Tuesday, September 6, 2011

In Vetro Fertilization is an ABOMINATION! - It is illicit sex without face to face intercourse!!!!!!!

At least according to Apostle Malm. 

He is none too happy with Merritt's book called  "When Does Human Life Begin?"

The main issue being promoted by the Merritt book is that life does not begin until implantation and that if there is no implantation of a fertilized egg there is no life.  This is the premise that all the fancy Latin and involved explanations are designed to support.

The point of this position [no life before implantation] is to justify certain birth control devices; and to justify in vitro fertilization and the destruction of  “extra” fertilized eggs.  This argument is used to justify the abomination of harvesting eggs and fertilizing them, then choosing one or two and destroying the rest.

To begin with and completely outside the issue of the beginning of life, is the simple fact that this is adultery and illicit sex; without the natural act of intercourse, but illicit sex just the same!

For a woman to allow the removal of some of her eggs and then to have an anonymous “donor” contribute his sperm is a shocking abomination!  It is illicit sex without face to face intercourse between the two.

Then, The Apostle get's into some more rules and regulations for unclean women:

The argument is made in the book that many fertilized cells are simply not implanted and are flushed out of the body.  This is seen to bolster the argument that life does not begin until implantation.  First, this issue is greatly exaggerated by the medical community because it is self serving to do so.  Second, this argument actually ignores a specific command of God which completely reverses this argument.

God commands in Lev 15 that sexual activity must be avoided from the first onset of menstruation for a full seven days.  This command is given because of the obvious issue of cleanliness and uncleanness, but it also prevents the fertilizing of the egg as it passes through the uterus! 

Only TRUE CONVERTED MEN who will avoid menstruating women will be made RIGHTEOUS before God!

Avoiding a menstrual woman is one of the commands that makes a man righteous before God; and will bring the gift of life to him!  Please study this list, as it reveals very much about true conversion and the way to life eternal

The next thing you know The Apostle will be requiring the women in his cult to wear red bracelets to let everyone know they are having their period !  

How long will it take before The Apostle starts advocating menstruation huts? 

You can read the rest of The Apostle's screed here: When Does Human Life Begin? by J L. Merritt, M.D. & J. Lawrence Merritt, M.D

JEZEBEL: Yearbook ‘69: Attack Of The Futurist Christians!

Here is a great blog that has taken an old Ambassador College ENVOY from 1969 and posted  photo's from it and then goes into great sarcastic comments about the vision it (the college)  was attempting to get across.

Yearbook ‘69: Attack Of The Futurist Christians!

 In 1947, a group of Evangelicals founded a private college in Pasadena, where they imagined they could educate their children in a wholesome, Christian environment, free of the wider world's corrupting influence. Naturally, the 1969 yearbook is pure gold.

It gets worse. "Fashion has brought us the mini-skirt and the micro-mini, 'topless' bars and restaurants have sprung up — and even a few 'bottomless' and 'nude' have attempted to emerge. Now comes the "see-through" fashion for women. A whole new type of society has emerged — the Hippie movement, rejecting and rebelling against the 'Establishment,' putting a premium on slovenliness, filth, 'free sex,' and drugs. [...] The Social Order today is acutely SICK! It supplies no PURPOSE for human existence, knows nothing of the TRUE values, has no knowledge of THE WAY to real peace, happiness, and abundant well-being."

Except for at Ambassador College, where all the students dress like they're going to a John Birch Society social in 1953, and they live and learn in their own little palatial, green oasis of traditional, Godly Education and Values.

Looking through the pictures of all these smiling, perfectly posed, carefully lit, healthy-looking young white people, I couldn't help but think of Joan Didion's essay "Good Citizens", the third section of which gives Didion's account of the 1970 United States Junior Chamber of Commerce Annual Congress. The essay is kind of about how these men and women were prepared for a world that, thanks to the agitations and upheavals of the late 1960s, no longer exists:
"At first I thought I had walked out of the rain into a time warp: the Sixties seemed not to have happened. [...] this resolute determination to meet 1950 head on was a kind of refuge. Here were some people who had been led to believe that the future was always a rational extension of the past, that there would ever be world enough and time enough for 'turning attention,' for 'problems' and 'solutions.' Of course they would not admit their inchoate fears that the world was not that way anymore. Of course they would not join the 'fashionable doubters.' Of course they would ignore the 'pessimistic pundits.' Late one afternoon I sat in the Miramar lobby, watching the rain fall and the steam rise off the heated pool outside and listening to a couple of Jaycees discussing student unrest and whether the 'solution' might lie in on-campus Jaycee groups. I thought about this astonishing notion for a long time. It occurred to me finally that I was listening to a true underground, to the voice of those who have felt themselves not merely shocked but personally betrayed by recent history. It was supposed to have been their time. It was not."

Girl Priest: I grew up in an apocalyptic, utopian, socialist, Christian cult.

In surfing around the Internet tonight I found this interesting thread on Reddit.  It is  a pretty long thread of different comments by different people who have been tainted by Armstrongism. I grew up in an apocalyptic, utopian, socialist, Christian cult. 

I see that the fine folks at SILENCED, Escaping Eden and IRONWOLF also found the thread.

Both joined before I was born. They met at the Church sponsored Ambassador College.

My Dad joined when he was 14 because of HIS dad. Why his dad got into it, I have no clue. I guess I could ask my dad that one of these days.

My Dad's dad got cancer when my Dad was only 17. The church was not supportive of conventional medicine on the whole (I wasn't vaccinated until the school told my mother I couldn't attend unless I got my shots) so my Grandpa died fairly quickly.

After he died, my grandma went a little ape-shit and left her grieving 17 year old son alone in their home in California while she ran off to Montana.

My family has a big problem of running off to Montana when things get tough.

My grandma never bought into the church. She liked to smoke. Wouldn't quit Christmas and stuff. And interestingly, after the death of her husband, who was a fire Captian in LA, she slept with a good chunk of the Los Angeles fire department. I guess she had a type.

The key thing is that The Church really took care of my dad after his dad died. A church family took him in. And he went to the church's college, Ambassador College. That was where he met my mom.

My mom was born and raised in Nova Scotia. She is the middle of 7 children. She was a shy, anxious child and, from what I hear and understand, being the middle child, she was often sort of pushed to the side. She started listening to Armstrong on the radio in the early 70's when she was an early teen. I know she found Armstrong's prophecies and interpretation particularly fascinating. There was a lot of End Times stuff. Very sensational. He was always interpreting news with the Bible and vice versa.

I remember her telling me that, when she was 13, she stopped participating in holidays because of Armstrong's teachings. So imagine a 13 year old staying upstairs on Christmas morning and refusing presents.
When she was 18, she left home to go to Pasadena to one of Armstrong's colleges. Ambassador College