The Church of God movement should change its name to The Endless Excuses Church of God considering how it is constantly having to make excuses as to why all of its leaders, predictions, and prophecies fall apart around them on a daily basis.
Herbert W. Armstrong died on Jan. 16, 1986. So why didn’t this age of man end at that time? To find the answer, we must understand what Christ meant when He said “then shall the end come.”
Notice this quote from Lesson 22 of our free Bible correspondence course: “The word end used here in verse 14 is not talking about the end of the age. In verse 3, the disciples asked Christ about the end (Greek sunteleia)—meaning the entire completion, or consummation, of the age. In verse 14, the word translated as end is the Greek word telos, which can mean the termination or limit at which something ceases to be; or that by which a thing is finished, its close. Thayer’s Lexicon states that ‘what end is intended the reader must determine by context.’”
After Mr. Armstrong preached the gospel around the world as a witness, the end of the Philadelphia era of God’s Church occurred. The Laodicean era—which is the last era before Christ returns—came on the scene. You can learn more about this history in Malachi’s Message.
Revelation 10:11shows that God’s loyal remnant must prophesy again in the short time before Christ returns to this Earth.
Church eras, British/American Israelism, and Hebrew festival observance just to name a few have nothing to do with practicing Christian love.
"must determine by context." context is something that PCG and its ministry does away with on their bible studies, especially the Flurrys. ask Jerry about context with his failed prophecies, plus his erroneous claims in his books and booklets, and he refers you to your minister as he draws a blank. don't even try email since that goes straight to the bin, unless intercepted by his lackeys.
context, yes. the people in the PCG should try that sometimes, if they even know where to look or, for that matter, what it is. spoon-fed zombies waiting for their usual Sabbath indoctrination, that's all they are. context? bah, might as well throw that to swines.
Philadelphia Eagles lost the football playoffs on the anniversary of HWAs death.
Why doesnt Thiel recognize that this NFL football game had "prophetic implications"!?? ;-)
“PCG Admits They Are Laodicean?”
The PCG would be lucky to pass itself off as at least Laodicean.
The PCG can never be Philadelphian because it made massive changes to Herbert W. Armstrong's teachings and because the PCG hates and destroys families and friendships of former Worldwide Church of God people.
Some author commented with saying: "...After Mr. Armstrong preached the gospel around the world as a witness, the end of the Philadelphia era of God’s Church occurred..."
shows that God’s loyal remnant must prophesy again in the short time before Christ returns to this Earth..."
makes no such reference to "the short time before Christ returns to this Earth:" as if it might apply to Gerald Flurry just prior to the establishment of some Mickey Mouse Millennium (MMM) on earth.
Did HWA, as one of many servants of God, preach some gospel as a witness, or did he witness that God's Church still was in existence? When HWA died, as a representative of the Philadelphian era, did all of the rest of the sealed Philadelphian Firstfruits also die out? I doubt it, but time will tell.
Further comment made was: "...The Laodicean era—which is the last era before Christ returns—came on the scene..."
Did the Laodicean era begin then with Joe W Tkach senior and, if yes, was Joe it's first and last leader for that era? And similar to Philadelphia, might there be a bunch of scattered Laodicean sealed Firstfruits still in existence. That would appear to be true, but time will tell.
Another comment said: "...You can learn more about this history in Malachi’s Message..."
Who says so? I read an article that was published about June 1997 which contained some statements that appear to relate to Gerald Flurry and that Malachi's Message and some of what was written said the following after quoting Revelation 10:8-9
"...I can assure you that this “little book” is not the ravings of a man who thinks that he got some “grand message” from an angel and wrote some book that is supposed to be part of the Bible. The Bible was completed back then. God does not need your help. He does not need you to write anything. You all know what I am talking about here.
Get real! WAKE UP!
Those who believe that have been given a snow job by that particular group and that hireling who leads it. I hate to even say “hireling” in this case. He is certainty not one of GOD’S hirelings. He is a counterfeit and the truth is not in him!
Some have even speculated that this was the book of Revelation itself. What they are saying is that God said at first not to write it down, but later John went ahead and wrote it down anyway.
John was already writing everything down that you find in the book of Revelation. It was only what those thunders spoke that he did not record..."
Finally this author states:
"...Revelation 10:11
Rev 10:11
Regarding this verse, I'll provide another comment with a continuation of what was just written here............
continuing here...
makes no such reference to "the short time before Christ returns to this Earth:" as if it might apply to Gerald Flurry just prior to the establishment of some Mickey Mouse Millennium (MMM) on earth.

Rev 10:11
"And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings." Revelation 10:11
That was all addressed to John and not to HWA or to Gerald Flurry!
Something written that still makes sense to me is something else that was written from that Lesson 3 of the article about "The Three Lessons The Beginning:"
"...The angel was speaking directly to John. He had to see to it that the Gospel was to go out again to the world.
He knew that he was at the end of his life, and the only way he could accomplish this was by teaching the one that was to follow. That was Polycarp. He had to teach him that the work was far from over and that he must not “sit back.” He and those with him had to continue to actively and aggressively preach this Word. They had to go out there again and continue to keep this Gospel alive and this witness of Jesus Christ. They must continue to keep the Holydays and observe the annual Passover that the Father and Jesus Christ had instituted. They had to stand fast and continue to resist the mystery of iniquity that was spreading throughout the Church and the world.
This is what John learned. This is what he understood from this vision---that the Church must go on. He was the one responsible for canonizing the New Testament and passing it on to the next era that would carry on.
We, at one time, thought that this was Mr. Armstrong after he came back from his heart attack when he was in his eighties. “Ooh, he has to go out and prophesy again...”
No! This was NOT about Mr. Armstrong. This was about John. The angel said, “You [John and the Church] must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.” ...
......John is then told to eat the little book, which contains the history of the Church. It was sweet to know that he and his fellow Apostles were successful and fulfilled their roles by and through the Spirit of God. He realized that, even though he was at the end of his life, the Church had only just begun. He had the responsibility to prepare, instruct, and encourage those that were to continue preaching the Gospel everywhere they went. He fully understood the pain, suffering, and persecution that lay ahead. That was a very bitter reality.
Down through the ages God’s Church did “prophesy again” to many people, nations, tongues, and kings. It preached and published the truth it had even though it became more and more overshadowed and suppressed by the false Christianity that came to dominate the western world. No matter how seemingly small and insignificant the “work” was at times, the Church and its message was ALWAYS there for a witness. It was not there for a “doomsday” warning. Mr. Armstrong’s work was NOT out there for a warning to all people even though we believed that this was an extremely vital part of it. It was there for an ongoing witness---a witness for Jesus Christ, a witness that the true Church was still alive and has never disappeared and that the “gates of hell” (death) never prevailed against it..."
The title of this thread is a question: PCG Admits They Are Laodicean?
Perhaps they are, but could it be that the PCG, among other scattered xcogs (e.g. Living, Cogwa, United, etc.), may all be part of the Laodiceans in existence among Philadelphians?
Time will tell...
Steven Flurry at the end of his most recent internet TV broadcast, tells his listeners to not put themselves first. Why of course. If they put themselves first, they will give less money to his church, and heaven forbid, give themselves a luxury such as a movie night or buying themselves a box of chocolates.
Everyone must put themselves last so that there's ample fuel for their jet plane and funds for their Irish dancing.
Thank you, Tonto, for finding the very important event of 16 January. There's ALWAYS something big on that date, as PCG has told us for decades.
The volcanic eruption under Tonga was one day too early. So was the sad hostage-taking at the synagogue in Texas.
When they can’t possibly shoehorn a catastrophic event into Jan 16th, Gerry declares the he has been given divine revelation from God And has a greater deeper understanding on some subject he has twisted. And sadly all the people soak it all up, never exercising critical thinking and logic.
ample fuel for their jet plane and funds for their Irish dancing
Some Australians told me of their experiences when Gerald Waterhouse was Regional Director. He apparently said that if HWA wanted to he could take all the tithe money and drop it off the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Okay, it's "God's money" so HWA can do what he likes with it? That'd be a nice addition to the Talents parable.
7.36 AM
Tithing isn't really "God's money." Tithing is a tax, and like all tax money, it's purpose is to serve the needs of it's citizens. Imagine a politician claiming that he can drop tax payers money off a bridge.
ACOG ministers twist and distort everything.
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