Tuesday, December 3, 2013

It's Christmas Time...Er...Winter Festival Time, in The Churches of God As They Celebrate The Power of Satan

It's that time of year when the weather is frosty and nippy.  A holiday spirit is in the air.  Christmas decorations are turning hotels into wonderlands.  Stockings hang around the fireplaces, mulled cider brews in the hospitality areas.

Jumping right into that mix are the various COG's who hold their annual Christmas Family Weekends.

COGWA does it, UCG does it. LCG has smaller versions.

The one I want to highlight today is the Church of God a Worldwide Association.

COGWA is heading off to celebrate being part of the world at Galt House in Louisville, Kentucky.

The Galt House has these wonderful holiday activities planed:

Experience the Magic and Wonder of Christmas at the Galt House Hotel!

Christmas at the Galt House Hotel is so spectacular, it’s featured on the Travel Channel’s Christmas Crazy special. The event is fast becoming an annual tradition for families across the U.S. Located in Louisville, Kentucky, Christmas at the Galt House Hotel will get your family in the holiday spirit!

New for 2013:

Sing ‘n’ Joy International Choral Festival and Competition

Experience the culture and traditions of choirs from across the globe as they show off their talents in this first-of-its-kind in the Americas event.  Learn more.

Ernie the Engineer

Ernie the Engineer is excited to join Christmas at the Galt House Hotel and meet all the Junior Engineers who visit. He knows they’ll just love riding the Peppermint Express Kiddie Train Ride through the Candy Cane Forest.  Learn more.

Ernie the Engineer’s Express Lunch

Ernie the Engineer will host a new Express Lunch that will give Junior Engineers the chance to enjoy and assist in engineering a large model train display. Plus, guests will take part in an interactive lunch and tour KaLightoscope Christmas.  Learn more.

Santa’s Sleigh Experience

Jump in the sleigh and help Santa deliver presents with the magic of a green screen. You’ll get a photo of your family and can download a video of your Santa’s Sleigh Experience.  Located in the Christmas Village. Learn more.

Make a Flake

Learn how to make beautiful snowflakes that feature everything from snowmen to birds to dinosaurs, oh my! Located in the Christmas Village.

Santa Cam

Capture your kids' visit with Santa Claus on video, then download and share this precious moment with family and friends. Located in the RIVUE Tower, 2nd Floor, outside KaLightoscope Christmas.

As COGWA willingly immerses itself in the rituals of Christmas, it hypocritically calls the weekend this:

Here is a COG who claims they had to break away from UCG because they thought UCG had one foot in the world and cared less about God's laws.  Yet, COGWA is sticking both feet into the middle of a huge Christmas party and is acting as if not a single person at the resort will be celebrating Christmas.  As they turn their heads as they walk past the Christmas trees and refuse the holiday treats, they will be focused solely on how much Satan has ruined their lives.

I can guarantee you that many COGWA members take great delight in being in the midst of the holiday cheer.  It makes them feel a little more "normal" to tell friends and coworkers that they spent the weekend at Galt House, which is well know for it's Christmas celebrations.  People will assume they were there for of the Christmas fun and not there celebrating how much power Satan seems to have over them.

So if you are in Galt House over the holidays and see a bunch of self-righteous people with their noses in the air, IGNORING the Christmas cheer all around them, you will know they are setting a righteous example by being separate from the world while begrudgingly having to live in it.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Eric King: My Church Is Restoring The True "Hick-Up"

Eric King is back with more blabbering nonsense about the Rosicrucian movement being started by TRUE Church of God members.
A Hick-up missed by most Scholars

What most Christian historians read right over is the fact that God’s true church in 1610 tried to reach out to the world through publications which appeared in Germany, France, and England. New Science back then was known as the “hidden” or occult knowledge. It was sacrilegious and considered magic to investigate the unknown. Man was trying to find out how much he penetrated the Laws of Nature. Man was trying to understand a harmony with “occult” [hidden science] and Christian theology. It was a sort of information age.-

Please understand, we would not call the laws of science today “occult” but we still see that many so called Christian denominations are afraid of what has been and is being discovered in true modern science.-

The “macrocosmus” has become Macro-physics and the “microcosmus” Micro-physics. Today the true Church of God studies both and does not leave everybody else in the dark like the Roman Catholic Church does.-

The Roman Catholic Church had a fake and twisted view of scientific facts. The Church of God, on the other hand, was not afraid to understand the true Laws of Nature. True Christians understood the laws of physics to be the Laws of God and still do.-

So many Christian superstations still existed that it was very difficult for God’s true church to be open with their studies of these things. When I say “God’s true Church” I mean just that, the Church of God which today exists in this ministry COGSR. In 1614 there was a so called “manifesto” printed anonymously known as the “Fama Fraternitatis”. It was posted anonymously for a couple of reasons. One was the fact that the mixing of Science and Christianity was a big “no no”. The person who wrote and published this manifesto was trying to stir the minds of men and women to think about this issue precisely and carefully.-
Those busy Jesuits, they get blamed for everything!
Remember, the Roman Catholic Church controlled the Bible in their Latin mass and they also controlled science in that only the Jesuits could study science. The common person was told to stay away from what they called ‘magic’ and or the ‘occult’. The true Church of God in boldness challenged the Roman Papacy and the Jesuits with their newly published manifestos. Sadly we see this same animosity towards God’s true Church because of superstitious programming still found in the Harlot’s daughter churches, fallen apostate Christendom.
Did you know that the founder of the Rosicrucian's was a True Church of God member?
The manifesto known as the Fama claimed that a sacred brotherhood [fraternity] known as the “Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross” existed and that this secret Order was now trying to enlist scientists who were Christians. The manifesto gave an emblematic story of a mythical person named Christian Rosencreutz who was the said master of the brotherhood.-

Another manifesto appeared in 1615. This one was known as the “Confessio Fraternitatis”. It served the same purpose as the first but stirred even more controversy. One sad thing that occurred through all of this was the fact that most missed the true purpose and point of these so called “manifestos”. What followed was a distortion in the understanding of their purpose and sadly many occult groups and strange superstitious factions claiming to be the true “Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross” appeared. The fact was - it was the Church of God who was having problems with Protestants and Roman Catholics that inspired the writing of the manifestos. Who was the author of these “anonymous” manifestos?-
King feels that he is boldly going forth against the evil Catholic Church and that they are really pissed at him. It is amazing to see the power these various cult leaders of Armstrong have on the Catholics.

The author of the original manifestos came forth some time later and admitted to writing them. His name was Johann Valentin Andreae. His family was full of Lutheran pastors. His uncle James was known through Germany as “the second Luther”. This history has been hidden from Christians and has most certainly been distorted by the superstitious morons of today and times past. Johann Andreae was a protestant who protested the Protestant’s. It was bold for the true Church of God members to go both against the Roman Catholics and the Protestants. In the 1970’s when Mr. H.W. Armstrong did the same thing he was called a heretic. I too have been given this title by both Protestants and Roman Catholics. No problem. God’s true people are simply “Christian” and nothing else so it doesn’t matter.-

Now Johann Valentin Andreae never meant for the manifestos to take off in the direction that they did. In 1615 he wrote the emblematic and allegorical story called the “The Chemical Nuptilas”. This story has a lot of early reformation conflicts explained allegorically in it. It is a very interesting story which basically talks about the process of religious and political change in society. Some have concluded that the story allegorically ties into the reign of Queen Elizabeth the 1st of Bohemia and other contemporary movements.-

Andreae wrote this to show that the whole idea of a Rosy Cross Brotherhood as described in the first two manifestos was to picture and capture a thought movement. It was expressive of a movement of thought and not a literal story. The stories in the manifestos and in the “Nuptilas” did however contain truth if one was enlightened enough to see it.-

Did you know that St. George of England (the dragon slayer) was a TRUE Church of GOD member?
There is talk that some members of the true Church of God helped to form the “Knights of St. George” which latter became the “Knights of the Garter” to protect true Israel and her secrets. This cannot be proved but some of the Knights explained in Johann Valentin Andreae’s book, “The Chemical Nuptilas” describe Knights dressed in the same garb as the Knights of the Garter. Andreae says their real name is, “The Knights of the Golden Fleece and of the Golden Stone”.-

It is said that St. George of England is neither a Roman Catholic saint, nor a Protestant saint but instead a true saint of the original Church of God. The story of Saint George killing the dragon is allegorical of the Church of God “killing” ignorance and the Devil himself. COGSR to this day still tells this story in the picture of St. George killing the dragon.-
The real purpose of the so called “Rosicrucian Enlightenment” was concerned with spiritual illumination as well as with the advancement of intellectual knowledge. To only have intellectual knowledge is to fall short of the Revelation of God.-

Orange Bob Spends Millions On A New Set Design!

After getting mocked and ridiculed for many months now over his crooked bookcases, cluttered shelves, door knobs by his head, and a doorway as the backdrop for his mind-boggling Internet ministry, the Chief Overseer and worlds greatest and most accurate prophet, has went out and dropped some money on a new set.

Bob went out this past week and dropped a couple million on a new set.  He bought a projector screen and ha sit as his backdrop now.  The only problem is that even with the screen he has no "set sense."  Why have the screen most of the way down your backside and then leave a small gap so we can stare of the clutter still on your bookshelves?

Dear Bob......PLEASE have your wife give you some make-up tips!  Orange Bob is not appealing to look at.  Get rid of the spray tan, dude, seriously!