Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Pill Pushing Fake COG Prophet Wants You To Buy His Zinc Pills

Screenshot of fake COG prophet Bob Thiel's blog entry 
with his own brand of pills that he peddles 
from his back storeroom in Arroyo Grande, CA.

After President Trump opened his mouth and tweeted to the world that he was taking hydroxychloroquine and zinc to ward off possibly catching COVID-19, the fake Ph.D.'d and self-appointed leader of the improperly named "continuing" Church of God felt it was a good opportunity to share his wealth of "knowledge" about the zinc pills that he peddles when he is not making outlandish prophetic predictions.
It is not that I am advocating chloroquine, but I do believe that science supports taking zinc, and for some substances that can enhance its absorption. In my own case, I take food zinc along with a food grade methylene blue product to enhance cellular absorption. This does not mean that I cannot get COVID-19, but I most certainly am not afraid of it. I also take food vitamin C, food selenium, food vitamin D, other 100% food nutrients, and nattokinase as part of my regular routine.
Governments around the world, including the USA, have been loath to tell the public that they can do more than hide and wash to help themselves with COVID-19–that is a disgrace that should shame most public health officials (there are a few that have had the integrity to tell some scientific facts about nutrients that can help, like zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D, etc.). 
A reader here noted:

"I read this morning that Dr. Thiel takes a zinc supplement among other dietary supplements.  I want to emphasize that I am trying not to be judgmental (there are all those rather inconvenient words by Someone about being so), it’s more that I’m confused. Is he suggesting either (a) God has not included sufficient amounts of zinc, etc in the foods God has given us; or (b) that it’s ok to take supplements if one’s faith in God’s Preserving Love isn’t as strong as it should be. This seems to be a very slippery slope.   The thought has also occurred to me that if President Obama had announced that he was taking zinc, would that have been ok, or would it have been a sign that he was the antichrist?"

You can read his screed here: Donald Trump taking zinc and hydroxychloroquine to prevent COVID-19: Mainstream media aghast! Vitamin D? Vitamin C?

You will quickly note that Profit Bob talks more about his greatness and his superior knowledge than anything else.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Holy Roman Empire Could Rise Up By End Of The Year!

The coronavirus pandemic has sent the prophets of doom in the Church of God into a feeding frenzy lately. Death and damnation has been poured out upon the world. especially upon the United States. This virus is a wet dream come true for these guys. From James Malm to Bob Thiel, Dave Pack, and many others, this endless stream of "the end is here" scenarios have no end. The silliness these guys have been shouting gets crazier by the day.

Never to be left out, God's original favorite prophet Gerald Flurry, is now claiming that it could possibly happen by the end of this year!

Oh, noes!

You know the story.  The record has been stuck in this same groove for 50 some years now.

Europe will soon rise up with 10 nations, led by Germany, who will declare war upon the United States, decimating 1/3 of its population, another 1/3 will die from famine and disease, and the remaining citizens will be thrown into concentration camps or shipped off to Europe to be the slaves of Germany. This, of course, is after all true believers miraculously fly from all around the world into Jordan where the government will welcome everyone with open arms and will personally drive them to Petra where they will make the desert bloom again...after they finish fighting over just who will be in control.

In the meantime, James Malm will be in Pella all ticked off that only 10 of his followers decided to join him. With all of them elderly and infirm, who will put food on James table as he labors all day long reinterpreting the Bible?

And yet, COG prophets expect us to believe them when they all pussyfoot around with the "could be's" and "may be's."

One of the most important effects of the global panic over covid-19 has been almost overlooked. Europe’s response to the pandemic is accelerating the fulfillment of one of the most crucial end-time prophecies of your Bible!
The coronavirus is hastening the arrival of the prophesied Holy Roman Empire.
This church-state union has ruled Europe for centuries. But previous inquisitions, religious wars, crusades and the Holocaust have been a mere foreshadow of what the Bible calls the “Great Tribulation” (Matthew 24:21).
The Bible says 10 kings will rise in Europe in this end time, led by one overarching strongman. These kings will form the Holy Roman Empire.
The coronavirus pandemic is helping usher in these 10 kings!
We need to be thinking about these prophesied kings, who are rising now. As a result of the recent crisis, various European leaders have taken dictatorial measures. In several cases they have done so with direct approval from the Roman Catholic Church.
Many people have voiced fear that the recent crisis will destroy the European Union. But although it may look that way, Europe is in fact about to unite in a powerful way.
The Bible reveals that the EU is about to be pared down to a 10-nation superstate. This prophecy will be fulfilled very soon—I see biblical evidence of probably no more than two to four years, and perhaps even as soon as this year. Coronavirus and the Holy Roman Empire

Monday, May 18, 2020

Doug Winnail Wants You To Respect Those In Authority

It has to be rough being a Living Church of God Member and to be constantly told you are doing everything wrong. Every week it is something that they are failing to do right. I guess this is to be expected when the foundation of LCG is built upon law instead of grace. Sermon after sermon, week after week, magazine article after magazine article, it is always something that they need to be held accountable for. 

Respect for Authority: Today we live in a global society where respect for authority and for anyone in authority is in serious decline. Parents, teachers, politicians, policemen, church leaders, and heads of state are portrayed as liars, buffoons, and worse. While some cynicism and disrespect is deserved, much is fostered by an anti-authority attitude promoted by the media—which is directly influenced by the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4Ephesians 2:2). The Apostle Paul foretold that pride and disrespect for authority would be rampant at the end of the age (2 Timothy 3:1–5). The Apostle Peter predicted that presumptuous, self-willed false teachers would come, who “despise authority” and use deceptive words to malign (run down) the “way of truth” (2 Peter 2:1–10). The epistle of Jude (verse 8) offers a similar warning. This open disrespect for authority and those in authority is totally contrary to God’s instructions in His word. Moses wrote, “You shall not revile God, nor curse a ruler of your people” (Exodus 22:28). Solomon advised, “Do not curse the king, even in your thought” (Ecclesiastes 10:20). James warned, “Do not speak evil of one another” (James 4:11). The Apostle Paul wrote, “we urge you, brethren, to recognize [get to know, acknowledge, value, respect, defer to] those who labor among you, and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake. Be at peace among yourselves” (1 Thessalonians 5:12–13). The Scriptures also state that love and respect must be earned and maintained (1 Timothy 3:1–7Proverbs 29:2). We look forward to the time when the proper use of and respect for authority will permeate the world.
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail