Friday, March 9, 2012

Feast of Tabernacles: A More Dangerous Time to Drive

Prophet Thiel has up his yearly rant about the evil St Patrick's Day and the vileness it brings to the world.
St. Patrick’s Day: A More Dangerous Time to Drive

Despite what the Bible teaches, the Protestant publication “Christianity Today” seems to think it is acceptable to celebrate as one article at its website states:
Patrick the Saint
Behind the fanciful legends of the fifth-century British missionary stands a man worthy of embellishment (Cagney, Mary. Patrick the Saint).
Each year millions of people observe St. Patrick’s Day, but those in the real Churches of God (COGs), like the Living Church of God, do not.  We observe the Holy Days that God enjoined in the Bible and urge others to do so as well.

Yes, LCG observes the Feast of Tabernacles.  A time well know in the Churches of God as a time of excess in food and alcohol consumption.  It also has been a time for sexual escapades, bar brawls and other lasciviousness.

Is not “St. Patrick’s Day” a time from revelry, drinking parties, and drunkenness?  Is not that something that the Apostle Peter said real Christians would no longer participate in?

Feast site locals who had restaurants, bars and stores doubled and tripled their alcohol supplies when COGers were coming to town.  Alcohol sales went out the roof for these people.  When you come from a church that forbids all earthly pleasures except for alcohol and food what is there left to take advantage of that to use these to the excess?

I would worry more about being hit by a COG member at a Feast site than I would on St Patrick's Day.  My family was in a car accident in the Pocono's one year because of a COG driver who had been drinking.

Apostle Malm on Apostate Jews

The apostle Malm is delivering his latest screed on the Passover and how apostate Jews perverted the correct day it was to be kept and other anti-Jewish comments.

It was only later that apostate Jews began to move Passover to be actually ON the 15th day in direct opposition to scripture.

It's all the fault of those damned Hellenized Greek Jews:

Later after the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple; the Mosaic Pharisees were destroyed and the Hellenized  Jews sought to place the sacrifice at the start of the 15th, blending Passover with the Feast of Unleavened Bread; to discredit the preaching of the Messiah-ship of Jesus Christ by the scattered saints.
 Now it's the fault of modern Jews who are all kabballists.

Modern Judaism is apostate from Moses and is Kaballah or Babylonian Mysteries.  That is why it is so wrong to rely on them for the calendar or any religious teachings.  Their very purpose is to discredit the messiah-ship and high Priesthood of Jesus Christ as the ONLY Mediator between men and God, juts like Catholicism and Islam.   We are to rely on the scriptures alone and not on Jewish Commentaries.

This is clearly and indelibly stamped on modern Judaism for those who can see.  The biblical symbol of Judah is the LION;  the so called six pointed “Jewish Star” is the symbol of the occult Kaballah; the Mystery Religion.  It has nothing to do with David and that explanation is to hide the truth from the “Christian” world.  I shall do a post on this sometime in the future.

Now it's the fault of unconverted Jewish minds.  Only truly converted people can by Church of God members.

It is those people who study and rely on the traditions of the Jews and the commentaries of Modern Judaism, who fall into confusion on this matter.  We are NOT to trust in unconverted minds which cannot discern and seek to deliberately pervert the things of God; for our Doctrine.

 We are NOT to trust those who have rejected Christ and who have deliberately changed Pentecost; deliberately changed the Calendar; and deliberately changed the Passover; for our doctrine!

Pagan Jews used honey in their occult worship so you are not supposed to used honey in Passover food today:

[Honey gets into symbolism as the bee is the symbol of occult satanic wisdom].  It is perfectly alright to eat honey, just not as part of any spiritual symbolism of Christ.

Who and what is there left on earth that Apostle Malm does not hate or despise?

UCG's New Vision Statement

United Church of God has published it's new vision statement. Is it just me or is this one of the most absurd things I have read from a COG in a while.  Does it actually mean ANYTHING?

The only thing I see is a blatant request from all members to continue to give as much money as possible because it is their responsibility to do their share in getting this love blast out to all the world so that many can  join the true church instead of all.  I always though it was the hope of the church that the entire world be reconciled back to God and not just a few select ones.

A church led by God’s Holy Spirit joined and knit together by what every member supplies, with all doing their share and growing in love to fulfill God’s great purpose for humanity to bring many children to glory.  (Ephesians 4:16; Hebrews 2:10.).