Saturday, June 8, 2024

Dave Pack: As He Descends Further Down Into The Danger Zone His Rotten Fruit Continues To Be Exposed

David C. Pack’s Danger Zone

This week, David C. Pack endured another biblical failure when Jesus Christ did not return on Sivan 1.

The world continued to turn without divine incident all the way through June 7, 2024, once again proving the scientific fact and law of physics that the Pastor General of The Restored Church of God is a false prophet, false apostle, and false teacher. Nothing he says should be believed or feared. Ever.

Even though he began walking it back shortly after his declaration, the countdown timer on unsurprisingly wound down all the way to zero. Whether his fraudulent timeframe was at sunset the night before, dawn the next day, or the moment before sundown Friday night, David C. Pack’s words have fallen to the ground, returning to him void for the 81st time since March 2022.

The timer will soon be reset for Pentecost on June 16 after the zeros are left to soak in the sink for a bit longer.

During “The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 515)” on June 1, 2024, David C. Pack entered a religious danger zone with a disturbing declaration that he had been cultivating for years.

David C. Pack can receive an utterance from God
without hearing an utterance from God.

Throughout the Series, God spoke to him. Or maybe God did not speak to him. He is not quite sure because he did not hear anything, which means God could have spoken to him. God moves holy men by the Spirit which means He can work with His chosen vessel without the man actually hearing a still, small voice.

Just what you would want to hear from a guy who claims to be fulfilling prophecy as an apostle, high priest, and descendant of King David while living on a private compound wielding unchecked religious authority as the only human on earth who understands when Jesus Christ will return and continuously pressures members to remember that their salvation is tied to how much money they give his spiritually bankrupt organization.

What could go wrong?

Part 515 was a list fetishist’s dream filled with major reversals and embellished revelations.

·      David C. Pack is NOT the Branch. Jesus Christ is.

·      David C. Pack reiterates that he is NOT Elijah while making the case that he is Elijah.

·      David C. Pack cannot declare the date for the return of Jesus Christ. 

.   But it looks like Pentecost.

·      The 7-Year Kingdom is back to being the Kingdom of God.

·      A still, small voice does not mean hearing an actual voice.

·      Many more lists prove whatever.

David C. Pack has a knack for spinning embarrassing reversals as powerful improvements. 

Imagine your favorite store informs you how pleased they are to share some exciting improvements coming your way. They are raising their prices. This is excellent news because they can now provide you with the same goods and services you have grown accustomed to.

Skilled businessman Dave embraces this approach.

Part 515 – June 1, 2024
@ 00:38 Now, I want to present a background because we’re gonna discuss some really powerful things. Some life-changing, game-changing things here. And I wanna take you back to where I was three weeks ago, then about ten days ago, and then ‘cause I’ve gone back and forth on some things. But I want you to understand the evolutionary way I’ve come to a certain point.

You can almost smell the greasy, slimy maneuver dipped in desperation coming. He front-loads it with how wonderful it is. He admits to some vacillating but is evolving to his current position.

The longer Dave talks by saying very little, the faster his hamster wheel is spinning.

@ 05:11 Hear me out here. The case for Day One being Pentecost is strong. But, for the last day, it is much stronger.
@ 06:26 But, here’s the problem I ran into. And you run into it as a ten-foot-thick reinforced with steel concrete wall. Shifting all months and years for eternity to land on the tenth day of a month is an enormous challenge to work out. I submit, it is not possible.

Dave is not exactly the gold standard authority for determining whether something is possible or not.

@ 13:23 Now, I’ve had a lotta time to think about these things.

Ever-Learning Dave has a lot of time because hardworking people pay him to do nothing but study and think all day long without the pressure of producing anything tangible. He spends 19 minutes just to set up his surrendering punch line.

He sounds like an abused wife recanting her story to the police.

I am no body language expert, but it is fascinating how often Dave presses his fingers over his lips when he makes statements like that. Subconsciously, he knows he should not be saying it, but he does anyway.

Part 515 – June 1, 2024
@ 19:55 YOU maybe want me to declare the day, and I cannot do that. I can’t do that.

Cannot do that? Yeah. Too late on that one, Dave.

Flashback Part 512 – May 11, 2024
@ 07:25 But, I know when the Seven-Year Kingdom begins. The very day. Absolutely.
@ 1:40:22 I know the date this comes. It’s impossible that it’s wrong. Impossible.

Flashback Part 513 – May 18, 2024
@ 00:22 I told ya that I know the date, and I’m three times more certain of it…

Flashback Part 514 – May 25, 2024
@ 1:13:42 I told you I knew exactly when this was, and that's true. …I'm dead down the middle 50/50whether we’ve got a 12-day wait or 21 minus some hours.
@ 1:31:35 Virtually every point proving Sivan 1 can be tweaked to fit Pentecost equally.

Part 515 – June 1, 2024
@ 19:55 YOU maybe want me to declare the day, and I cannot do that. I can’t do that.

How are the arrogant fallen!

If anyone feels even the slightest empathy for him, revisit his chest-beating on the topic.

David C. Pack – I Know. But I Won't Tell You (Part 1 of 3)

The immediate implication for this change is that Dave does not know his own name.

Only fools believe the words of David C. Pack. He proves nobody can trust what he says. He reveals himself as a liar and a biblical fraud week after week.

@ 20:38 You you just I don’t know the answer and I I don’t want to pretend that I do. I mean, I I can tell you this: these are very tightly listed. The number of things that point to the season of Pentecost are powerful.

Dave has another listgasm in 3…2…1…

@ 20:53 And I said jam ‘em together so I can get ‘em on two pages right to the bottom. And then we deleted some, and I put there's a lot of these points that are side-by-side that would normally make them about two legal length sheets. Pentecost is in the picture, but I cannot exactly tell you how.

@ 1:40:03 And remember that while we must continue waiting, I don’t care if we waited past Pentecost and God cuts more days to test our patience. I don’t see how that could be, but I wouldn’t care.

If Pentecost is a no-show, then it is God’s fault. That is classic Dave. Brethren, God is just testing your patience. It would have nothing to do with your human idol being a lying charlatan who is so painfully transparent you have no excuse for sticking around.

Of course, Dave would not care. The guy who does no real work and has everyone bow before him is always happy to wait a little longer at the top of the food chain. Life is good as it is, so what’s the rush?


The most often repeated excuse RCG members tell their family and friends when confronted with evidence David C. Pack is a false prophet is, “Mr. Pack doesn’t claim to be a prophet. He has repeated he is not Elijah and he is not prophesying.”

Dave may have claimed to be a prophet and Elijah yesterday but denies it today. Thus, that is good enough for them. There is no virtue in recanting a claim after it is proven false. The Bible gives each man one shot at proving God is backing him, and David C. Pack burned that bridge on August 30, 2013.

Current members in The Restored Church of God will not stomach watching Frank Kelley’s compilation video of Dave claiming to be and not to be Elijah the Prophet. Brethren are so mind-controlled and buried in their denial they will dismiss any tangible proof that does not support their desperate beliefs. Facts suit the devil’s purpose and cannot be trusted. Dave is human, after all, so he can make mistakes.

I wonder if the inhabitants of Sodom realized they made a mistake when the fire started raining down.

Dave knows how to capitalize on the power of refutation. He can say something a hundred times, but the single denial is all anyone needs to cling to and keep feeling good about signing their tithe checks.

When Dave boldly asserts he is not Elijah, it gives the Headquarters hirelings plenty of padding to deflect direct confrontations when the unpaid field mollusks are asked hard questions by members.

David C. Pack cannot erase his past, and an unordained non-prophet/non-psychic antichrist serpent more wicked (almost) than the devil will not let him.

Flashback Part 375 – June 12, 2022

@ 14:19 I may’ve been Elijah for a week. I may’ve been Elijah since the Series began…
@ 14:50 But, I don’t know when I became a prophet. I don’t know.

Flashback Part 447 – June 6, 2023
@ 2:02:42 Now, the fact that He’s revealing this to me, I have to be a prophet.
@ 2:02:57 I have to be Elijah now. Elijah comes first. He does not rise first.

When it comes to Bible prophecy and offices in God’s government, legitimacy and authority are not established by conflicting declarations. They are proven by fruits. Dave’s fruits are rotten.

David C. Pack knows he is Elijah despite what his lips confess. During Part 515, he states he is not Elijah while presenting questions that lead to why he is.

Part 515 – June 1, 2024
@ 1:28:26 I’ve said to you, brethren, I am not Elijah. I’ve maintained that. But, I wanna ask a question that I’ve had to come to grips with. If one explains a coming Seven-Year Kingdom that no one knows about it, is he foretelling it? If you learn, for instance, it’s the Kingdom of God, is he foretelling that Kingdom?

A series of targeted questions point to the same answer: David C. Pack is Elijah. Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge. 

But this is when David C. Pack’s astonishingly piss-poor reading comprehension skills get dangerous.

@ 1:30:19 But He [God] said I wanchu understand. My Spirit is like a still, small voice, and I can talk to you without you hearing My voice at all. I remember years ago trying to figure out what that was. Well, if there was ONE who would come later and carry that name [Elijah], I wonder if there’s a message in it for THAT MAN.
@ 1:31:03 “…but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.” God promised He would never lie to me. [chuckle] He never has, but He said that this would be resolved at the end. They’re moved by the Holy Spirit.

Pentecostals believe they are moved by the Holy Spirit when they speak in tongues each Sunday. David C. Pack is similar in that he is incapable of discerning which spirit moves him.

@ 1:33:09 So, I think of Elijah. I think of Peter. I think of Zechariah, and I think of Paul in Ephesians and I didn’t get an utterance. Or I did. I don’t know.

Dave says he is not sure but leans toward believing he has. After all, Herbert W. Armstrong never heard God speak audibly, which somehow proves He is using Dave in the same way.


This leaves a dangerous open door for anything David C. Pack says or does. He can claim he received “an utterance from God” without hearing a voice. He has granted himself the ultimate authority without ever needing confirmation.

From now on, there is nothing too strange or too foolish for him to claim on God’s behalf. He is above accountability, above reproach, above chastisement, and above reproof. This perfects his Get Out of Jail Free Card, which can be used anytime, anywhere, for any reason.

And the hirelings at Headquarters will continue to defend him.

Every idea, theory, whim, speculation, suspicion, machination, assertion, reversal, and blunder can all be willed by God through an unheard utterance directly into David C. Pack’s brain.

Hallelujah! At least David C. Pack will sleep better at night, knowing he no longer has to wonder why he keeps failing miserably. He was instructed to. It is all God’s fault.

Dave has been laying the groundwork for this necessary realization for years.

Flashback Part 375 – June 12, 2022
@ 39:09 So then, I ask the question, “Did I get the last messages from God’s mouth?” I’ve never pretended to get a vision…I didn’t get any visions. I didn’t hear any voices. I didn’t see, you know, Gabriel in my bedroom or anything like that.
@ 39:49 I got it from God’s mouth outta the scriptures.

Flashback Part 380 – July 1, 2022
@ 1:26:38 If, for some reason, it's not this picture, I will not bend it, I'll tell ya that now. Have to be an oracle. I’d have to have Gabriel in this ear and Michael in this ear telling me to change it in some way. And maybe Christ Himself for something.

Flashback Part 383 – July 23, 2022
@ 01:15 Now, I said I would not speak again unless I got an utterance or an oracle of God, and there are only two places in the New Testament where it mentions oracle. One simply means in 1 Peter 4:11, an oracle simply means in one of the places, “an utterance” just an utterance “(presumably of God).” So God reveals things through His Spirit, and that’s what He did.

Dave altered the definition of words to avoid appearing foolish. Too late. By the way, he did change his teachings despite Michael and Gabriel standing him up.

Flashback Part 425 – March 4, 2023
@ 02:57 The entire Series did (and we learned) can come from God’s word already recorded "the Scripture of Truth," without an oracle from God or Christ or Gabriel or Michael or anyone else.

Flashback Part 500 – March 23, 2024
@ 19:12 I didn’t get that from Michael or an utterance from God or Christ or Gabriel or anything. I’m teaching you what’s in the Bible. …John said he wasn’t Elijah. Turns out, he was. …will that be the same with me? And I’m gonna tell you, in my case, I believed the answer is No. I think I know who will go on to be Elijah.

David C. Pack does not hint at any other name under the sun other than his own for Elijah's identity. He knows who that man is just as well as he knows his own name. Surely, that is impossible to be wrong.

Flashback Part 501 – March 30, 2024
@ 47:00 I'm gonna come up someday [laughs] be able to go over and talk to the prophets and say, "I know exactly what you went through. Only your situation was worse. I had two verses that said eventually, I'm gonna get this right. It’s foretold. I have to get it right, and I will." But, I’m not gonna hear from Gabriel to help me do it. I’m not gonna hear an utterance of God or Christ in my ear. Nothing.

John the Baptist received an audible utterance from God. David C. Pack has not.


Part 515 – June 1, 2024
@ 1:33:38 So, would would would you say when the Kingdom comes, I’ve already prophesied? That’s a question. And I’m gonna do it again.

The answer would come when the Kingdom appeared. If it came exactly when and how he proclaimed it, that would cement his authenticity. But like the failures of Sivan 1 and Pentecost next week, they cement David C. Pack’s inauthenticity.

Notice he stated the foregone conclusion he will prophesy "again." He denies being Elijah with his lips, but his lips also betray his true beliefs.

@ 1:33:49 We would surely say in all these points, WHOEVER was sitting up here, that they only came to light because God was guiding THIS MAN.

He keeps Elijah's true identity at bay with third-person pronouns. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Did Dave learn this greasy, slimy technique from Brad, or did Brad learn it from him?

@ 1:34:26 Now, I’ve said I’m not Elijah. Remember. This is the only thing I can point to. John the Baptist was asked, “Are you Elijah?” And he said, “I am not Elijah.” And Christ’s answer was, “Oh, yes, he was.” [laughs] So, he said no. Oh, yes, he was. Maybe I was destined to feel the same.

If David C. Pack was not Elijah and believed it, how would he be destined to feel anything like that?

Commenters on Banned by HWA and YouTube have drawn lines from David C. Pack to Jim Jones, Marshall Applewhite, and David Koresh. I used to shrug off those comparisons as silly. But not anymore. With this new unfettered doctrine, now nothing will be restrained from him.

David C. Pack can say anything and do anything, claiming he received an unheard utterance from God by being moved by His Spirit with “just knowing” as his only proof.

With that frightening concept, David C. Pack has moved into a whole new danger zone.

Marc Cebrian

See: Danger Zone

Friday, June 7, 2024

Watching and Waiting In Wadsworth, Ohio For The Return Of Christ

Reposted from 2022. Two years later the creature Dave calls "jesus" has still failed to appear.

178 years ago one of the forefathers of Armstrongism whipped up a frenzy along with Samuel Snow in upstate New York that Jesus would return sometime between March 21, 1843 - March 21, 1844. William Miller finally set the date of October 22, 1843. Like clockwork, Jesus did not return and his followers were disappointed. 

Tens of thousands of devoted followers sold their homes and businesses to await the coming of Christ. Many of them sat on their rooftops and surrounding hillsides trying to catch the first glimpse of Jesus returning. The press made a mockery of them for that:


October 22, 1843, was the date Miller predicted after he carefully dissected prophetic passages in the Holy Bible. In order to be saved from the eventual destruction of Earth, he ordered his followers to find higher ground and wait for a cosmic sign that would signal the coming of the lord and savior. 
In the days before the event, the Millerites gave away their material wealth, said their goodbyes to loved ones, and gathered on top of hills, roofs, and other higher grounds to await salvation from a world that was about to end. But, October 22 came and went… without incident. William Miller and the Advent of the Second Coming

Snow later went on to take Miller's calculations to set a precise date of October 22, 1844.

As usual, Christ failed to return then too. Tens of thousands of people were affected by this apocalyptic frenzy. Tens of thousands left his group. Some left the church altogether and some went on to form the Advent, Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh-Day Adventists, and other groups that are in the family tree of the Church of God.

Reaction of Millerites to the Great Disappointment[21]
What Happened on October 22, 1844?Attitude toward ProphecyReactionNumbers of MilleritesCurrent groups
No Second Advent1844 date invalid
prophecy invalid
Abandoned their beliefsTens of thousandsMajority left Christianity
Minority rejoined former churches
No Second Advent1844 date invalid
prophecy valid
Jesus coming soon
Some set other dates
Many hundredsAdvent Christian Church,
Jehovah's Witnesses
Second Advent occurred – Spiritualized1844 date valid
prophecy valid
Short lived “holy flesh” movementHundredsJoined Shakers
Date not about Second Advent1844 date valid
This interpretation invalid
Cleansing of Sanctuary meant
Pre-Advent judgment
Second Advent still coming
DozensSeventh-day Adventist Church

As easy as it is to mock those deluded followers of Miller in the mid-1800's we are no better off today in 2022. Thanks to the ongoing epic failure rate of Church of God prophets down through the last 8 decades, hundreds of thousands of followers of Armstrongism have passed through the doors with many never setting foot in a church again or went on to form even more appalling splinter groups. (When the Worldwide Church of God was imploding in the late mid to late 1990's the church estimated that throughout its lifespan over 500,000 people had passed through its doors. Many find that amount to be hard to believe, but if you include coworkers and contributors, that would swell the ranks.)

Sadly, COG leaders and many ministers never learned from Miller's mistakes nor from the false prophecies of hundreds of COG leaders down through the decades. This brings us to 2022 where we are witnessing modern-day "William Millers" make absurd prophecies that continue to fail every single day. 

In the Church of God movement in 2022 we have some of the most egregious liars ever imaginable: Gerald Flurry, Dave Pack, Bob Thiel, Ron Weinland, John Rittenbaugh, and Alton Billingsley. Each of these men claims God is speaking directly to them revealing in dreams and visions just how things will shortly be. Every single one of these men has been proven to be liars and yet a remnant few remain loyal to them.

Today, in Wadsworth Ohio, the devout are waiting in eager anticipation for Christ to return and usher in a glorious new kingdom where they will be transformed into gods and will be teachers of humanity in the truth of God. Like William Miller's followers, these people have sold their homes, and businesses, cashed in retirements and insurance policies, and have given the money to Dave for some kind of mighty push.

Come Monday morning, June 6, Dave will make a new proclamation and set yet another date. If he keeps to his word, which he never has, he will declare Pentecost 2023 as the next date and remain silent till then, but we all know Dave can't keep his mouth shut and wait that long. More sermons and special announcements will be made.

If these people genuinely followed the Christ they claim to then they would have no need to worry about dates and prophecies that Dave and other COG leaders espouse. Instead of resting securely in faith in Christ as millions of Christians do every single day, these remnant believers live lives of constant dread and fear over present situations. They so desperately need that kingdom to come to be proven right. While Christians also wait for a kingdom to be coming, many work today in the world to help bring it into fruition by doing good works, without expectation of reward, to bring a foretaste of what that heavingly banquet will be like.

The COG movement has isolated itself from those around them, creating an insular movement that looks inwardly at itself where goodness and all truth are perceived to be dwelling while all around them, even in the midst of trouble, goodness and truth preside.

It is my hope that after tonight some will wake up in the Restored Church of God and leave and find true freedom, but sadly we know this will not be the case.

Does "that smart-alecky little twerp, Bob Thiel" Have No Shame?


The ad in the link below popped into my news feed this morning. I am a member of CG7, so at first I was pleased to see it. 

But eventually, it became clear that the ad was not put out by any of the genuine CG7 organizations from Denver or Meridian or Caldwell or Salem.

The ad was put out by that smart-alecky little twerp, Bob Thiel.

Let’s be clear. The name “Church of God Seventh Day” is not owned by anyone. It is used by several different groups. So Bobby-boy can legally use it. But his organization is called the “Continuing Church of God.” The ad initially looks like it is put out by one of the real Church of God Seventh Day groups. It is not. 
The ad is totally misleading. Has he no shame?

Now I doubt any of the CG7 people will confront Bobby boy. The real CG7s have no desire to get into wars with Armstrong off-shoots. 
In the 90s, I was told by a couple of elderly CG7 ministers that in the 60s the Denver CG7 received a cease and desist letter from WCG. Armstrong’s legal department claimed that the booklet, “Has Time Been Lost” was written by HWA and that the WCG owned the copyright to it. Further, they instructed CG7 to stop printing and distributing it.

CG7 sent Helge et al a copy of an early version of that booklet. CG7 showed they had published it long before HWA was even baptized. 
Now, did CG7 respond to WCG in kind and return the cease and desist favor to them? Nope. The matter got dropped. I am not a spokesman for CG7, but I know they have no desire to get involved in legal squabbles or dirty tricksterism. In fact, CG7 leadership may gently chastise me for calling Bobby boy a twerp.
