Growing up in the church I constantly heard how the church was supposedly non-political and that it was wrong to take political positions, mainly because Herbert Armstrong said God frowned upon it. However, anyone growing up in the church quickly found out which side of the fence the church was on in regards to many social justice issues, race issues and local governance issues. Every year as election season started we were lectured that voting was wrong.
As usual, with much of the things taught in the church, voting and politics depended upon where you lived and who you were. If you were in Big Sandy or in Pasadena, members were encouraged to vote in if local policies and issues were to work in the church or college's favor. One Big Sandy Mayor was a COG member, elected with a mass turn out of church member so that local alcohol rules could be changed.
That leads us today to Bill Watson and the Church of God International . Listening to Watson preach, reading his web entries, and his church magazines you would think he was the spokesman for the Republican Party. Plus, he uses the WorldNetDaily as his go-to news source (as does LCG, UCG).

International News
...The United States is positioning for a correction in its course of interaction with the world’s community of nations. It would appear by the actions of this President, that he fully intends to rebuild and rein- force the overall strength and posture of the United States on the world stage. His most recent passing of the Omnibus Budget Bill clearly indicates military spending is a top priority. The fact this $1.3 trillion bill has $720 billion earmarked for military expenditures plainly indicates he is refurbishing and expanding the military might of America, for whatever military action may be required. Actually, it appears he fully expects preparedness for war is justified, and that’s why more than half of this Omnibus Bill is devoted to military spending...
...The United States is relearning to express assertive leadership after decades of appeasement, apologies, and accommodation at the expense of its own national well being and security. The question is, Will the world’s community of nations, having been working an agenda of globalism, accept and adjust to this revived nationalistic approach the United States, United Kingdom, and a handful of others within the European Union are now adopting? That remains to be seen as to how it will all play out....As long as the politics being preached was one geared up for war, anti-Muslim, anti-immigration, anti-gay and anti-Catholic, certain COG leaders are in heaven. They want to see a war happen, Europe rise up and attack the United States, horrific terrorism and all kinds of violence. Because when it does, they think it is validating their Biblical interpretations.
When a person listens to the sermons of these guys, reads their articles and blog entries it would be hard to mistake them as anything other than conservative or Republican.
How is this really preaching a gospel message?
hat tip JF