Saturday, June 18, 2022

PCG: Cal Culpepper and Greg Nice - "These were a couple of the most despicable, disdainful, and creepy goons I ever met"


It is so wonderful seeing the Philadelphia Church of God practicing 1st-century Christianity. Such sterling examples of faith

From Exit and Support Network

After being banned from “the church,” I have lots to relate about my experiences. I committed no crime, nor had made any argument with any minister nor made any “dissident” statement, but because I myself have become a crime victim and was thus injured, also suffering severe financial loss, I was “suspended.” This is how the fake church treats crime victims. But I do believe that if I still was considered a member, I would only be subject to more and more punishment in the future. 
A few years ago, a certain two ministers, (who did not even seem human to me), whom I had never met in person before, one a regional head, accused me of things for three hours straight, in my own home, to try to instigate me into reacting rebelliously, while the regional head tried to force me into accepting only his version of certain events that happened to me personally, and then he claimed I could be “dangerous” to the brethren for telling my own account of what crime was committed against me by criminal scum. 
Basically, they “suspended” me because I did not agree with the ministers’ accounts of what was done to me and why, which ministers were not even around to witness all what transpired, but only knew of the rumors they heard. What could they possibly have known about it in order to pass any kind of judgment? Those two ministers accused me, a crime victim, of being “dangerous.” Ridiculous. 
No, but rather it is they who are very, very dangerous to the captive brethren, and so is their “church.” These two men acted more like mafia henchmen than ministers of God. 
I believe it was the foregone conclusion of that slimy tandem of accusers, no ministers of God, that I was “dangerous” and “hostile,” and their intent was to throw me out of the “church” before they even walked through my door, and I also believe that it was likely the diabolical duo had already been given orders from a higher office in the “church government” to get rid of me. That is the impression I received. Their behavior towards me was abnormal and hostile. 
The names of these inhuman ministers are Cal Culpepper and Greg “Nice.” Greg “Nice” is just as sarcastic of a man as his nice last name is towards his character. These were a couple of the most despicable, disdainful, and creepy goons I ever met, and the spiritual residue of their presence in my home still seems to pollute my place. I should have been the one to leave a boot print on their coat tails. I have more to tell about this horrible experience I had with them, and it certainly validates the stories I have read from other exiters.

More on Cal Culpepper:

How Fred Dattalo, Cal Culpepper and Gerald Flurry Caused A PCG Suicide

More on Greg Nice:


Friday, June 17, 2022

Crackpot Prophet Continues To Label His Followers As Israelitish (Whites) And Gentiles (Blacks and all non-white)


Israelitish peoples vs Gentiles

Growing up in the early 1960's in the church it was regularly pointed out to us that those around us of a different color were considered Gentiles. That included any Hispanics, Blacks, and any other people that might have been settled in our region of the country. While those members had the same "salvation" we were supposed to have, they were of a lesser kind. It was the British Israelite people who were the chosen of God and everyone else got in on our shirttails.

That foolish myth is still alive today in the improperly named "continuing" Church of God, The Great Bwana to the Gentiles declared today that he has increased his total membership now to a little over 7,500. Of that number 7,300 are church-hopping Adventist/Sabbatarian groups in Africa, the ones he calls Gentiles (Blacks). The rest of his membership is made up of Israelitish peoples (whites). Thiel admits that he has only between 100-200 Israelitish members. That number has dropped from the 300 he has been claiming.

Like the Great Bwana, some of his African leaders have been having "visions/dreams" that have great spiritual significance.

Apparently, we are all supposed to stand back in awe at these dreamy episodes as "god" given. A white cloth came down from heaven just like it did for Paul, except in Keya where God apparently has no ability to lead people into the improperly named "continuing" Church of God.

Evangelist Evans Ochieng of the Continuing Church of God has made several trips to Malawi and Mozambique over the years. And from the USA, Terry Nelson and his sons have also been able to have two trips to that area. When I was last in Africa, I met with leaders from across Africa, including some from Malawi and Mozambique and have been involved with ordinations there. 
That being said, last month, after having a vision-dream that reminded him of an earlier vision-dream he had originally dismissed...

Greetings from kenya. Pastor there is something that I didn’t tell you when I was joining continuing church of God. I didn’t say it because I thought it was just a dream. When I was joining continuing church of God, I saw a small white handkerchief. It was very white and in in it was written continuing church of God. When I was still looking it, it enlarged till become bigger. Then I woke up. I thought it was a dream. Then recently I saw the same handkerchief standing in Malawi just the same I saw it in kenya. The same size and enlarged like before. After a short time I saw if I was baptizing so many people in Malawi. After that I heard a voice telling me that you are a loved man. 
The reason why I knew that it was a vision, you know very well that when I was joining CCOG, I came out one person and as I continue talking with people about CCOG, the church continues to grow very fast and right now, the church has expanded highly. Not because of my strength or any strength from a man but from GOD. I’m saying this because all people who God call in CCOG are working tirelessly to preach the gospel. I can see the work which is going on in rift valley, in kisii and in Nyanza, Pastors are really working. So what I saw about that handkerchief is the same to what I saw in kenya. The only different is, when I saw it in kenya, I didn’t see that I’m baptizing many people. And voice I didn’t here. Now if I saw it in Malawi and the kind of baptism I saw , tells me clearly that it is a vision. That is the reason why I want go to Malawi for almost one month preaching and visitation. Evans

Bwana Bob continues on:

"Several African reports are in this Letter which point to the Continuing Church of God having success reaching Gentiles there..." 
"The New Testament teaches that the “full number” of the Gentiles are prophesied to come in before Jesus returns and we have seen growth in Gentile congregants in Asia (India and the Philippines), Africa and other places. Furthermore, our upcoming radio broadcast out of Italy should help us reach more European Gentiles (as well as some Israelites) starting next month." 

Bwana Bob's followers in Africa are only following the leaders of their churches as they church hop from one organization after another. These leaders tell them what to do and they do it. Bwana Bob's attendance figures are just as suspect as Wade Cox's millions of African members. 

"As far as reaching those of Israelitish descended backgrounds, most of our video views come from them...and most of the multiple millions of computers our online campaigns reach are also those with Israelite heritage..." 
"Because of obeying Jesus’ commands to go to all nations, along with God’s blessings, the CCOG has been the fastest growing x-WCG COG in the 21st century. We have used tithes and offerings to pay for trips, literature, radio, videos, internet support, online campaigns, visits, building materials, youth camps, festival assistance, equipment, seeds, work projects, and other things to reach people around the world, and including the Gentiles and Israelites (cf. Letter to the Brethren: January 20, 2022)."

No other Church of God in human history is as magnificent as Bwana Bob's group. Everyone else are just impotent little groups led by impotent little me while the Great Bwana pounds his massive chest declaring his greatness.

The Great Bwana then goes on to declare that this is all possible because he is sowing good fruit, unlike all the other COG's

We have also added more congregants without a prior WCG-related background than any other Church of God who leaders had ties to the old WCG than any we are aware of. 
Why mention that? 
Because Jesus said:

18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them. (Matthew 7:18-20)

According to Scripture, even the demons believe and shudder, so the "fruits" of the improperly named "continuing" Church of God leave a lot to be desired.

Also, Jesus is apparently waiting around heaven for Bwana Bob to get this message spread around the world, and THEN, and only THE will JC return.

Jesus taught that the end does NOT come until the ‘Gospel of the Kingdom of God‘ reaches enough nations (Matthew 24:14) and, based on Paul’s writings, we also see that “the full number” (as the NIV, NLT, BSB, CEV, GNT, HCSV, ISV, and NET Bible, put Romans 11:25) of Gentiles is something God wants in this age come in. This is something that must be done and we in the CCOG have a lot of fruits related to that. 
Although God is the one who calls (cf. John 6:44), we in the CCOG seem to be having major success in assisting with getting the message out to many that are responding to God’s calling.

Dream on Buckwheat, dream on. 

It seems like never before in Church of God history have so few reached so many with so little resources. God has blessed the tithes and offerings we have received to give a witness to multiple millions around the world.

Christians have been doing this way longer than Bwana Bob has, so there is nothing special about his message.

Do you have eyes to see and ears to hear the great message of Bwana Bob? Your salvation may depend upon it...NOT!

We have been reaching people around the world and have the fruits, consistent with those Jesus said to look for, and the signs the New Testament says would be around in the last days. 
Do you have eyes to see and ears to hear?

Because the Great Bwana continues to ignore the one he is supposed to be following he is blind to the following: 


LCG: Heartless members are not supporting the glorious work of the church!


It's another Friday in these perilous end times and the brethren in the Living Church of God are being chastised once again. Apparently far too many of them do NOT have their hearts in the amazing and glorious work of the Living Church of God. A church whose presence here in Los Angeles is dismal at the least with virtually no presence that is making a discernible impact. If they can't witness to 10 million + people how can they claim they are always a smashing success? Oh wait, I know...the brethren don't have their hearts in it so the gospel cannot forth and Christ cannot speed up his return. Get your act together, boys and girls!

Where Is Your Heart? The Scriptures clearly reveal that God looks on the heart (1 Samuel 16:7) and that He tests our hearts and minds (Psalm 7:9) because “a man’s heart reveals the man” (Proverbs 27:19). Our thoughts, goals, and how we use our time reveal what is in our heart—and this is why we are urged to “seek first the kingdom of God” (Matthew 6:33). Jesus’ focus was not on His own desires, but “to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work” (John 4:34). Jesus’ mission was to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, to warn the world, and prepare a people to reign with Him in the Kingdom. Jesus taught, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Matthew 6:21). Jesus’ time, talents, and energies were totally committed to His mission—His heart was in the Work of God. If we are determined to follow in His footsteps, we need to examine our goals and priorities and ask ourselves, “Where is our heart?”
Have a profitable Sabbath, Douglas S. Winnail

Perhaps the brethren ARE following their hearts and realizing they have been fed a load of nonsense that ignores the Christ the church claims to follow. If you are a Christian and don't have your heart focused upon that Christ, what is the point? It certainly isn't by gaining points by law-keeping, tithing, or proper church government.