Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The Republican Church of God?

Growing up in the church I constantly heard how the church was supposedly non-political and that it was wrong to take political positions, mainly because Herbert Armstrong said God frowned upon it.  However, anyone growing up in the church quickly found out which side of the fence the church was on in regards to many social justice issues, race issues and local governance issues. Every year as election season started we were lectured that voting was wrong.

As usual, with much of the things taught in the church, voting and politics depended upon where you lived and who you were.  If you were in Big Sandy or in Pasadena, members were encouraged to vote in if local policies and issues were to work in the church or college's favor.  One Big Sandy Mayor was a COG member, elected with a mass turn out of church member so that local alcohol rules could be changed.

That leads us today to Bill Watson and the Church of God International .  Listening to Watson preach, reading his web entries, and his church magazines you would think he was the spokesman for the Republican Party.  Plus, he uses the WorldNetDaily as his go-to news source (as does LCG, UCG).

International News

...The United States is positioning for a correction in its course of interaction with the world’s community of nations. It would appear by the actions of this President, that he fully intends to rebuild and rein- force the overall strength and posture of the United States on the world stage. His most recent passing of the Omnibus Budget Bill clearly indicates military spending is a top priority. The fact this $1.3 trillion bill has $720 billion earmarked for military expenditures plainly indicates he is refurbishing and expanding the military might of America, for whatever military action may be required. Actually, it appears he fully expects preparedness for war is justified, and that’s why more than half of this Omnibus Bill is devoted to military spending...
...The United States is relearning to express assertive leadership after decades of appeasement, apologies, and accommodation at the expense of its own national well being and security. The question is, Will the world’s community of nations, having been working an agenda of globalism, accept and adjust to this revived nationalistic approach the United States, United Kingdom, and a handful of others within the European Union are now adopting? That remains to be seen as to how it will all play out....
As long as the politics being preached was one geared up for war, anti-Muslim, anti-immigration, anti-gay and anti-Catholic, certain COG leaders are in heaven.  They want to see a war happen, Europe rise up and attack the United States, horrific terrorism and all kinds of violence.  Because when it does, they think it is validating their Biblical interpretations.

When a person listens to the sermons of these guys, reads their articles and blog entries it would be hard to mistake them as anything other than conservative or Republican.

How is this really preaching a gospel message?

hat tip JF


Monday, June 18, 2018

Philadelphia Church of God: Father Pleads For Contact With Children Inside PCG: "TELL MY CHILDREN I LOVE THEM, PLEASE!"

I received the following from visitor here who is a father with children inside the Philadelphia Church of God. If you have been a reader of this blog you will see Cal Culpepper mentioned a lot with postings describing his vile behaviour towards PCG members and his enforcement of PCG's "no contact" policy.

I’ve been out of the PCG for 6 years now. I was put out by the demon Cow Cultpecker. 
Since then my two children who remained in the cult have been forbidden to talk to me. 
Thankfully 2 of my children have come out and I am able to see them. 

In an effort to help cut off funding and make people aware of that this evil group is doing, I have been sending a message to all churches in Edmond and Oklahoma City. 
The easiest way I’ve found to do this is through Facebook. 
I’ve sent the following message to many churches. I’ve received positive supportive messages in  return.  
People are agreeing to boycott events at Armstrong Auditorium. 
I did include full names in the message. 
I hope many will do the same to help warn local people that attending events at Armstrong Auditorium is supporting this family destroying cult.

Thank you for all you do to help members and ex members of the PCG.


Please help a grieving father.  
My wife of 36 years died 8 years ago and now Gerald Flurry and the Philadelphia Church of God have taken my children from me. 
I wish I could hear from them on Father's day. I haven't heard from them in 6 years. They are in the Philadelphia Church of God. A controlling cult that cuts children off from parents and parents from children. The dictatorial leader Gerald Flurry has issued an edict that says members can have NO contact with family members that have left the church. If you go against his rulings you will have to go through the tribulation and be cast into the lake of fire. Members have committed suicide because of this evil family destroying ruling. My oldest son Nathan M. and my youngest daughter Elise M. are in the cult and have been prevented from contacting me, my youngest son, my daughter and granddaughters. The cult has destroyed my family. When my oldest daughter and her family were told that they could have no contact with me, and told I was not allowed to see my granddaughter, they left the cult. 
When you attend events at Armstrong Auditorium you support the family destroying cult. They don't allow interracial dating or interracial dancing. They believe they are God's ONLY TRUE Church and Gerald Flurry is THAT PROPHET, he is THE APOSTLE, God’s only representative  on earth. 
Please do not support the evil group by attending events at Armstrong Auditorium  

Sunday, June 17, 2018

PCG Kieren Underwood - "I hereby renounce every article I have ever written for The Philadelphia Trumpet...one thing it does not do well is tell the truth."

I just received this concerning Kieren Underwood, a writer for The Philadelphia Trumpet magazine of the Philadelphia Church of God.

This was posted by Kieren Underwood on theTrumpet.com website. He was subsequently fired and marked by the church for standing up to their injustices. 

Hello all,

I have been writing for theTrumpet.com for nearly three years, and have been a student at Herbert W. Armstrong College for nearly four. Many of you have spoken with me at services, invited me to your homes, and been my friends.

But let me tell you a little bit about what I’ve learned.

If you don’t believe any of the following, check DTSearch to see for yourself. Or better yet, go to the library in the Hall of Administration and check the physical Plain Truth archives.

No man knows “the day or the hour” of Christ’s return, right? Well, Mr. Armstrong thought he did.

• In 1934, Mr. Armstrong said the “Day of the Lord” would begin in 1936. (see attachment for his diagram)
• "...the year 1936 will see the end of the Times of the Gentiles.... we may expect the present worldwide depression, time of trouble and fear of war to continue until the year 1936!... quickly after that time, we may expect to see the heavenly signs of the sun and moon becoming dark, the stars falling.... which shall be followed by the ‘Day of the Lord.’" (The Plain Truth, June-July 1934, Herbert Armstrong, p. 5)
• In 1940, he said it was 3-4 years away:
• "...Armageddon, we believe, must be at least three or four years away..." ("Democracy Doomed!" The Plain Truth, April-May 1940, Herbert W. Armstrong)
• In 1953, according to Dr. Hoeh’s chronologies, HWA said it would probably come no later than 1982.
• "Now HERE IS SOMETHING STARTLING! Herman Hoeh, in his eye-opening article you will read in the June number of The PLAIN TRUTH on the Times of the Gentiles shows that the Times of the Gentiles—if chronologies are correct—will come to their final end in the year 1982." ...
• "IF THE TIMES OF THE GENTILES END IN 1982, in October, as Mr. Hoeh has it figured, THE INVASION OF AMERICA AND THE GREAT TRIBULATION MUST BEGIN NOT LATER THAT MARCH-APRIL, 1972!" (Herbert W. Armstrong, Co-Worker letter, May 22, 1953)
• In 1969, it was only 25 years off.
• "If that unseen Hand does not exist, humanity will not survive on earth another 25 years, or less! …” (The Ambassador College Correspondence Course, Lesson 5, 1969, p. 15)

Mr. Armstrong made—literally—hundreds of these false predictions. (See: https://hwarmstrong.com/prophet-1.htm or http://www.exitsupportnetwork.com/mike_ep/exam/dates.htm) Between 1934 and 1946, he prophesied that: the plagues of Joel would occur in 1935, Mussolini and Hitler were the 7th resurrection of HRE, WWII was the last war—leading to Armageddon, Mussolini (and later, Hitler) would unite the 10 kings of Europe, Hitler would “inflict terrible Tribulation upon God’s saints,” etc.

Mr. Flurry (“raising the ruins”) continues in this manner:

• Remember it was to be “one generation” after the death of HWA that Christ returned? Well, it’s been 32 years.
• It was the “last hour” in 2001. And then it was the “last half of the last hour” in 2008. Let me do some quick math… (The back of the textbook says: 2015)
• In a sermon in 2008, during PYC, Mr. Flurry said he believed the Tribulation would be here in “five years or less.” Go ahead, check your notes.
• Remember the “Hebrews” revelation? Three or four years, right? Start counting down.
• I hear that in the last ministerial conference, Mr. Flurry said it could be as soon as one year! Boy, better pack your bags!

Ask yourself, how many times have I heard, “it’s only a few short years”?

Remember President Obama was the Antiochus? (By the way, I’ll give $1000 to the person who can tell me where the Bible mentions THREE end-time Antiochus-like figures—you know, the church, political, and European ones.) Well, I guess the world didn’t end with Obama, so it’s time for Jeroboam!
Yes, Jeroboam is surely President Trump. Never mind that there were TWO Jeroboams who ruled Israel. Jeroboam I turned Israel away from God (around 920 BC). Jeroboam II was the one who Amos prophesied against (around 780 BC). They are separated by nearly 140 years. Can someone tell me which Jeroboam is Mr. Trump? Also, set your countdown, because when Mr. Trump doesn’t send you to Jerusalem, this church is finished.

But what about Brexit? Remember that 1956 quote on the front cover of the Trumpet: “Britain will not be part of it”? Guess where it came from. A book published in 1956 called “1975 in Prophecy.” Let me give you another quote from that book. Mr. Armstrong was writing of the famines which would hit America: “Indications of prophecy are that this drought ... will strike sooner than 1975— probably between 1965 and 1972!” Go ahead and check the book yourself—it’s on DTSearch. And the internet (http://www.herbert-armstrong.org/Books%20&%20Booklets/1975%20in%20Prophecy%20(1956).pdf).

Modern-day Assyria is Germany, right? How do you know? Really, how do you know? Did you research it? Only a handful of people in this church could even give a semblance of an answer. (Maybe send Mr. Palmer or Mr. Vejil an email.) Perhaps they might mutter something about “they’re both warlike.” Mr. Armstrong spent a whole TWO sentences proving it in “The United States and Britain in Prophecy.” Go ahead, ask the people in your congregation how they know. Better yet, ask it as a Spokesman Club topics question. Or even better still, go ask one of those confused people in the Assyrian Church of the East. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assyrian_Church_of_the_East) They’re so deceived (Rev 12:9) they don’t even know what race they are! (Attached is a critique of theTrumpet.com’s “The Remarkable Identity of the German People.”)

But Mr. Armstrong “restored all things,” right? Have a look at the Christadelphians—founded in 1848. Doctrines include: Bible is inspired word of God; rejection of Trinity; Father and Son are separate; Kingdom of God is to be set up on earth; reject immortality of the soul; death is merely sleeping for saints; full-immersion baptism; Christ will reign on earth 1000 years; must keep commandments; hell is just the grave; mainstream Christianity has been paganized. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christadelphians#Beliefs)

Mr. Armstrong restored all these things—except that they were already established … 40 years before he was born.

But he gave us the “master key” for prophecy, right? The United States and Britain are Manasseh and Ephraim, right? Did you know that theory was created in 1794, and was most popular in the 1870s? It’s called British-Israelism. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Israelism) And just like the Assyria-Germany theory, you probably don’t know much of the details. Did you check the Irish annals yourself? Did you check to see whether Tea-Tephi was a real person, or just made up? (“Tea Tephi” is NEVER mentioned in Irish history. She is a combination of two real people: one called “Tea” and the other “Tephi.”) And did you know that “Tephi” is called a “daughter of Pharoah” in one of the only times she is mentioned in the Irish annals? Did you know that Ollam Fodla (apparently Jeremiah) is mentioned in the Irish legends as a native “Milesian king”? And that he lived around 1000 BC (not 500 BC)? Did you check? Or did you take Mr. Armstrong’s word as gospel? See David Baron for a critique of British-Israelism—written in 1915! (https://archive.org/details/historyoftenlost00barouoft)

Are you afraid to check? Wouldn’t want to check with the “scholars.” Oh yes, vain “scholarship” is a code word, meaning “disagrees with Mr. Armstrong.”

Have you read Mr. Flurry’s “True History of God’s True Church”? Why not compare it with Andrew Dugger’s and Clarence O. Dodd’s “A History of the True Church” (1936). They are virtually the same. 
What about Malachi’s Message? Hundreds of you have told me you knew it was “the word of God.”   Have you heard of the book “The Letter to Laodicea,” which was published--in stages--from 1986 to 1988? Jules Dervaes, who wrote it, began mailing them to WCG members in 1988—and even sent a copy to Mr. Flurry. (http://thehiddenyears.org/1990/09/26/letter-to-mr-flurry-from-jules-dervaes/)
Try reading the book of Malachi. Maybe—just maybe—could it be that when it talks about “the covenant with Levi,” it actually means Levi? No, no, it must be Herbert W. Armstrong. Could Jacob and Esau really be talking about Jacob and Esau? No, no, it must be talking about Jacobite and Edomite LAODICEANS. Remember everyone, “the word of Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Flurry is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword…” (Hebrews 4:12).
But Elijah must come and restore all things, right? Try reading Matthew 17:12 (without Mr. Flurry whispering commentary in your ear). “But I say unto you, That Elias is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed.” Jesus is screaming at you: “I said he already came! How much clearer could I be?!”
New Throne, New Stone? Hmmm… why is the British throne still around? Oh, right, it’s corrupt and crumbling, according to Mr. Flurry. The evidence? Prince Harry shenanigans, marrying Meghan Markle, and trying to help people’s mental health (how terrible!). How about Henry VIII having 6 wives and killing 2 of them? What about Mary 1 (“Bloody Mary”) trying to establish Catholicism in England and killing Christians? (That’s nothing compared to Meghan Markle!)
What about our book “He Was Right”? Here’s the secret on how we produced that book: (1) find predictions Mr. Armstrong made, (2) ignore every prediction that was wrong, and (3) write about every prediction that may come true in the future.
The whole theTrumpet.com website is an exercise in this type of logic. We scour the news for events that look like fulfilled prophecy (this is called selection bias). We ignore everything that does not fit with our framework (this is called dishonesty). You then read it and believe it (this is called confirmation bias).
Mr. Flurry often says, “We have been warning American and Britain for 80 years!” He should be saying, “We have been wrong for 80 years.”
I will no doubt be “marked” for this email. I might even get a mention in a sermon or two. They will say, “He is inspired by Satan.” They will warn you, “Look at how clever and powerful the devil is.” But they will not address the facts. They will not give a rebuttal—that would be too dangerous.
But will you prove all things? (1 Thessalonians 5:21)
Many of you have been my friends for years. This college has taught me many things. Its teachers have been generous and kind. This church does many wonderful things—I have many good memories.
But one thing it does not do well is tell the truth.
I hereby renounce every article I have ever written for theTrumpet.com.
If you have any questions, please email me at: kierenjunderwood@gmail.com. Or for more information, see: http://www.exitsupportnetwork.com/. Please forward this email to anyone who you think needs to read it.
(I have scans of the Plain Truth from 1934-1946, where HWA makes all kinds of prophecies about 1936, World War II, and Mussolini and Hitler as the “last resurrection of the HRE,” if anyone would like to see them.)
Thanks for reading,
theTrumpet.com | Edstone Hall | Wootton Wawen, B95 6DDTel:
+44 01789 581910 |

FYI Kieren...I will post anything you want to send me!  Congratulations on achieving freedom!