Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Does Dave Pack and his ilk represent the Churches of God as a whole?

...and they think they are God's chosen ministers!

A reader here wrote:
Dave, and people like him, are fuel for websites such as this....he in no way represents The Church.
I believe that Dave Pack most certainly DOES represent everything the Church of God has come to be in the last 80 years.  This is the culmination of the legacy of Herbert Armstrong. Pack has taken all of Herbert Armstrong's teachings, embraced them and they enlarged them into the abomination we see today.

With Pack is still delivering a sermons series that is in the 250+ range now where he talks about "all things common" and his creature called "jesus"  returning 3 times and will also be showing up on the Wadsworth campus just before the shit hits the fan. This is what the COG has come to be.

Pack is not alone in doing this though.  We have Gerald Flurry rewriting HWA's books to make them fit his delusions. From being King of the church to embracing Irish Dance as the divine dance of God and first-century Christianity. Then there is Ron Weinland, one of the most pathetic prophets the church has ever seen, claiming he and his dingy wife are the two witless witnesses and his creature "jesus" is ready to return in the next few days. We also have Bob Thiel who created a church because his spiritual daddy turned his back on him and ignored Bob's demands that LCG change their teachings to fit his erroneous interpretations. On top of that, he also expects us to believe that he was doubly blessed to start a church and that his frequent nightmares are validation he is the final end-time church.

This is the legacy of the Church of God. A church now overrun with buffoons and charlatans that are leading people astray. So yes, Dave Pack does represent the entire church, as do these other peddlers of heresy.

Peeling the onion

 from Facebook

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

You have been warned! GOD IS BOSS IN ALL OF THIS so STOP picking on Bob Thiel!


This made my day!

From a loyal reader:

Whoever wrote that about Dr. Thiel, Richard, Steve, and Warren, I hope you don't fall into God's hands when He is angry. Pastor Bob Thiel preaches what the Bible says and doesn't hold anything back. God is definitely working through him and make no mistake about it, GOD IS BOSS IN ALL OF THIS...I hope y'all keep that in mind.


 Oh, I am so scared!