Thursday, July 18, 2013

Madman? or Prophet? Another COG Mind Destroyed By Armstrongism

J.W. Brakebill of Francisco stands with the trailer he lives in when he goes on teaching trips. Brakebill said after a long winter trip, he realized that God would bring people to him instead. He plans to use the trailer for upcoming trips in the area. He’ll sit inside it and if someone wants to come and talk to him, they can, he said. But the message is always the same—in essence, “repent or burn,” he said.

The head line is, "...Madman? or Prophet?"

No, they are not talking about Dave Pack or Gerald Flurry.  They are talking about another normal COG member who claims to have secret knowledge that God has revealed to him through Herbert Armstrong.  This guys actions are reminiscent of Jules Dervaes, the crazy COG member who parked his van by the Pasadena campus with signs plastered all over it for a year or so.  He forced his wife and kids to stand there picketing with him.  People thought he was crazy as hell, just as the public thinks this guy is off his rocker.

Brakebill’s question: Madman? or Prophet?

Curious folks in Francisco gawk at his trailer covered in Bible verses. It sits near an RV next to the blue house on Green Street. The front of his camper reads “Madman? or Prophet?”

“I don’t know a whole lot of people,” he said. “I don’t bother people and they don’t bother me. Even my kids, they know better than to bother me,” he laughed. “Most people don’t want to hear what I have to say.” He said he’s found a few kindred spirits even though they may not agree on every single thing.

Later in the article ther eis this:

When Brakebill was in his 20s he pondered what he knew about Christianity and returned to the faith, eventually was baptized as a Pentecostal and later left that denomination to become involved with the Worldwide Church of God.

It was in this time that Brakebill experienced what he calls  the “most inspiring” spiritual moment of his life.  During a special meeting time, the church worshiped with fellow members in other countries via video communication.  “I thought that was extremely inspiring.”

Brakebill said he found things in denominational churches that conflicted with what he read in the Bible, such as whether the church should worship on Sunday or Saturday, the same day as the Jewish Sabbath Day—and he found he believed that the Sabbath should still be kept.

But after the Worldwide Church of God “fell apart” he said he couldn’t find an anchored, “true” church. “So I gave up looking for the true church,” he said.
It is sad to see the minds of people who let Armstrongism take over their lives and lead them down these sad, sick paths.  I feel more sorry for this guy, who seems to be genuinely wanting to follow God compared to these people at PCG that knowingly follow a deviate who has made their lives miserable yet will not leave.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Gerald Flurry Humiliates Dave Pack By Purchasing Property At Former Bricket Wood England Campus (UPDATED)


Poor Davey Pack. Imagine the humiliation going through Davey's mind this week when Gerald Six Pack Flurry announced he plans on buying the Bricket Wood Campus.

Gerald already has a bigger campus property, a bigger auditorium and genuine HWA artifacts, while Davey has nothing.  Davey's campus property is smaller, it has smaller buildings and his proposed auditorium is half the size of Flurry's.

This is from Exit and Support Network.  While some stories there are at times less than credible, this one has been coming in from different sources today.

GF Plans to Buy Bricket Wood for a College:
July 15, 2013
Did you hear about how GF is planning on buying Bricket Wood in the UK? It was home of the WCG Bricket Wood college campus [sold in 1976]. An announcement was made in the UK congregation. They indicated that they want to build a college there. They may have already purchased some portions and are in negotiations for more parcels. They are interested in purchasing the old WCG head house also. Looks like they have plenty money to invest in this. --UK

Gerald Flurry Announces That PCG Plans on Purchasing Bricket Wood:
July 16, 2013
"Yes" it is true. Last Sabbath, Gerald Flurry announced that the Bricket Wood property [in  Hertfordshire, England] was up for sale again, and PCG plans on purchasing it. At the PCG Youth Camp at Headquarters, this was announced to staff and campers. GF said the land would be used for a college. We have not heard yet what property has actually been purchased. --Anonymous

Several readers here have contacted me  with more information concerning Bricket Wood.

It is no rumor that Flurry is doing this. PCG has already purchased several lots on the campus, including the main building and a cottage that HWA used. 

Six Pack plans on starting classes there this January.  That remains to be seen though.  Certification needs to be obtained from the government in England.  Given Gerald's "cult" status this may prove to be little hard for him.

There also may be backlash from neighboring residents and businesses when they find out another Armstrongite cult is moving back in, particularly an American cult.

Since HWA originally wanted this campus to be for all black students, is this the racist policy that Six Pack will emulate here too? This idolatry of Herbert Armstrong seems to know no end.

Gerald was not able to buy everything on the old property at this point in time.  He is in negotiations for other parcels, including the former natatorium and track area.  Local residents fought to keep control of the woodlands and they prevailed.  They are listed here:  Hanstead Wood

More on Hanstead Park here

Flurry is also buying into an area well know for its naturists groups and Wiccan groups. Gerald Gardner, considered the father of modern Wicca started his first coven here.  Fun times will be ahead for those "innocent" American "students" of Six Pack's.  Naked pagans running through the woods on Samhain should be delightful!  Paganism and Armstrongism, what a perfect fit!

E W King: Sickness and Death Are The Result of Sin

“There is nothing wrong with finding out chemical deficiencies in man and trying to help but God's moral standard must never be rejected. Rejecting God's morals is what got this planet into all the trouble that it is in. There is also the false idea of so called “Christian Psychology”. Did Jesus teach this? I think not. There is a place for medical doctors but not a place for fake philosophy and so called, “Psycho-therapy”. Many have left the true teachings of the Church of God to follow the 500 plus psychotherapeutic myths. Can true Christian teachers [counselors] help people who need direction in life? Absolutely! If these people who need help have some chemical imbalance then science can indeed help. But to dismiss God's perfect moral law and the influence of the true Holy Spirit is blasphemy!

King also still believes that demons cause many physical health issues.  Armstrongism was a mixed bag when it came tot his kind of stupidity.  Some in the church thought it was demons that caused epilepsy. Many still do today in the more right wing nut-job splinter groups.

King also feels that "demonology coexists with scientific medicine."

The Bible often condemns ancient practitioners who relied on pagan gods, amulets, incantations and other forms of magic. The true Church of God continues to reject these superstitious practices. The Church of God does not deny physical principles of healing but this does not mean that there is no such thing as true demonology and that it coexists with modern scientific medicine. In other words, there are evil spiritual forces that can affect physical health. In biblical times the medical arts were indeed primitive by today's standards. The true Church of God teaches that sickness and death are the result of sin. Sin has infected this world. Sickness is both the direct and indirect result of sin. God never intended that man become sick and die. God has included this reality as part of His master plan. This is somewhat of a paradox which involves the Christian doctrine of freewill

If you are a Christian and go to a chiropractor, an acupuncturist, or other holistic therapy, then you are cavorting with demons.  Then a few paragraphs players says some of it is OK to use.

The Church of God condemns a Christian who seeks what might be called the “New Age Healing” processes. There are examples of people going to pagan healers in the Bible, a practice that God condemns.

God does not deny true medical practices. The Bible respects true doctors who use the natural laws which God has placed in static reality. There are a number of references to true physicians, healing and medicine. Exodus 21:19 talks of the beneficial, fully accepted use of "healing arts" within Israel; Isaiah 38:21 gives an example remedy for boils which Isaiah himself prescribed.  "Medical" help (within the medical technology of the time) was not condemned but was actually a fundamental component of the healing process.

In New Testament times we find the women using oils and herbs to assist in the healing process of basic ills. In Matthew 9:12, Jesus states that: "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick." This saying is used in a metaphorical sense, but it and other similar sayings give no harsh condemnation to physicians.

True Church of God members will not use drugs, plain and simple.  You are expected to follow the example of Mr. King.  Why do these idiots refer to themselves as Mister all the time?  Davey Pack and King are the two worst offenders.

Having said this please understand, the true Church of God demands that one stay away from all drugs as much as possible and to not rely on pills as the “cure all” answer to medical problems. We suggest getting a complete physical check up to see if you might have a vitamin deficiency in regards to medical issues before anything else. Mr. E.W.King has set an example of this. Mr. E.W.King was at one time receiving chest pains. He went to get a thorough medical exam and found that he was lacking certain vitamins which were effecting is pancreas. By supplementing his food intake with vitamin supplements his illness was cured.  Mr. E.W.King has also, on the other hand, received man made medication in certain circumstances to assist with other issues. The point is, we must try natural resources first.
True Church of God members are to trust Mr. King with their lives as he is able to channel "true understanding."  Mr. King is also a humorous foodologist.
So we see that Mr. E.W.King has a very good and moderate understanding of diet with a bit of humor as far as food is concerned. The true Church of God does not promote vegetarianism. At the same time we do not condemn members who wish to practice it. But please understand, to strictly promote vegetarianism is a sin in the eyes of the true Church. Here is another article written by Mr. E.W.King which talks about the problems of a strict vegetarian diet from a biblical perspective.

Mr. King also dieresis vegetarianism.  He says that vegetarians have been infused with the pagan virus of paganism.

Now, as I proceed in this article many may begin to get upset. Why? Because Satan has began to infuse his pagan virus of paganism into those who are not awake. Please understand, true Christians do not believe in being “vegetarian”. Meat has certain protiens in it that a vegtable diet cannot offer. Humans need certain amino acids that a pure vegtable diet cannot provide.

You will be happy to know that "probiotics" are fit for Christians to use.

Probiotics are a healthy bacteria found in yogurt and other slightly fermented foods. COGSR teaches that probiotics contain altering microbes that could be used to help treat depression and anxiety. The Science of Christian Thought offers this diet supplement to aid depression rather than taking all the psycho-babel drugs offered by psychologists and psychiatrists