Saturday, June 5, 2021

More Stupid Things Gerald Flurry Has Said


GF has made an announcement that all men are to wear white shirts for Sabbath services. Evidently colored shirts are out. Exit and Support Network


The ultimate goal of Flurry.

Friday, June 4, 2021

LCG Gains Mind-boggling New Number Of Attendees! The Mighty Work Marches Forward With Power!


After spending thousands of dollars in holding "campaigns" in different cities, with over 370 attending, the boys in Charlotte are pleased that they have 14 new attendees. They are encouraged about this "positive trend". It is amazing what Church of God leaders in 2021` think are "positive trends." They are grasping at straws.

After a hiatus for most of 2020, the first five months of 2021 saw a gradual ramping up of Tomorrow’s World Presentations by the Living Church of God. In “campaigns” in ten different cities, 373 subscribers have attended, in person or online. What is most encouraging, however, is that out of the six cities where we had in-person events—Williamsburg, Virginia; Fayetteville, North Carolina; Tauranga, New Zealand; Kansas City, Missouri; Greensboro, North Carolina; and, Knoxville, Tennessee—we now have a total of 14 new attendees. While the overall total is small, we are encouraged by this positive trend.

Sabbath Tidbit: David C Pack Blows Smoke and Delivers Sheer Nonsense #303 to a Brain Dead Church


Dave opens Sermon 303 with a funny. 

"Should there be more time, new people would start with 301 to 303 and disregard 1 to 300"  (All laugh)

So far the rest of the sermon is a rambling, disjointed and "what the hell are you talking about" experience. I truly wish it was public. All 212 minutes of it.  

 I couldn't take notes on this sermon if my life depended on it. I can't imagine  one minister or member being capable of explaining anything Dave comes up in this absolutely horrid, rambling and meaningless sermon. If he did any real preparation, there is little evidence for having done so. 

I have made visits to mental hospitals where I sat listening to much of this same kind of Biblical diarrhea  and reasoning until I simply had to wrap it up and leave.   No gyrating in any seats I could detect though it was promised Dave would amaze them. 

Personally, his tone of voice sounds more desperate to convince, ass covering, glib, cutesy and tale weaving which has no basis in scriptural reality or any other reality I can think of. I don't think I have quite heard so many scriptures cobbled together into one incoherent mess in my life. I think he beat Bob Thiel this once is numbers of diversions and topics covered quickly and badly.  RCG
 members, ministry and 16 Bored Members should be ashamed of themselves for putting up with this confusion of which Dave and his god evidently is indeed the author of.  

Dave fancies himself the master of doctrinal "Precision" and taught all the rules of logic and reasoning by his parents from his youth. This is delusional and personal self deception on Dave's part.