Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Is It Wrong To Send Apostle Malm Second and Third Tithe Money?

A Malmite asks:

Is is okay to use tithes other than first tithe to your blog? For instance, I wanted to know if I can start sending my third tithe to the Shining Light blog. Please explain as I am sure others also wonder about this.

The apostate apostle responds:

The first tithe is for the preaching of the Gospel. As that is what I do, first tithe and offerings are gratefully accepted to help with this effort. That is God’s money and should not be given to those NOT preaching the true gospel that Christ commanded us to preach, just because they are incorporated in some state.

My credentials are not from some government of man but from God; You must judge for yourself if I or anyone else teaches the true doctrine of God, or not; and act acccordingly.

The third tithe is for the very poor and needy; I do not have the means to organize a poor fund at this time. If you do not want to give that to any organization at this time I suggest that you look around for others to help on a personal basis, or that you save it up for a few months.

I expect that certain things will come to a head around the Fall Feast and that there will be needy folks among those who make a decision for God. There are a number of good elders and hundreds of people who will be taking a decision when the full fruits of these things are made evident.

Things are moving quickly and will be made manifest in the coming months, those faithful folks will then coalesce together. This situation will not last too much longer. James

Apostate Malm is SICK of all the Love Talk!

Today, apostate apostle Malm is ripping into Roy Holiday for the sermon he gave last Saturday.  Malm seems incredibly ticked that the rest of the world does not believe or preach the things he expects them to.

Here are some of Roy's sins, according to the apostate apostle.

Roy never gets around to detailing how the saints are to assist Christ other than to just love others.
No definition of love is given, no requirements are listed other than being “called of God” and not giving up till the resurrection. 
What definition does Malm want  "love" to entail?  Is there some hidden meaning that only "true" Armstrongites know about?  All Christians know what "love" means in the context of Christianity, I am surprised that Malm does not. Malm expects love to be wielding a cat-of-nine-tails ready to beat the living day lights out of grievous, rebellious sinners.  That is the "love" he wants to dish out.

He does not even mention the fact that we are called to repent and reject all sin and to begin keeping ALL of God’s commandments with enthusiasm; and that we must continue overcoming all commandment breaking while enduring to the end of our lives; and that salvation is by no means guaranteed to those who are called, only those who overcome sin...

Then apostate Malm resorts to one of Armstrongisms' favorite broadsides:

God is allowing this general apostasy for a reason.  God is TESTING his people!
Having lived through 45 years of the silliness of Armstrongism, that is all I ever heard.  70 some years down the pipeline and God still cannot figure out who his followers are and has to "test" them with all kinds of trials and tribulations.  Apostate Malm's god sure is a wimpy icky-poo god!

God’s blessings typified by the Daily Sacrifice are about to be withdrawn, and we are about to be spewed OUT of the body of Christ as lukewarm polluted water; into the correction of great tribulation that this man of sin will bring.

There seems to be no pleasing apostate Malm's god.  What is the use in even trying?

Brethren we are being TESTED with a great testing;  our love and fidelity for God, are being PROVEN by our God!  he needs to KNOW who he can trust to be faithful to him for all eternity; BEFORE he will grant authority to them in his kingdom!

Your crowns, the very birthright of your calling are at risk:  Will your love for your espoused Husband and his Father be proven true; or will you love some man or organization more than you love the commandments of our Great God?

Will you sell the birthright of your calling for the bowl of pottage of remaining in some social club for a few more months?  Or will you value your calling to the ways of God and fight the good fight for your salvation?

Apparently all of you COG buffoons out there that still attend in your respective COG's are a bunch of imbeciles.  When are you going to wake up and join the ONLY church preaching the law on earth today?  The apostate apostle sure seems eager to get his splinter cult off the ground and legitimized. Feast site, here they come!

An interesting part of Roy Holladay’s sermon were the translations used and references cited.  Virtually all of the Bible helps, translations, and references he used were written by unconverted men and as a result have faults of which the converted need to be aware.

Why are they even using a Bible, if unconverted men have had their hands on all Bibles?  Does not apostate Malm even know that the various church councils fought bitterly over what was going to be included?  Does he now know that many did not want certain books included, particularly Revelation?  I particularly enjoy the fact that apostate Malm is a KJV only dude, and that version was sponsored by gay King James!  Oh the irony!  On a side note, Craig White is on a campaign now to disprove that knowledge saying that it is all a conspiracy by unbelievers to further discredit the Bible.  King James was one macho dude and only macho dudes could have been inspired to compile the Bible in God's native tongue.

When you finish reading apostate Malm's screed you realize that he had nothing really of value to say about Roy's sermon.  Other than being upset over Roy's emphasis on love, talking about the Holy Spirit, and his use of non-KJV Bible, was all Malm can find. 

Read it all here: Roy Holladay and the False God of Organizational Unity

Noah's Ark

I actually have heard Armstrongite ministers say this.  Others have said that God sealed up the anal openings of all the animals for their duration  on the ark.  One can only imagine the mess and stink that surround the ark after it hit dry land and the doors were opened.