Monday, October 7, 2019

"There Had Better Be a Heaven If We Are Going to Waste Our Time Like This"

I have to admit, I miss teaching and really enjoyed, in the last five years of my ministry in WCG, giving sermons at the Feast. Admittedly, towards the end, I pushed the envelope of WCG thinking.  My last sermon was to 6000 or so in Myrtle Beach on "The Politics of the New Testament" where I endeavored to burst the bubble that all the Apostles loved each other and believed and taught the same thing. The point was that nothing has changed today in that realm and within a few more months it was over personally.

 I gave one  on "The Wonderful World Tomorrow" as expected to do and perhaps even assigned to do in those years.  I chose to quote much of "Touch the Earth" which was based on Native American observations about what was wrong with White Culture and how we tore up the planet and had lost touch with nature and the Earth itself accept to exploit it. We have lost ourselves in doing and forgotten what just being means to our good mental health. I expressed the hope that the Wonderful World Tomorrow was more in the Touch the Earth mode than subdue, which original meaning or not seems to mean "plunder" it and exercise "dominion" over every creature  as was the original Biblical injunction.

 After that sermon a Native American Cherokee family came up to me with tears in their eyes to thank me for addressing Native Cultural perspectives. It was a sermon they had never heard in WCG and always felt marginalized as we all might expect.  The next day they presented me with five beautiful arrowheads and a turquois tie pin with a silver feather attached.  I will never forget that.

The two red points were gifts from Cherokee WCG Members .
They are Florida Points that made their way up the Coast to Georgia. They date from the Middle Archaic Period of 8000 to 5000 years ago.

If I had a chance to give one more, it would be this one. 
In hindsight, living in the Present Moment in one's actual life, without always looking ahead 3-5, 10 max with 25 for sure before the Kingdom comes, ate up way too much real life time and for nothing. Lesson learned. 

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Living Church of God: Children should be seen, not heard

It is almost Feast of Tabernacles time in COGland and Living Church of God has laid the law down on excited children at Feast sites:

Children and the Feast

Horseplay and Running: Parents, please remember that children are not permitted to run or engage in horseplay before, during, or after services, including at the Feast. A fall can be life-threatening for the elderly. Children should also not be allowed to play on the stage or near speakers, microphones, and other expensive equipment. 

You Are Responsible for Your Child: Parents should also be aware the Church does not take responsibility for the care of children at Church meetings or events, including at the Feast. Please ensure that the conduct of your children and young people is adequately supervised throughout their attendance, and that your children are fully under your control. 

Sitting with Parents: It is also the policy of the Church to have children and teens sit with their parents during services. An exception may be where an individual child or teen may sit with a friend’s parents and family. Obviously, a teen attending whose parents are not also in attendance would be exempt. 
And they wonder why so many of their youth hate the church.

Armstrongism and the Neanderthal Key

Armstrongism and the Neanderthal Key

Because the vital key that unlocks prophecy to our understanding had been lost. That KEY is the IDENTITY of the United States and the British peoples in Biblical prophecy. That KEY has been found!
Herbert W. Armstrong,
The United States and Britain in Prophecy

There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things."
"I dare say you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.
Lewis Carroll,
Through the Looking Glass
It would be unexpected to anyone that the discovery of bones in Germany in 1856 would lead to the identification of a prehistoric hominid species, the Neanderthals, and this discovery could have a profound effect on Armstrongism over a century later. Neanderthals have been the subject of intensive research and the body of scientific literature on them is large. They will not be described further in this writing but it is important to mention that the entire Neanderthal genome was sequenced in 2010 and evidence of admixture with the ancestors of modern humans were identified. A foundational belief in Armstrongism is British-Israelism. The Neanderthal component in the modern human genome makes a highly significant statement about British-Israelism.

Genetics, Neanderthals and the Armstrongist Story of Israel

HWA maintained that a collection of modern nations comprise the people known in the Bible to be descended from Jacob (Israel). This includes the people of the British Isles, Jews, and various Northwest European peoples. The assertion that these people are all descended from Jacob is genetically impossible. Relying on the Biblical account, we know that Jacob was haplogroup J (“haplogroup” means y-chromosome haplogroup throughout the text) by noting that he is a descendant of Abraham. The Jews and the Adnani Arabs both claim descent from Abraham and both are haplogroup J (see work of Dr. Spencer Wells). This means that Abraham’s male descendants, including Jacob, will be haplogroup J. Y –chromosome haplogroups are inherited in the masculine line only. The peoples of the British Isles and the peoples of Northwest Europe are principally haplogroup R1b. The Jews are haplogroup J. Israel could not have been the father of Judah, Levi, and Simeon (haplogroup J) and also the father the other brothers (haplogroup R). This can only happen if there was what genealogists call a “non-parental event.” Non-parental events would include adoption or illegitimacy. 

As we have seen, if we apply principles of genetics to the Biblical genealogies, all the descendants of Israel are haplogroup J. (Note that all peoples have absorbed outsiders over time. The modern-day Jews also harbor other haplogroups besides J but J is the principal modern and ancient Jewish haplogroup.) This decisively excludes the British and other Northwest Europeans from the House of Israel. Among believers in British-Israelism, much is made of the fact that the Jews are not Israel. But this is a trivial point of nomenclature and has no genetic bearing. And it is not possible that the British and Northwest Europeans mutated from haplogroup J to haplogroup R in the generations after Jacob. The genetic distance between R and J is too great for that to be a possibility and rates of mutation are not remotely that rapid. Also, a hard biological constraint is that human haplogroups in the genome are related to each other in a hierarchical structure and this supposition would violate that structure. In addition, there is a well-defined archaeology connecting the Western Europeans to the ancient Steppe Pastoralists who came out of the north Russian steppes (see Dr. David Reich’s book “Who We Are and How We Got Here: Ancient DNA and the New Science of the Human Past,” 2019)

Though we know from genetics that British-Israelism is a myth, as discussed above, the validity of this conclusion is corroborated by Neanderthal ancestry among the people of Europe and the Middle East. Asians have more Neanderthal ancestry than other races. Next, are Europeans. The people with the least Neanderthal ancestry are sub-Saharan Africans. Some tribes in the sub-Sahara have no Neanderthal ancestry. This is because modern humans originated in African and did not encounter Neanderthals until they migrated to Europe and Asia where Neanderthals lived. The haplogroup J people of the Middle East have less Neanderthal ancestry than Asians and Europeans but more than sub-Saharan Africans. The spectrum difference in the relative proportion of Neanderthal ancestry points out that Europeans, including the British and Northwest Europeans, derive from a different source than the haplogroup J people of the Middle East. These two groups, the Jews in this case and Northwest Europeans, have different long-duration migrational and genetic histories vis-à-vis Neanderthals. This leads to the inescapable conclusion that the British and other Northwest Europeans are not descended from Israel. 

The Missing Dimension in Armstrongist British-Israelism

Herbert W. Armstrong and Herman Hoeh did not have the benefit of the science of genetics at the time they developed the Armstrongist canon on race.  Perhaps, if there could have been a primer on genetics in the library in Des Moines, British-Israelism would never have been incorporated into Armstrongism.  But it was adopted and this was an influential factor in setting the direction of the development of Armstrongism in belief and practice.  British-Israelism has unfortunately attracted a significant number of people to Armstrongist congregations who want or who have grown to be comfortable with a racialized belief system, who want to believe they are special to god above others not because of their faith but because of their racial status.  Perhaps, in time the Armstrongist churches will evaluate the scientific evidence and eject from their beliefs this odd blend of mythology, racism and conspiracy theory that is British-Israelism.    One key that supports that ejection is the Neanderthal heritage in the modern human genome.