Bob Thiel was seen whimpering in the corner of his homeopathy shop in the Five Cities area of CA today after the Living Church of God declared that THEY are the Watchman.
Doug Winnail states that it is not a pleasant job being a Watchman when they warn the world about being such degenerate sinners. Winnail claims that LCG is prepared to face the consequences for being so forceful.
How can they expect to be persecuted when no one knows who they are?
The Church as a Watchman: The Church of God today has the same job as the ancient biblical prophets—to proclaim the good news of a coming Kingdom of God and to warn of a coming time of judgment on the Israelite nations as well as the world (see Ezekiel 3 and 33; Matthew 24). In order to fulfill this mission, we need to watch world events and trends and proclaim a warning as we see ancient prophecies coming alive today (Matthew 24:42–44). Pointing out that there will be serious consequences for the sins being committed today will not be a pleasant job (Isaiah 58:1; Ezekiel 3:4–9). However, God says that He will provide an “open door” for His Church to fulfill its mission as we approach the end of the age. Along with the warning, we can share the exciting “good news” that Jesus Christ is coming back to save mankind from what will appear to be ultimate destruction. Let’s strive to be “effective watchmen” that God can use to fulfill this vital mission.
Have a profitable Sabbath, Douglas S. Winnail