Saturday, March 1, 2014

Herman Hoeh the True Successor of Herbert Armstrong?

Did you know that Herman Hoeh was a supposed "successor" to Herbert Armstrong?  There is an email making the rounds right now trumpeting a web site  that is dedicated to Herman Hoeh which makes that claim. It has been up for several years now so I am surprised they are just now finding out about it.  There were many that had hoped Hoeh's name was in the running to be HWA's successor.  Just like Ellis LaRavia's name, Hoeh's name was no where to be seen.

Hoeh has been loved and ridiculed over the decades.  Ridiculed for some of his flawed "history" and beloved as a supposed stalwart in the faith.

He caused a lot of angst in the WCG when he went along with the doctrinal changes the church was setting down in the 1990's.  He never spoke out against them and many report that he thought they were sorely needed.

Many think by that point that Hoeh's own theology had advanced far beyond the COG mindset.  He took absolutely no interest in any of the hundreds of splinter groups nor their leaders. Many of those groups were lead by men he had went all through college with and served with in the church for decades.  He knew their dark side and had no interest in following them.

The Los Angeles Thai Temple where Hoeh spent untold hours 
with his Buddhist friends 
and learned about their spirituality.

He easily embraced the Buddhist community and they looked with favor upon him as an enlightened man.  One thing about Hoeh, he was always at peace with his understanding of spirituality and how others found peace.  He was at peace with breaking bread with his Buddhist friends.  There is even a library in Thailand named after him.

The site is sponsored by Christian Commandment Keepers that is run by Mark Kaplan.  Kaplan was instrumental in trying to keep the law in force in the church during the doctrinal changes.

Their doctrinal statement is quit telling.  The law is spoken of but nothing about being a follower of Jesus.

Statement of Beliefs

  • Recognize the Bible as the source of doctrine.
  • Accept the authority of the Hebrew-speaking community to preserve the Old Testament, including the Sacred Calendar, and the Greek-speaking community to preserve the New Testament.
  • Celebrate God’s plan for humanity as emphasized by observance of the seventh day Sabbath and the annual Holy Days of the Bible.

Gavin Rumney has this up on his blog about them:  Journal charts UCG split

One other item I can't help but mention. A group that calls itself the Church of Christian Commandment Keepers has created a website called - wait for it - Herman is described there as "a spiritual successor to Herbert W. Armstrong," and I guess we're expected to believe that this little band are now Herman's spiritual successors. Sadly there are no downloads of the famous Compendium of World History, just a collection of Her-manic sermons.

Just think, if Hoeh had been the successor to HWA we might all be Buddhists by now.....certainly a more peaceful thought than the 700 some bickering and splinter COG's out there today.

Other articles about Herman Hoeh:

The Enigma of Herman Hoeh

The Closet Buddhist

Herman Hoeh Memorial Announcement

Friday, February 28, 2014

Living Church of God Going To Learn About Creationism From "So-Called Christians"

Another fun day with the Living Church of God!  They are off to see the Creation Museum in Kentucky!  I am soooooooooooooooo jealous!

They will get to learn about dragons and how they were actually dinosaurs that were still alive in human times.

They will get to learn about "Lucy"  "...the poster girl of human evolution..." and learn the true biblical source behind her.  They will also get to look inside "Lucy's" body.  Woo!

They will get to see an exhibit about "biblical authority."  Since the COG says no one outside the church knows about proper biblical authority, will the LCGer's actually learn something new or will they be told to take it all with a grain of salt?

They will learn the truth about Adam and sin.  Will LCG correct them that it should involve the Two Tree's and leave a sermon tape laying around?

They will get to see where the Ark is being built as well as soon coming attractions like The Tower of Babel, a first century walled village and other cool stuff.

This is all just so fabulous that I almost could become an LCG member!

Cincinnati “Creation Weekend” Planned! 
The Ohio congregations are planning a “Creation Weekend” in Cincinnati over Memorial Day weekend, May 23-26. The event will include special Bible Studies, workshops, and activities related to creation, science, and the Bible, as well as a group trip to the world famous, Bible-based Creation Museum in Northern Kentucky. We are planning fellowship and educational activities that will be fun for all ages, from pre-teens and teens to adults and “seasoned citizens”! In an age when biblical teachings concerning man’s origins and the creation of the earth and the universe are mocked and ridiculed, we believe that it is all the more important to fortify ourselves and our children with the truth, and this weekend will be dedicated to doing just that.

I can picture it now.  After they all go through the museum they will all get together and make fun of the dumb Christians and brag about how they have the REAL understanding of the mystery of creation.

Oh, did I just mock them? 

God Punishes California With Rain!

Screen capture of CA rain at 4:30 a.m. 2/28/14

This morning (4:30 a.m.) almost the entire state of California is covered with rain and snow.  This storm is supposed to be the biggest and hardest to hit in 3 years.  Armstrongists will soon be declaring that the rain is punishment from God if there are landslides in burn areas or flooding.  It's a no win situation.  Their god can never be placated.