Thursday, September 8, 2022

LCG Members Warned Against Expressing Their "Opinions"


Here is another doozy of a Friday Night Smackdown for LCG members.

Apparently, there are some rather rebellious LCG members who dared to have opinions about LCG leadership. One guess is that these opinions are NOT highly favorable of the leadership.

How dare members dare to think! How dare members hold the leadership accountable. Those that do are deceitful human beings with carnal minds.

LCG and other COG's can't understand why people are leaving their churches, this is why! God forbid if a church member dared to use their God-given brain to form some logical thoughts through observations and experiences.

But please, have a profitable Sabbath!

Our Opinions or Christ’s Mind: How many times have you heard or made comments like, “Here’s how I see it,” “Here’s what I think,” or “Here’s how it should have been done.” Often these comments are directed at people in leadership positions—even in the Church. Moses was criticized by others (Numbers 16). Peter differed sharply with Jesus (Matthew 16:21–23). In both cases, those expressing critical opinions did not recognize the real source of their negative thoughts and actions. Before we share our “different” opinions, we need to remember God’s warning, “My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways” (Isaiah 55:8). We also need to remember the scriptural admonitions, “the carnal mind is enmity against God” and His ways—including His government (Romans 8:7) and “the heart is deceitful above all things” (Jeremiah 17:9). Before we begin spreading around our opinions, we need to develop a godly perspective that reflects the mind of Jesus Christ (Philippians 2:5) that we find outlined in Philippians 4:8.
Have a profitable Sabbath, Douglas S. Winnail

LCG has another outstanding week of presentations to the unconverted


After last week's disastrous attendance for Living Church of God "gospel" presentations,

These cities provided a potential field ripe for the harvest of 3,433,115 souls with only 68 people showing up. Of that 68 attendees at least 40-50 of them were LCG members padding the audience. One presentation had ZERO guests! More Record Shattering LCG Presentations

LCG presenters stepped up to the plate this week and broke all records for attendance. With two locations holding presentations, with a potential audience of 290,170, they were able to have 15 people attend. Of those 15 at least 1/2 to 3/4 were LCG members padding the meeting locations.

15 people! The work marches forward in POWER!

St John's Newfoundland 113,948 population
Sherbrooke, Quebec. 176,222 population


Things Bob Thiel never thinks about

Hey Mr. Bob, what cha doin'? Have you had any of these sweet dreams lately?