Friday, May 20, 2011

More to Philadelphia Church of God Family Horror Story

On November 18th, 2010 The Painful Truth web site posted a letter from a man who's niece had been thrown out on the street by her parents, members of Gerald Flurry's cult, The Philadelphia Church of God.

Philadelphia Church of God Parents Abandon Minor-Aged Daughter
When my 17 year-old niece told her parents she no longer wanted to participate in the Philadelphia Church of God, her cult-member parents abandoned her to the streets. “God’s Will,” her mother said.
For some time, my niece has been disillusioned by the Philadelphia Church of God. Her first awakening occurred when she asked her parents if she could stay with a non-cult member relative who lives on the East Coast, (that would be my wife and me), for two weeks, as part of her summer vacation. A boy her age, (a non cult member), who was enrolled in an accelerated program at school studying to become a doctor, was staying with us. My niece particularly wanted to meet this boy because she is also interested in studying medicine. The relative, that would be me and my wife, planned on taking the boy and my niece to see NYC and the NJ shore. My niece’s parents adamantly refused to let her visit the us. My niece’s “God ordained head of the household father,” who had been barred from practicing nursing in several States for violations, (I believe he showed up at the care facility in which he was employed, intoxicated. First, he was suspended for 2 years, then he had his license revoked permanently), especially wouldn’t even hear of the idea. My niece became distraught. Instead of letting their daughter enjoy her summer vacation with a like-minded teenager pursuing a career in medicine, her parents forced her to stay at home in the company of another girl from the Philadelphia Church of God. My niece says this cult member spent most of the time on her cell phone, bragging about having a three-way with two Mexican boys.
Another important event influencing my niece to leave the Philadelphia Church of God occurred while she was attending the Philadelphia Church of God youth camp in Edmonton, OK. Camp organizers forced my niece to play soccer in the heat, even though she had high fever. When she returned home, she had puss running out of her ears, and was deathly sick for two weeks afterwards. PCOG believes in relying on God’s faith to heal. Philadelphia Church of God “ministers,” camp organizers, and her parents refused to treat her medically.  The rest of the story is here: Horror Stories, How Bad Was It?

The follow up to this story is here: Wrecked Family: Part 1

After spending $2,000 on rescuing my niece from the streets after her PCOG parents abandoned her, she no longer talks to us, unless the topic of conversation is about money. I believe PCOG intimated her parents, threatening them with “disfellowship,” unless they stopped their daughter from telling us about PCOG. Perhaps PCOG read her story posted on this website.

As far as I know, my niece is back “dating” the younger, classmate boy referenced in my first story. Side note: According to my niece, her PCOG mother accused this non-cult member boy of statutory rape, confronting him in the hallway of her daughter’s public high school. My niece is actually almost a year older than him.

Ysrayl Hawkins: Armstrongism Weirdest Splinter Cult Leader

Click to enlarge

Armstrongism has produced some theological morons over the years, but none as weird as Yisrayl Hawkins, the convicted felon in charge of The House of Yahweh, in Abeline Texas.  Yisrayl has declared himself one of he two witnesses.

Read about this amazing man of god in his own words (warning-a barf bag may be necessary)

The man named Yisrayl, the one whom Yahshua Messiah and Mosheh testified would bear witness, teaching that Perfect Government based upon Perfect Laws, would be hidden through Yahweh's actions so that he would not be assassinated as a child by Yahweh's enemies.

Years ago, during the worst times of the Great Depression, a baby boy was born to a family in Oklahoma named Hawkins. At the time, these people were living in what was known in those days as the Dust Bowl. Due to severe droughts after World War I, that part of Oklahoma was a dry, desolate place, with poor people.

In that desolate area, a son was born to a family named Hawkins. Although the child's mother had a feeling this child was special, biblically, for some reason, she and her husband named the little boy Buffalo Bill Hawkins. The reason the child was named Buffalo Bill is a miracle in itself.

The man and his wife had an older son who was only eleven months old when the new baby was born on August 28, 1934. The father and mother were discussing what to name the new baby when out of the eleven month old child came the words "Buffalo Bill." They were amazed and all agreed that he had clearly said the name, Buffalo Bill.
 The parents did not understand how the child could suddenly say these words so clearly, but thought it must be coming from a Higher Power. Up until that time the eleven month old could only babble a few words. Yet, he said this name, Buffalo Bill, so clearly that everyone in the room understood. Thinking that a Higher Power spoke through the mouth of this eleven month old child, they named the baby Buffalo Bill Hawkins.
They had no idea that they or their newborn son started the fulfillment of Prophecy.
To most, the name Buffalo Bill Hawkins has no Scriptural or Prophetic meaning. It was the name of a famous showman. This was a part of Yahweh's Plan to hide the one man who would bear witness and teach that Perfect Government based upon Perfect Laws.

In the name Buffalo Bill Hawkins, the English word or name buffalo actually traces back to a Hebrew word written in the Holy Scriptures. A Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament by Julius Furst, page 1454, shows that in the original Hebrew Holy Scriptures, the Hebrew root word ta and its derivatives means a wild ox or a buffalo. This same Hebrew word ta, which Dr. Furst shows to mean buffalo is also listed on page 1641 of Volume 2 of the Hebrew-Aramaic-English Dictionary by Marcus Jastrow, which shows this word also means Yahash was kept hidden in the compartments of The House of Yahweh.

The name Yahash that Dr. Jastrow says is part of the meaning of the same Hebrew word ta that Dr. Furst said was translated buffalo in some Scriptures, is listed on page 375 of The Lexicon in Veteris Testamenti Libros by Koehler and Baumgartner, which shows this word or name is a compound word that combined the name Yah, the syllabic form of the Name Yahweh; and the Hebrew word owash. The Hebrew word owash that became the second part of the word or name Yahash is listed on page 691 of the Lexicon in Veteris Testamenti Libros by Koehler and Baumgartner, which shows this word means to restore.

What the Hebrew word ta that is translated buffalo actually means is: Yahweh hid order to restore The House of Yahweh.

The name or word Bill that appears in the name Buffalo Bill Hawkins, when the English vowel I is removed, shows in the original phonetic Hebrew the Prophets and Apostles wrote and spoke to be a form of the Hebrew name Abel. This is shown on page 13 of A Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament by Julius Furst.

The word Hawkins in the name Buffalo Bill Hawkins, once the vowels are removed, and the phonetic letters of this name are reverted to phonetic original Hebrew, is listed on page 287 of the Students' Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary by Alexander Harkavy, which shows this word means a priest.

Without knowing it, by naming their child Buffalo Bill Hawkins, as suggested by his older brother, this man's parents gave him a name that means: He was hidden in order to restore The House of Yahweh at Abel and the Priesthood

.Psalms 27:5—
In the time of trouble You will hide me in Your Pavilion; in Your House in the Secret Place at Abel, You will hide me! You will set me high upon a rock! 

By the very name this man's parents gave him in order to hide him from his enemies, he also showed what he would do when he grew up. 

Not only is Yisrayl spoken of in the Bible but the Koran legitimizes this amazing man. 

The Qur'an
There is yet one more prophecy, found in the Qur'an, that we would like to bring to your attention.
Notice the following excerpts from The Meaning Of The Holy Qur'an by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, Amana Publications 8th Edition Revised Translation, Commentary and Newly Compiled Comprehensive Index, page 1586.

Now I want you to carefully notice the messenger that sounds this warning as shown in the Qur'an.
The Name of the Caller, trumpeter, messenger is Yisrayl (Israyl) (Israfil).
This Prophecy agrees with the Holy Scriptures of Yahweh. Yahweh says the Messenger who brings this Prophecy is named by Yahweh. His name according to all Prophets, in all languages, is Yisrayl.]

This false prophet also has several failed prophecies just like Herbert  Armstrong:

September 12, 2006- Hawkins announced in the "House of Yahweh" newsletter (February 2006) that nuclear war would start September 12, 2006.[10] He claimed it is a part of the HoY's commission to warn the nations and the people of the world. Hawkins was interviewed on the Channel 4 web show "thisisaknife" about his apocalyptic predictions. Among other things, he claimed that Abilene, Texas would be saved from the impending destruction and invited the show's presenter to join him there so he would be safe.
June 12, 2007- Hawkins amended his prediction to state that a nuclear war was only conceived on September 12, 2006, and that it would follow the natural birth cycle of a woman, finally being "born" nine months later on June 12, 2007. On May 7, 2007 a new counter was put up on his website, counting down to the June 12 date when supposedly, the "Nuclear Baby" (conceived September 12) would be born.
Whether the entire nuclear event was to take place on that date, or in the months leading up to was never made clear. He also stated that by four months after June 12, October 13, 2007, four-fifths or 80% of the human race would be dead from nuclear war.
June 12, 2008- [11] Most recently, he has stated the nuclear war would begin on Thursday June 12, 2008. Since the passing of this date without incident, Hawkins has yet to predict another date for a nuclear war.

World Religious News had this  about him.  I can't figure out if this felon is still in jail or not.  Reading his cult's web site you would think he was there in Texas.  But then we also need to remember that Mark Armstrong is still promoting his dad as if he were still alive.  There is money and control to made with a name!

House of Yahweh's Hawkins sentenced to 30 years for sexual assault
By Daralyn Schoenewald ("Abilene Reporter News," December 10, 2008)
Abilene, USA - A House of Yahweh elder found guilty in October of aggravated sexual assault of a child was sentenced Wednesday by a judge to 30 years in prison.

Yedidiyah Hawkins, 41, used a vaginal speculum — a medical instrument used by gynecologists — to perform an examination on his then 11-year-old stepdaughter in January 2005.

Hawkins told the girl that he wanted to check her for cervical cancer, though he has no medical training, testimony at the trial showed.

Lisa Thornton, a former House of Yahweh member, testified that Hawkins was worried the girl was no longer a virgin.

Aggravated sexual assault of a child is a first-degree felony, and Hawkins could have received life in prison.

The gallery of the courtroom, which seats 48, was full, and more than 10 people — not including members of the media — were forced to stand.

Other witnesses for the defense testified Wednesday during the sentencing phase that they never saw Hawkins abuse any of his 11 children. Several of the character witnesses became emotional, teary even, when pleading for leniency for Hawkins.

“We need him,” Erica Hawkins, a 16-year-old member of the House of Yahweh, told 42nd District Court Judge John Weeks.

“I know and believe him to be innocent. What he’s been through is more than anyone should ever have to go through. He’s innocent. He would never do anything like that,” former sect member Meleana Segura said.

Dressed in a standard-issue orange jumpsuit, Hawkins occasionally appeared agitated during the proceedings and was frequently jotting notes to his attorneys. One of his two Dallas-based attorneys, John Read, mispronounced Hawkins’ first name more than 30 times, leading one witness to correct him.

Read was pronouncing it “Yed-uh-DYE-uh,” which he said was “close enough” to the correct pronunciation of “Yeh-DID-ee-uh.”

Read seemed derisive when prosecutor Shane Deel referred to Hawkins by only his last name.

“Which Hawkins are you referring to?” Read asked, adding that there were a “lot of Hawkinses around here.”

Read and second defense attorney C. Tony Wright vociferously objected to Deel entering into evidence letters that Hawkins had sent to friends and family while incarcerated in the Taylor County Jail.

Jail administrator Lynn Franklin testified that all inmate correspondence is regularly inspected and photocopied by jail staff, and inmates are supposed to be aware that their mail is checked.

Read and Wright objected, alleging that the letters had been illegally seized by the jail staff. Weeks overruled the objection, and the letters were admitted. Later during closing arguments, Deel read portions of the letters. The letters showed a growing obsession with a young House of Yahweh member, whom Deel said Hawkins had chosen as his fifth bride.

“He not only abused his stepdaughter with the speculum he bought from a sex toy Web site, he’s got an eye on another girl. He’s got four wives, all on welfare because he doesn’t support them, and he wants to add the girl,” Deel said, pushing for a lengthier sentence than the minimum of five years that character witnesses and the defense wanted. “He was the only father the victim ever knew.”

Wright said in his closing arguments that Hawkins is a man who turned a troubled childhood into a useful adulthood. Deel, Wright said, is trying to smear Hawkins because of his religious beliefs.

“He is capable of doing good and deserves a sentence on the low end of the guideline. A very appropriate sentence would be five to six years,” Wright said.

Hawkins showed little emotion as Weeks announced the sentence. He still faces several other charges, including aggravated perjury, indecency with a child, engaging in organized criminal activity and bigamy. The cases will remain pending until Hawkins has exhausted all appeals on this case, according to the Callahan County district attorney’s office, which prosecuted the case.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

48 Hours Left Before the End-times Hits May 21, 6:00 p.m.

There is a little over 48 hours left before you can kiss your goodbye.  Do you have your Petra Pack ready?  

Harold Camping has predicted the beginning of the end-times on Saturday, May 21st at 6:00 p.m. exactly..  He and his little band of idiots will be raptured off to heaven while Flurry and his little band of idiots will still be waiting in Edmond.

People have sold their houses, their businesses and left families in order to prepare for this great day.  What is going to happen at 6:05 p.m. Saturday night when they are still sitting on their sofa's? Will Jesus have delayed his coming yet again because people just were NOT ready?

That is what HWA blamed the church for in 1972 when the world did not end according to his plan.  It was the membership's fault because they were not ready!  Gerald Flurry, the certified dingbat Armstrongite in Edmond, OK has predicted the end-times several times now.  They are still parked on their sorry asses in Oklahoma.  Rod Meredith has made so many predictions over the decades that no one pays attention to his silliness anymore.  Well, may Bob Thiel does.  But even Thiel has made his own silly predictions.  2012 anyone?

Harold is just one more in a long line of ministers who are delusional liars.  Sunday, May 22 will prove him wrong.  Camping is a false prophet just like Armstrong, Meredith, Hoeh, Blackwell, Flurry, Cox, Pack, Weinland, and Steven's.

Below are just a few of HWA's and Meredith's false prophecies:

1964 Coworkers letter: "only 7 years before H-bomb warfare breaks out"

Feb 1965: by Meredith: "documented proof Hitler did not die in his bunker"

Nov 30, 1963, coworkers letter: "we have only eight years to finish the Work"; Nov 22, 1963, coworkers letter: "in eight years all of our ministers will be silenced" - religious persecution on WWCG

13 Dec 1965, HWA in co-workers letter: "We are in the grand smash climax - only 6 years left."

1959 PT: "Doom for US within 10-15 years

1934 PT: "Christ will return in 1936

1940 PT: "Christ will come after 3.5 years of tribulation in October 43

 1960's PT repeatedly claimed 1972 would be the year of Christ's coming

 after 1969: HWA claimed it would be 1975

Gerald Waterhouse continually: if HWA died, God would destroy the world

through 1960's/70's until 1978 in coworkers letters: he & GTA will be two witnesses Zerubbabel and Joshua

January 1955 PT: hoeh: "We face a national catastrophe by 1975.. . we will be totally consumed and carried away captive to other nations as slaves within twenty years." No.

"Why has God called so many construction workers, plumbers and electricians into HIS Church? It is because we are going to build a city for Him in Petra during the three and a half years the Church is protected from Tribulation." - Carn Catherwood at Feast sites as late as the late 1980s.

If Herbert Armstrong dies before the Coming of Christ, he will sleep until the Coming and then be the top ruler of the world under only Christ himself.

It was Hoeh's 1950s "calculations in that ludicrous "Compendium" which convinced him, and, for at least 15 years, Herbert, that Christ would return in 1975 and that the three and a half years of Tribulation would therefore start at Passover 1972.    

1982 Coworkers letter: (for those who claim he mellowed with the years) "I hope to arrange for the use of Petra as a possible refuge or place of safety during the Great Tribulation when I see King Hussein. Pray for this please."      

For more of Herbert W Armstrong's failed prophecies click on this link: