Saturday, November 21, 2020

Philadelphia Church of God Cult Bans Smartphones As A Tool of Satan


So many of the Churches of God are all about control, but none so much as the Restored Church of God and the Philadelphia Church of God. They have to stick their sweaty fingers into every aspect of members' lives.

This time it is the Philadelphia Church of God cult, run by Gerald and Lil'Stevie Flurry. In yet another attempt to still stop members from finding about abuses and doctrinal changes in the cult, they have now banned smartphones. What is so bad about smartphones? They have access to the internet and allow students and members to double-check the lies that PCG puts forth.

Exit and Support Network has this letter up from a young person in the PCG.

PCG Ruling Says No Smartphones Allowed:
November 19, 2020 
Hi, I am a young person still currently in the PCG. Some time ago I stopped believing the teachings of this group. Since then I have opened my eyes to the fearmongering and manipulation. Anyway, around early this year, they made the ruling that no one should have smartphones. Instead, we should have alternatives like flip phones or gaff phones. The PCG no longer allows phones on campus from any students or anyone employed by the PCG. In sermons they actively shame parents who allow their kids to have phones. They tell the parents that they’re letting Satan get to their kids if they don’t take away their phones. It’s legitimately scary to see this happening as it’s just another way to control the members and gain more power over them. –[name withheld]

Friday, November 20, 2020

Living Church of God: LCG Members Need Be Like David And Stop Arguing With Scriptures And Repent!

Here we go again. Week after week, one admonition after another about something that LCG members are doing wrong. Can they ever receive an uplifting message from church leadership that compliments them and says they are doing something right? Imagine words of grace for at least one week instead of constant condemnation.

As usual, the emphasis is on the law. apparently, members are "arguing with scriptures" to deliberately not do what God church leadership expects of them. It's always something they need to be doing. They are constantly being tested and examined by an angry god. Imagine just resting and truly having a Sabbath rest. Christ says that is what he brings to the table.

A Matter of Heart: The Bible states that God looks on the heart (1 Samuel 16:7) and that David was chosen to be king because God saw that David was “a man after My own heart” (Acts 13:22). But what exactly did God see in David’s heart? God saw that David was a person “who will do all My will” (Acts 13:22). God saw that David was teachable and that he “loved” God’s law and meditated on it daily so he could learn God’s mind and gain God’s perspective (Psalm 119:97,105). David did not argue with the Scriptures or look for ways to get around instructions that God clearly revealed in His word (Psalm 119:16, 18, 27). David praised God with his whole heart (Psalm 119:1–2) and he repented wholeheartedly when he realized that he was wrong (Psalm 51). This is why David will reign as king over the children of Israel in the Kingdom of God (Ezekiel 34:23). We need to remember that God is examining and testing our hearts (Psalm 7:9). If our thoughts, words, and actions reflect what God is looking for, we will be given the opportunity to reign with Jesus Christ and with David in the coming Kingdom (Matthew 19:28–29; Revelation 5:10). The Bible reveals that our reward will be based on what is in our heart!

Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail

Sourcing Herbert Armstrong

As mentioned by others, various aspects of this teaching (British Israelism) were not unique to J.H. Allen, or to HWA, but if you specifically compare Allen's book with HWA's you will find some undeniable similarities in specific phrases, etc. between the books. For example, HWA used the term "Race, not Grace" in chapter IV of his book, while Allen used a similar term to title chapter II of his book. HWA also used an analogy mentioning "Californians" in chapter VI of his book... "Jews are Israelites, just as Californians are Americans. But MOST Israelites are not Jews, just as most Americans are not Californians." Allen's book states..." But the great bulk of Israelites are not the Jews, just as the great bulk of Americans are not Californians, and yet all Californians are Americans;..." chapter V. 

All this to say that many of the "truths" attributed to HWA which the COGs claim were "restored" by him were actually taught previously by others, fifteen to fifty years or more before he ever came on the scene in any public way. Not all of these men were necessarily Sabbath keepers, but some were, and some had ties to the Millerite movement in the 1800s. Their books, articles, etc. were circulated and would have probably been available in libraries with religious sections. For example, Russell's books entitled Studies in the Scriptures printed around twenty million copies in various languages and were distributed all over the world, according to Wikipedia. You can still find them in print available on Amazon. 

If we in the COGs claim to uphold "truth" then we also have to be willing to uphold "truth" even when we find it doesn't fit the narrative we have been told, and many among us still believe. I am not speaking here of the legitimacy or not of some of these specific doctrines, which people who come to this blog will hold different opinions on, and would involve a much longer conversation. But, we have been taught a certain narrative of our own church history and its founder that isn't completely accurate when one delves into the actual facts of the matter, and we become hypocrites if we continue to promote a false narrative to those who come after us, when the facts are there for anyone to see and research for themselves.

For those interested in doing some follow up on Charles Taze Russell, you can find some of his writings here...

A direct link to the Journal article as mentioned in the above comment is here...

In the above article, a man by the name of George Storrs is also mentioned as being a mentor of Russell, and a volume of his Six Sermons can be found here...

As others have mentioned, G.G. Rupert was a proponent of keeping the Biblical holy days. Some of his writings can be found here...

An online version of Judah's Scepter and Joseph's Birthright can be found here...,%20papers/JUDAH'S%20SCEPTRE%20AND%20JOSEPH'S%20BIRTHRIGHT%20(J%20H%20Allen).pdf

Or here...

by Concerned Sister