Where would the Church of God be without its resident idiot prophets running off at the mouth about the end-time malarkey? Keep those sheeple all stirred up and fearful, and they will not think twice about questioning the prophet's stupidity. Besides, keeping them living in fear keeps them under control and with their wallets open for the "end time push".
The Great Bwana to Africa and the occasional Caucasian had this little snippet up today from Church of the Eternal God:
11/08/24 a.m. In its newsletter today, CEG has the following:
Trump has won. ...
European Reactions
Breitbart wrote on November 6:
“Donald Trump may have turned the U.S. red, but in Europe the airwaves and front pages turned blue as the very tribally left-wing legacy media vented their disappointment at the American people not voting as wanted. German broadsheet newspaper Die Zeit said it for many in the European media on Wednesday morning with their reaction to the re-election of President-elect Trump, ... The colourful article comparing election night coverage to staring into a nuclear bomb’s mushroom cloud lamented ‘America doesn’t care at all’ about European feelings… the article’s author rhetorically asked whether this was to be the end of America…
Our resident crackpot then goes on to add his worthless two cents:
The election was a step towards the end of the USA, "but the end is not yet: (cf. Matthew 24:6)--we have at least 3 1/2 years before the end.