In between all the silly doctrines and pronouncements of Apostate Malm there are little tidbits of COG history that are on the mark. We have all heard how Franks manipulated behind the scenes to help form two break way COG's, all while remaining on his present church payroll. Malm had this to say:
Jim Franks lied straight out to his peers on the Council denying that he was involved with the dissidents while he was their leader, a facebook group associated with them spread rumurs through 2010, the UCG Current Crisis site was run by the dissenters through 2010, another password protected site was available for elders to contact about joining the rebellion, Franks and Kilough are well known slick politicians and spin doctors long time closely associated. Larry Salyer was deeply involved and tried to make out that he was fired for answering questions. The IAO formed supposedly to help LA and suddenly began to finance the dissidents [preplanned as the financing of the new group all along?]: and they dare to try and deceive people that this was not a planned split. This split was all about control and power as Denny and events make clear. Just wait until they have their system fully in place and then watch the spectre of “OUR AUTHORITY” rise up in COGWA. These guys are smooth politicians like Denny and are well know to be big time bullies if they are questioned. James PS guess who Franks is trying to lure away from UCG to be the public spokesman for any future COGWA outreach? A little hint initials GP of San Antonio.