Friday, September 27, 2024

New Interview: Jim Valekis: From Worldwide Church of God to Preaching the True Christ

There is no need for apostles anymore in the church because we still have Herbert Armstrong


Bob Thiel, Dave Pack, and Gerald Flurry will not like what Tim Kitchen has to say below. These three fools think God is speaking directly to them.

Christ called his team under Him. The Apostles, with Peter being leader. That again can be proven with so many scriptures. And through the Apostles, God called the Church, a team backing the Apostles, all speaking what the Apostles taught them, speaking the same thing. Which is what Christ taught the Apostles. Today, we have an apostle, Mr. Herbert W Armstrong exemplifying God's Way of Life, teaching us that way, preparing that way. He like Elijah and Zerubabbel has a team, just like the original apostles in the First Century. And we are qualifying to be on that team in the Kingdom now!

And he like Moses and Joshua, died. For he was human.(But will lead that Team under Christ in the Kingdom of God) God commands that team, that Era to HOLD FAST to what you were taught via the Apostle, the same message he gave Ephesus. Why, because an apostle was on the scene, and God gave the Church its doctrines through apostles. There is no need for another apostle, when we still have Mr. Armstrong. Why would God restore all things, and then go around and restore them again, as if the first installment was lost and couldn't be found. No. The Witness through Mr. Armstrong is still here. Those teachings are still here. And they still witness through those holding fast and staying true to those truths in the church.

HWA has become all-powerful and set the measuring line. Gerald Waterhouse did not depart from the trunk of the tree...yeah, right. Never fear, though; Waterhouse was a human and made dumb speculations, and NO ONE had the right to correct him. Only he could correct himself. That's one of the biggest loads of crap I have heard about Waterhouse in ages. Waterhouse was a liar and a fraud.

Like Mr. Armstrong explained, he taught the Trunk of the Tree and the main branches, the outline, the skeleton, the measuring line of which we must build and grow on. The Ministers were to expound, build up, focus on the smaller limbs, the twigs and expand from there, not departing from the Trunk of the Tree. That is what Mr. Gerald Waterhouse did. He showed us the program Christ started through Mr. Armstrong. He took all of what he was taught, the Plan of God, and expounded it into an AMAZING sermon going through almost every single point we needed! But he was human and speculated on some things. But he had the authority to correct it, not anyone else. And he did. Too many thought they can take that authority given to someone and do it better themselves, and some took themselves out of the church when they did that. Others when shown their error, repented.

Did you know the open door to understanding only came thorugh Herbert?

Today, with many of the sermons and message I've heard from many ministers, they do not have that structure, that skeleton, that measuring line, making clear to everyone whom God was using, what everyone's job is, and how we fit into the plan of God. Many take the job of an apostle and Mr. Armstrong and apply it to themselves or their group. And I'm not just talking about those groups who openly say they are an "apostle". I'm also including those who take the scriptures that apply to an apostle, that did apply to Mr. Armstrong and apply it to themselves and to the group they are fellow-shipping with and leading. Many say the Matt 24:14 is a commission and it is the Church's commission. Mr. Armstrong explained it as a PROPHECY of an Apostle coming on the scene fulfilling the Great Commission, which of course was given to the Apostles with the Church backing them. If the Church is not backing them, showing their loyalty, sticking with it, making a stand with the Apostle, not denying Christ through the Apostle, how can they truly be doing their part? And how can they grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, if they are not doing what Christ commanded us? Only those who were doing what Christ commanded, are given a good understanding. That means the open door to Understand, which the Philadelphia Era is given!

Tim Kitchen, Facebook