While not a psychologist nor endeavoring to play one on BannedHWA, observing the seemingly God-Haunted workings in the minds of some of my past life peers lies somewhere between fascinating and terrifying.
What is going on in the minds of these men, such as a Dave Pack, Ron Weinland, Gerald Flurry, Bob Thiel and others, who have come to believe and promote what they do?
Religious fanaticism
Why would Dave Pack build a mini Ambassdor, as did Gerald Flurry copying HWA, while also teaching their Christ's Second Coming was imminent? What makes a man, like Dave, give himself every Biblical title he can find in scripture such as "Watcher", "Elijah to Come" "Apostle"? What would make one believe the Two Witnesses would spring from their insignificant church and that they would, of course, work under Dave's oversight? How can Dave Pack make one predictive mistake and miscalculation after the next, as if he could know, about the Second Coming of Christ and claim his math is correct and nothing can go past any time he has set no matter how far past that time it goes? What kind of mental illness is this?
What motivates those in RCG to deny this phenomenon that plays out before them every single week and come back for more? Does it ever cross their minds it might be time to give up on Dave Pack being anything but delusional as to his role in grand scheme of all things religious? Do they ever tire of false prophesies and one dramatic but completely and terribly mistaken line of reasoning on Dave's part after another? Tell me if you know.
What kind of thinking, besides "stinking thinking" does it take for a Gerald Flurry to inflict his kind of oversight, pain and tithe gulping lifestyle on the members of his Church of Brotherly Love? What does it take to see yourself spoken of in the scriptures and remind the brethren of that with a straight face? What kind of followers does one attract that can do that with a straight face and deny what they see and hear is not insanity on display?
What of Ron Weinland, a most insignificant player in the world of theology and religion who does a practice run to Jerusalem as the Witness Couple of Revelation, can't stop predicting the end of all things and thinks he only has the truth of anything when clearly, he doesn't have the truth of just about anything theological? Who does he attract with that record of failure? Oh, and prison not exactly for persecution's sake?
Bob Thiel is supposed to be an educated man. He claims to be a scientist. Why can't he get beyond the ignorance of the Bronze Age with regard to the causes of bad weather? What makes him reason out that "It is God trying to get our attention". Why doesn't the concept of God "trying" give him pause as to the fact that his version of God is obviously not all powerful, knowing or capable of getting the message over to everyone or anyone? He is the God that tries and fails pretty much. Why does an educated man, so called, think his dreams are special announcements in the night about who he is and what his God is "trying" once again to tell him? Why does he draw conclusions from his dreams that billions of others who also dream would never draw? Why the need to be so special? Is it being ignored in childhood? Is it the inability to be skeptical about ancient scriptures being valid today in every way? Is it simply the simplistic view that regarding the Bible, "God said it, I believe it, that does it for me" denying evidence to the contrary?
What is it about all these one man shows that gets stuck in prophecy and seems to have no clue about, or interest in the real message of the New Testament? Why do they hang out in the Torah and the prophets more than in the Gospels and Church letters? Are they bored with that and if they just taught what the actual Christian Church teaches, who would pay attention to them? Is it a perverse attention at all costs they crave? Malignant narcissism? Snakes in suits? Is prophecy their hook that works the best even when false, fake and futile? Have they found that fear sells and deliberately so or do they believe their own delusions sincerely?
What is going on here in the minds of these men who use and fuel fear, guilt and shame to control others and make fools of themselves often. How is it that they can make one foolish prediction and mistake after the next and fail to mention that they did? Tell me if you know. Please.
"Psssst.....Sermon's over..."