NIV

"He asked them, "Are you so ignorant? Don't you know that nothing that goes into a person from the outside can make him unclean?" ISV
"Jesus said, “Are you being willfully stupid? Don’t you see that what you swallow can’t contaminate you? It doesn’t enter your heart but your stomach, works its way through the intestines, and is finally flushed.” The Message
Here is the Chief Pharisee's warning about ungodly matzo's:
 Matzoth are made with nutrient removed milled flour, that many of us would not normally think of giving to our families as white bread because of its valueless and even toxic nature; also Matzoth is made without salt or oil, and then blessed by a Christ rejecting Rabbi.

Is commercial Matzoth really the perfect representation of the Lamb of God, the Bread of Life?

All Unleavened Bread for purposes of Passover and the Feast should be made from stone ground whole wheat flour, or barley flour, or the best whole wheat flour available, organic preferred.  Gluten free flour is acceptable if necessary.
James Malm sinks further and further into idiocy day by day.  It is mind boggling that he has followers that believe his nonsensical Christ rejecting "theology."

Are Pedophiles in Leadership Postions at LCG?

There has been a discussion of a closed Facebook group today about a child molester that was apart of the Worldwide Church of God many years ago.  This person was a deacon at that time and served in the Auditorium PM services.  Rumors were already swirling around at that time about how he had abused boys at Imperial Schools on camping trips to Camp River Glen and other places.  Like almost all indiscretions in the church it was covered up.  Even though it was covered up, the kids talked about it and still do to this day. 

Many years ago I heard first hand accounts from guys he abused.  That's why it was interesting to see it pop up again on a Facebook group.  This time it was brought about by the discovery of an article that the person wrote for the March/April 2008 Tomorrow's World magazine that the Living Church of God publishes.

This person help form Global Church of God so that Meredith could step into it soon after he lost the defamation lawsuit that Leona McNair brought against him.  Meredith stayed in the WCG so that they would pay for and litigate the lawsuit even though he was in total disagreement with the church of God at that time.  In 1992 the Worldwide Church of God finally made an out of court settlement with Leona McNair for $750,000.00.

While this lawsuit was winding down, the pedophile was helping form Global Church of God in the background.  Once it was formed, Meredith with righteous indignation revealed he was leaving WCG to move into the Global Church of God where his salary continue to be paid.

Whether this person went on to continue to abuse boys in Global and Living I have no idea.  Why Meredith kept him in leadership positions when it was well known around Pasadena BEFORE either of Meredith's two splinter groups were formed has always mystified church members.

Meredith started his war on sex while he was still as student in Pasadena.  Later he became overtly preoccupied with homosexuality, so much so that he cannot preach a sermon to this very day with out mentioning homosexuality, fornication, adultery, and any other sexual deviance that he can imagine in his mind.  As we all know, that mind has a VIVID imagination when it comes to sex!

The church has had numerous pedophiles that have been prosecuted over the decades.  Countless adults have told their stories on Facebook and other web sites exposing the church hypocrisy.

A person would think that after all these decades of well know abuse, and witnessing the costly court trials that the Catholic Church and other churches have been drug through, that it would be a wake-up call for the left-over Church of God's.  Sadly, many still cover up and/or ignore what is happened and is STILL happening.

Meredith and others have been screaming for decades about the child molesters in the Catholic Church, yet turn a blind eye to the ones in their own midst.

 How many more lives need to be destroyed?

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Rod Meredith Publicly Lashes Out At This Blog During His Sermon Saturday Because We Dared To Post A Criticism By An LCG Member About Lil'Jimmy's Life of Excess

Lil'Jimmy's Tar Paper Shack

It has been well know that various office staff and ministers at Living Church of God headquarters in Charlotte regularly monitor this blog.

We have now finally pushed Rod Meredith's buttons big time, so much so that he publicly spoke out against this blog (BY NAME) at church this past Saturday.    Meredith was particularly upset about the recent criticism about Lil'Jimmy Meredith and his life of excess in LCG.

This was sent to me tonight by someone present at the tirade delivered at church.  At a time of the year when Meredith should be talking about God's unconditional grace, Jesus and forgiveness, he lashes out in anger at this very blog for daring to criticize his precious heir apparent. 

This would all be funny if it wasn't so sad. 

Last Sabbath was interesting at the LCG's headquarters congregation in Charlotte, NC.

Tourette's Syndrome Spanky had the sermon which usually puts the audience to sleep. Let's face it he has 2 or 3 sermons that he gives over and over again. Withered arm lady, exiled to Hawaii, homosexuals are ruining the world, etc. It's so boring that many members bring their laptops and do private Bible studies because they know they will get absolutely nothing out of the sermon. This Sabbath was slightly more interesting.

Ol' Roddy Boy decided to go on a tirade against none other than this very website. One would think that with all the stories that can be found about his own perversion and tyranny he would have focused on the site more broadly but his main thrust was the unfair treatment of his beloved successor, NCIS Jim.
In his ignorance and reactionary short-sightedness he likely drew MORE LCG members to check out Banned by HWA. I'm sure there were those in the audience who have never seen Banned. I'll just bet they have now! What kind of moron sends members to a site that exposes his rule as fraudulent and harbors whistle-blowers who share first hand accounts of suffering at the hand of LCG? RCM really is slipping.

The thrust of his anger was directed at the story that exposed Jimmy's arrogant, greedy self assignment of the best possible Feast site and over-spending of tithe payer money.

He tried to convince us that Jim isn't extravagant at all which is laughable to anyone who knows him. As anyone can plainly see, his house is really quite reasonable (4100 sq ft) for two people. What a joke! RCM then proceeded to lie (shocking, I know) by asserting that Jim usually gets that fancy Marriott room in Kauai for free. Unfortunately for RMC many in the audience are smart enough to realize that in Hawaii the meeting hall is an auditorium at a community college; not a Marriott ball room. Why would a community college pay for his room at one of the nicest hotels on the island? It wouldn't of course. Did the Marriott pay for all those plane tickets and all those meals at 5 star restaurants all over the world? Unlikely.

I suppose there are some ignorant members who literally just believe it because RCM says it and many of them have zero experience in business so they have little understanding of how kick-backs like free room nights work.

So please, everyone, please stop picking on Lil' Jimmy. He's really just a humble, serving, giver who would love to be a festival coordinator in a 3rd world, impoverished Feast site but they really need him in Hawaii.