I received this from the owner of a new blog that is documenting the "inappropriate behavior" of Roderick C Meredith down though the decades.
The purpose of this paper is to document the inappropriate and even criminal behavior of Roderick C. Meredith and the succession of church corporations he has founded (primarily Global Church of God [GCG] and Living Church of God [LCG], but stretching back into Worldwide Church of God [WCG] days as his behavior was problematic at that time as well). The impetus to collect this evidence came from the discovery of the Scarborough defamation lawsuit against LCG and Mr. Meredith. Subsequent investigation revealed a pattern of troublesome behavior, for which I wanted to verify and collect clear evidence. The evidence shows behavior reported by several people across a diversity of circumstances and time which completely invalidate any ministerial or leadership credentials Mr. Meredith might claim, barring complete repentance (i.e. a clear change in behavior and disposition).Documenting the crimes and inappropriate behavior of Rod Meredith would be daunting task considering the path of destruction he has left in his wake over the decades.
The blog states:
Though there seem to many problematic behaviors demonstrated by Mr. Meredith, this narrative will primarily revolve around the lawsuits for defamation and slander directed at Mr. Meredith, and the very public dispute between Mr. Meredith and the board of directors at GCG that launched LCG.The blog covers:
First lawsuit -- McNair v. Worldwide Church of God (WCG)
Meredith v. GCG Dispute
and the
Current lawsuit -- Scarborough v. Living Church of God (LCG)
Follow the blog here: RCM Crimes