The story of this rock begins and ends in one paragraph in Herbert Armstrong's autobiography2 where he tells the story of how he was a guest at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Fischer and while exercising on the hilltop he discovered a rock "about 14 inches high," where he prayed for the success of the new campaign meeting west of Eugene, Oregon. This rock was evidently the right height for him to kneel beside and so HWA said it became his "prayer rock." He goes on to say that he is sure that he "drank in much energy, spiritual strength and inspiration at that prayer rock."
1000 Ft high surge roars down the Columbia River Basin at Crown Point just outside Portland 15,000 years ago after 2000 ft High ice dam bursts in Montana. The flood created the Scablands of Eastern Washington State and flowed to 200 feet deep at Eugene, Oregon
Crown Point on the Columbia today. The huge rock in the upper left corner is Beacon Rock and is the core of an extinct volcano left after the flood washed the cinder cone clean away leaving the basalt plug.
This rock appears to actually be an "erratic" commonly found in the Willamette Valley from Portland to Eugene. The rock appears to be typical granite which is not a type of rock found in the area. Thus it is called an erratic. Granite such as commonly found on farms in the Willamette Valley originally comes from Idaho or Montana and these erratics are called "ice rafted" as they could only have gotten here by melting out of ice.
The Eugene Erratic?
Eastern Washington State erratic
The Missoula Floods (also known as the Spokane Floods or the Bretz Floods) refer to the cataclysmicfloods that swept periodically across eastern Washington and down the Columbia River Gorge at the end of the last ice age. The glacial flood events have been researched since the 1920s. These glacial lake outburst floods were the result of periodic sudden ruptures of the ice dam on the Clark Fork River that created Glacial Lake Missoula. After each ice dam rupture, the waters of the lake would rush down the Clark Fork and theColumbia River, flooding much of eastern Washington and the Willamette Valley in western Oregon. After the rupture, the ice would reform, creating Glacial Lake Missoula again.
The Flood even ice rafted one of the largest meteorites in America, down from Montana and melted it out in West Linn, Oregon , 8 miles south of Portland, where it was found in a farmers field.
You don't find 16 tons of iron that hit earth at 30,000 mph back in the day lying in the dirt of a cleared farmer's field.
So....the Sacred Stone of Blasphemy is most likely also an ice rafted and deposited erratic from Montana compliments of the Missoula Flood.
The Prayer Rock on the way to Eugene, Oregon
The very rock that HWA prayed before and that Gerald Flurry now declares to be where his Jesus will return to is actually contains in it's actual history the proof that the tales woven by HWA and Flurry (Dave Pack as well) about a 6000 year plan of God and a recent creation is somewhat mistaken to say the least. .
Not only were/are the teachings of HWA and now Gerald Flurry (along with Mr. Pack) erratic at best, but these men also prayed before one.