Thursday, May 19, 2011

How Proud Should We Be of William Miller?

Armstrongism has always loved to connect it's self to William Miller as proof we are in a continual chain of Sabbath keepers.  But, just how proud should we be of our association with Miller?  The It's OK Not to be a Seventh Day Adventist web site has several postings on it's sidebar from newspapers that had articles about Miller and his cult in the late 1800's.  Like Armstrongism, Millerism is riddled with one failed prophecy after another.  People have died because of Millerite teachings just as they have under Armstrongism.

Instead of bragging about our connection to him we should have been examining what he said and taught.  We should have been reading about how people sold their homes, farms and personal belongings because of his rantings so that our own people would not have done the same thing in 1969-1972. Maybe then we would have been more willing to see the lies and false prophecies that emanated from Herbert Armstrong, Rod Meredith, Herman  Hoeh, Dean Blackwell and Gerald Waterhouse.

How many more need to die in Armstrongism before people finally wake up?

Check out It's OK Not to be Seventh Day Adventist  for more of these articles.

They have also published a book that details the Millerite movement that Armstrongism broke off from.  One interesting thing about the book is the cover. 

It shows someone trying to sew the Temple curtain back together again.  That is exactly what Armstrongism tries to do day in and day out.  Sew the curtain back together by forcing the law on humanity.  It's not gonna work bubba!

Click on article to enlarge

Other Pasadena Locations

Below is an idea of how Pasadena has been changing over the years.  For those that made the walk from the campus to the Salt Shaker you passed by this area.  It is the old Amtrack train station on Raymond.  Now it is a great restaurant (that is far too expensive and noisy for a quite night out) called La Grande Orange.  Surrounding it are hundreds of apartments and condos that cover the Gold Line Metro Rail tracks.

Click for larger pictures

This is looking towards where the Salt Shaker Restaurant used to be that was kept in business by Ambassador students over the decades.

The following are shots of the third construction project that sits where the Pasadena Mall originally was in the late 70's.  The mall was changed in the late 80's because it was so hideous, and then torn down in the 90's and replaced with shops that are covered by apartments and condos. 
A so called 'urban village' that only the uprising young urbanites can afford.

 Pasadena Convention Center being torn down and buildings replaced (new buildings are up)

 Looking towards the Main Library

Pasadena Convention Center in background

Demolition Ambassador East Campus

Below are pictures of the demolition of the old Ambassador Press building and Mail Processing Department area.  These pictures are four years old, so this is not new demolition.  There are also pictures of some of the new buildings rising on the East Campus.

Mail Processing where the roll up doors were
(Click for larger pictures)

Small parking lot between Accounting building and rear of Machine Maintenance

 Looking East towards the old Publishing area

Foreground is where the cabinet shop was.  Building in background is there the Office Facilitates 
parking lot was
Standing where the rear door of the cabinet shop was looking towards the old maintenance storage area.

These condo's are in the rear parking lot of the Transportation Department including the lot of the old printing press on the corner.

Entrance area to the old Accounting Department - building has since been torn down.