Thursday, November 23, 2023

Crackpot Prophet on Replacement Theology, Kanye West, the Puritans, and Thanksgiving


The Great Bwana to Africa and 100 Caucasians, the Chief Overlooker of the improperly named "continuing" Church of God, the greatest Church of God leader in the history of Christianity, the only doubly-blessed, self-appointed, non-ordained Church of God leader in modern history, the world-famous self-trained theologian, the worlds foremost authority on the Mayans, a proud supporter of Pakastani translation scams, an avid user of Artificial Intelligence, and the final witness to the Catholic Church has a new article up that compares today's antisemitism to the Purtains through replacement theology while including Kanye West and Thanksgiving all in the mix. Whew! I need to take a breath! I am surprised that he did not include football in it somehow, but he did manage to throw in some basketball.

Like any good Church of God leader he has to look long and hard to find an article or news story that fits his warped theological stances, and boy did he find a doozy!

He found an article from 2022 titled, Thanksgiving: Pilgrims’ anti-semitism inherited by Kanye, Kyrie, as yet a further way of smearing Christians who are not part of the "true" church. The article talks about the Puritans fleeing Europe for religious freedom and the tyranny of King George in England. They sought freedom in the New World where they enjoyed the first Thanksgiving together with the Indians. Then a bunch of Jewish people also came to the country and wanted to settle in their communities. The now racist Puritians would have none of it. Now since Thanksgiving is associated with the Puritans and the Puritans did not want the  Jewish settlers living among them, Thanksgiving is now tainted. Their antisemitism carried on through the centuries till it infected Kanye West and Kyrie Irving in the 2,000's.

This is exciting fodder for COG self-taught conspiracy theologians like Bob Thiel who use it as more "proof"" of how unconverted Christians are outside of Armstrongism.

The article also talks about replacement theology, the concept of Christians or other races replacing the Chosen People, i.e. the Jews, as the real chosen of God. Bwana Bob likes this part of the article the best as it is his proof that Christians are antisemitic because they are not the true church:

Connecticut colony’s 1662 royal charter considered Judaism a heresy and denied Jews the right to pray as a group, vote or hold public office. Decades later, New England’s leading public figure Cotton Mather was so convinced that the Puritans had replaced the Jews, that he began wearing a skullcap and calling himself a rabbi while writing a textbook on converting Jews to Christianity. 
Since there were not that many actual Jews living in the New World at the time, other colonizing Europeans came up with a theory that the Native Americans were the Lost Tribes of Israel, prompting the Puritans to begin converting them with great zeal. 
Many diverse groups from white Puritans to Black Hebrews have claimed to replace the Jewish People, so how should Jews respond? Thanksgiving reminds us not only of the historic dangers of Replacement Theology, but contains the anecdote to its cure. 
After all, while the Puritans manipulated the message of the Bible, their influence gradually faded while the Jewish community came to thrive in the United States. 
Jews have made peace with the cherished American holiday despite its hostile origins, thanks to the timeless biblical message that Thanksgiving provides.

Bwana Bob Mzungu then goes on to use replacement theology as a tool to smear Christians as a group:

Protestant replacement theology, like many aspects of Protestantism, is wrong. 
Anti-semitism has been a factor in the Greco-Roman Catholic as well as Protestant religions for a long time–even though the ORIGINAL catholic church was considered to basically be Jewish and was not anti-Semitic.
But for those who were not truly converted, anti-semitism crept in. It is not that all Greco-Roman Catholics and Protestants are anti-Semitic, it is just that many of their important early leaders and influencers were.

It's pretty rich for Bwana Bob to condemn replacement theology since that has been one of the major concepts of Armstrongism. Since the Jews had not followed Christ they were replaced by the true Christians who carried God's sacred word down through the centuries in the Church of God movement though for some inexplicable reason it was lost for 1,900 years till Herbert Armstrong discovered it in an Oregon library after six months of reading some books. 

With Herbert's restored truths, there was a new chosen people of God. The members of the Church of God movement were now God's highly chosen people, who were so significant that they would soon be turned into God themselves and rule at the right hand of God right next to Jesus since they would be co-equal to him. True COG members have replaced the Jews and all other Christians as the TRUE Chosen People of God.

This belief was not lost on the Jewish community in the Los Angeles area when the church decided to start the Ambassador International Cultural Foundation and start concerts in the Ambassador Auditorium. Many highly accomplished musicians would not play in the auditorium due to the inherent antisemitism the church had been portrayed as possessing due to the race-baiting theology of British Israelism and stupid things Rod Meredith, Herman Hoeh and others had said. The church went into hyperventilating overdrive to contradict that belief. Through Stan Rader and others, they started a propaganda campaign to convenience the Los Angeles Jewish community that the church was not antisemitic. That baggage has never been eradicated in the church.

It is time Armstrongite cult leaders stop smearing others as so-called and unconverted when they themselves are the most unconverted unclean people imaginable!

Enjoy Thanksgiving. Celebrate the many blessings you have in family and country and ignore the unclean unconverted ne'er-do-alls that currently lead Armstrongism. 

Eat some good food, play some football, watch some football games, and be content knowing that absolutely NOTHING they say has any bearing on your salvation or existence.

Commercial Break: Thanksgiving 2023- Meet Your Meat


  Happy Jurassic Park Day! 

A Meal 150 Million Years in the making!


Turkeys Wallpapers - Wallpaper Cave

Birds: The Living Dinosaurs
Birds are not just descendants of dinosaurs, they are dinosaurs themselves, belonging to a group called theropods that includes T. rex and Velociraptor
Image result for T-Rex Front View

Today’s feathered flyers descended from a group of meat-eating dinosaurs called theropods. That group also included famous hunters like Tyrannosaurus rex — although birds evolved from T. rex’s much smaller relatives. Birds first emerged about 150 million years ago, in the Jurassic Period. And they’re the only dinosaurs to have survived a mass extinction event 66 million years ago

Feathered Velociraptor

See related image detail. Velociraptor Pictures & Facts - The Dinosaur Database

So if you celebrate Thanksgiving, you’re not just tucking into a turkey. You’re digging into a dinosaur.

Happy Reverse Jurassic Park Day, everyone!

Two Burning Life Questions

Which came first? The Chicken or the Egg?

Answer: The Egg (Amphibians )

Which came first? Feathers or Flight?

Answer: Feathers: Dinosaurs fossils now reveal that many landed dinosaurs had feathers long before flight. They served as both insulation and mating decor.


A turkey's wishbone — the one you and your sister pull from opposite ends to see who gets the middle nodule — is formed by the fusion of the bird's two collarbones. Also called a furcular, the bone serves as the connecting point for muscles and a brace for the wings.

During the bird's flapping (yes, turkeys can fly at a clip of 50 mph, or 80.5 km/h in short bursts), the wishbone acts as a spring to store and release energy. This elasticity is also the reason snapping a wishbone before it dries is so tough.

Image result for wishbone dinosaur | Rex, Paleontologist, Turkey

Turns out, the wishbone is more than a fun game for Turkey Day; it also serves as a reminder that birds evolved from a group of dinosaurs. Researchers have found that the wishbone dates back more than 150 million years to theropods, a group of meat-eating dinosaurs that includes T. rex and Velociraptor.


See related image detail. PG: Jurassic Snark - Remi Keys pg 11 - RealGM

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Church of God Videos: Slick Conversion Tools Or Objects of Heresy and Comedy?

Here are two different Church of God videos made by two different COG's. 

The first is by the Great Bwana to Africa and Chief Overlooker Bob Mzungu Thiel. If you can make it through the first three minutes without laughing or shaking your head in confusion, then more power to you. The Great Overlooker should have spent some of that $2,000,000 he has dumped in Africa over the past many years on setting up a real studio in his home, or at least investing in some quality curtains and desk chairs that don't bounce. He also could have found better AI sources to make his animations.

The second video shows a slick presentation by United Church of God that attempts to be all hip with the presenter wearing his snap back trying to appeal to millennial/Gen Z potential converts. It's slick and well-made, though filled with heresy just like the Great Overlooker's animation.

One is an obvious comedy routine worthy of derision and the other a more subversive one that subtly slips in Armstrongist doctrines as truth, denying the Holy Spirit and true divinity of Jesus.  It is another subtle attempt to promote the idea of the Armstrongist "god family" where true church members can become gods and join them in some kind of mystic union 
ruling planets and galaxies right alongside them as co-equals.