Superfantabulous Dave talks about grace. It is too stupid to even comment on:
Oh, and God's mercy is like insurance premiums. Premiums that rise continually.At some point, what happens if it is automobile wrecks, you get your insurance cancelled. I’ve used the example that grace is like an insurance policy—call it forgiveness or mercy—we’ll just say grace here—God’s unmerited pardon. It’s like an insurance policy. You can’t just go out and drive willy-nilly—“I don’t care. I’ll just speed on ice…around corners…I have insurance.” Who would do that? Insurance won’t keep you away from telephone poles and oak trees…You see?…or other cars. Just go off a curb, because you were too fast or it was icy. You can have insurance and lose your life.
You should look at mercy as having insurance and the premiums can rise…Because the Bible says you can grow in grace and favor…and that means you can be one that isn’t, therefore, growing in grace and favor; but the other side is, you may not grow in grace and favor. The longer you drive and have no accidents, the better your rates, and you understand that. Men figured that out. But the more you wreck your car, at some point, you’re uninsurable…and then it’s illegal to drive and you’re off the road. And the analogy for a Christian is—you’re out of here—you’re no longer a Christian…