except when you are an RCG member...
God forbid if they ever discussed the Bible amongst themselves! After all, church members are too stupid to understand the Bible so Dave or a minister must tell them what to believe.
Exposing the underbelly of Armstrongism in all of its wacky glory! Nothing you read here is made up. What you read here is the up to date face of Herbert W Armstrong's legacy. It's the gritty and dirty behind the scenes look at Armstrongism as you have never seen it before! With all the new crazy self-appointed Chief Overseers, Apostles, Prophets, Pharisees, legalists, and outright liars leading various Churches of God today, it is important to hold these agents of deception accountable.
Address from the Chairman
Dr. Donald Ward’s was presented virtually. His address covered the Church’s raison d’être, our reason for being. He noted that this is the same as asking, “why were you born?” He also encouraged listeners to encourage each member to take his or her ownership of the truth and become a dispenser—one who is ready and willing with his or her feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.UCG cannot even be unified in peace in its own organization where it was fractured so bad that 2/3's of the ministry walked away and started a new group.
Address from the President
Mr. Kubik remarked that the theme of the 2020 GCE, “Moving Forward with Conviction, Commitment and Courage” is a perfect theme for the 25thanniversary of UCG as we commemorate our conversion, commitment, convictions and the ability to show courage to the world. He also covered the strategic plan for 2020-2021, spending time on each of the three sections: congregational care, organizational stewardship and public proclamation.When has ANY Church of God EVER moved forward with "conviction, commitment, and courage" in the last 25 years since they all apostatized from the mother church? How have any of them ever been courageous? All of them look BACKWARDS to the "glory days" of the church and think that by appealing to their aging members they can recapture that feeling. They cannot and never will.
Address from Ministerial and Member Services
Operation Manager Mark Welch presented a PowerPoint covering average U.S.attendance, the 36 baptisms so far in 2020, two ordinations since the February Council meeting and one recredentialed elder, with two full-time ministerial trainees. He also gave updates to the nine goals presented at the GCE last year.That magnanimous commitment has resulted in 36 new baptisms. Seriously? This is the amazing work of UCG? How courageous that out 7.5 billion people worldwide and 328 million in the U.S. they were able to con 36 people! So courageous! Such commitment!