Saturday, January 21, 2017

Dingy Wade Cox: "God had placed the Solar system into preparation for the sins of the nations of Israel."

No need to editorialize the absurdities of Wade Cox.  He does a fantastic job making a fool of himself.

The Churches of God and the leaders of the Nations of Israel will be held to account and brought into captivity for their sins and their idolatry.  The Churches of God that do not repent will not enter the First Resurrection.  They will be dealt with by Christ on his arrival and those that do not repent will be killed on an ongoing basis until they repent. 
God had placed the Solar system into preparation for the sins of the nations of Israel.  The observers of the sun and its effect on the weather knew that there was to be a long drought over 19 years in AU and it would begin with a flood in the south. In January 1978 there was a flood from 22 January to 28 January.  After that flood the intermittent drought began and lasted over 19 years to 1997.  This was to end before the Sacred year of 1997 which was the beginning of the Thirty Years of the Mourning for Moses at the end of the Time of the Gentiles (See the paper The Outline Timetable of the Age (No. 272)). 
After the failure to keep the Sabbath Year of 1976 and the election of President Carter in the US whose term began on 20 January 1977 they were faced with Globalist stooges.  Carter gave away the gates of the US to their enemies. In 1981 he was replaced by Ronald Reagan (20 Jan. 1981 to 20 Jan. 1989).  In that period he took financial action against the USSR and established a number of preconditions for the Globalists. 
George H. W. Bush was president from 20 Jan.1989 to 20 Jan. 1993.  He invaded Iraq in Operation Desert Storm, for improper reasons. However, he did leave with Hussein alive.  He was a Globalist puppet who declared the formation of the New World Order (NWO) at the UN. This was to be of significance to the world and later (see the UN declaration of the Agenda 2030).  
He was defeated by William Clinton as president from 20 Jan. 1989 to 20 Jan. 1997.  In the period from Reagan and Clinton the Russians were destroyed and the Soviet Union collapsed and its banks were placed in the hands of the Rothschilds. Over the same time and through the Clinton Administration the Dot. Com crisis was developed and the entire US system was set up to collapse economically, with each crisis to erupt at the end of the previous administration and enable the transfer of funds through the US printing of money and increasing debts to the Federal Reserve, a corporation owned by the six major banks under control of the Rothschilds. At the close of the Clinton administration, the financial crises began growing and Bush was instrumental in establishing the 9/11 crisis and the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.  By the close of his administration the GFC of 2008 had been orchestrated and Obama was left with the task of printing trillions of dollars and increasing the US national debt by 10 Trillion dollars or double and creating massive pools of underground money throughout the world.  He undermined the financial integrity and the military capacity of the US and its internal security.  He will in time come to be seen as a fake president who in his terms of office did more damage to the US people than any person in their history. The final financial collapse was organised for end 2016 and the War of the Sixth Trumpet was to be undertaken using the US and the DNC controlled process. However Clinton was thwarted by the election of Trump in the US, and with the Brexit in UK being prepared the nationalist overthrow of the Globalist Communists became a real possibility. 
In the 39th year of the 120th Jubilee, God decided to tear the face off this charade and the wilful destruction of His people by those who say they are Jews and are not. The Globalists were seen for what they are both in the UK when the Brexit was forced through and won by its supporters against all the lies and false media propaganda of the Globalists and the EU bureaucrats and the US over the election for the 45th President.
The vials of the wrath of God will be inflicted on all nations until each nation repents.  They will be forced to keep the Sabbaths and the New Moons or they will die (Isa. 66:23). In the same way they will be required to send their representatives to Jerusalem each year or they will be punished with no rain in due season and the plagues of Egypt. They will be required to send their reps in 2025 and keep the Sabbath Year of 2026 for the Reading of the Law, and also for the Jubilee in 2027 (see Lev. 25 and Zech. 14:16-19): Then for each year thereafter for the millennium. 
Every nation will be required to do what they are told or they will have the punishments inflicted upon them. Men will die in vast numbers and become rarer than the golden wedge of Ophir.  There will be approx. 200- 500 million humans left alive by the harvest. The disobedient will simply die before the Millennium. Only those who repent will be allowed to go into the Millennium.

You may feel the need to use this after reading this load of  Sabbath 24/11/39/120 (This is the kind of garbage he preaches regularly on his fake Muslim sabbath. No Jesus but loads of bullshit.)

The Stephen Allwine Story is Preposterous and an Attack on God's Chosen People....

Just when you think Armstrongites can't get any crazier.  A Church of Malm member writes:

With regards to Stephen Allwine, I would like to ask that the members of this site pray that the whole truth of this matter is revealed.
After reading accounts of what evidence was reported, I am left with the distinct feeling that the story is preposterous and an attack on all God’s people. This story from the the Twin Cities is getting coverage nationwide.
None of what has been reported makes any sense, and there are more questions than answers.
Why would an IT professional use a site that was recently famous for it’s database being hacked for user information?
Why would someone spend so much time to seek an assassin for hire only to commit the murder in such a careless way making it certain to be caught?
Why bother with the memory loss drug when the object was to kill the person?
We know the congregation will come under extreme persecution soon, and framing the brethren is not out of the question.

Dave Pack: The Kingdom of God is HERE! You Will See A pillar Of Fire Here!

The narcissistic Wonder Boy in Wadsworth is going to make sure that those that don't want to listen to his superfantabulus  message WON'T hear it!    Dave feels that his message about the kingdom of heaven is so mind boggling that it is going to cause thousands and thousands of COG members in various splinter groups to suddenly throw off the mantles of their various church leaders and stream into the Restored Church of God.

Sadly though, Dave knows he has detractors out there that refuse to listen to and understand his mind numbing series of sermons (at 59 online now.)  The eyes if these detractors are clenched firmly shut so Dave, in fit of anger, is going to make sure they do not hear his message.
We are going to run into enemies going forward. They close their eyes and they’re clenched as tight as people clench their teeth. They don’t want to know, so Christ in effect says…they don’t want to know, so I’m going to make sure they don’t. These things are hidden from them; they are given to the Church. They will not be allowed to know, including even reading simple parables where anybody who stops and thinks should be able to say, wait a minute…a grain of mustard seed…You know, anybody can look up on the Internet and see that picture I showed you. They can read…Wait a minute…concealed it…Wait a minute, you’ve got to find it—got to find it—the field or a pearl—but they don’t. They just don’t. People don’t really read much of any of the Bible with understanding unless God calls them.
Just like the Gnostic's, Dave has received hidden knowledge that he showers the mindless rabble with  a bit at a time.  So just what is that hidden knowledge?

The Kingdom of God is HERE!  In Wadsworth no less!
Now you better understand, brethren around the world, THIS IS THE KINGDOM OF GOD! We’re not announcing it’s coming—we are announcing it’s here—and anybody can come in. It’s harder early on, but great numbers…They’re going to see a column of fire here—they are going to see walls that are impenetrable—they are going to see awesomepowerful miracles—they’re going to learn about there was a resurrection of the dead and mass healing, and all kinds of things…“I want that!” That’s what they are going to say, but the pressure…you know, persecution…or the cares of this life, the cares of the world because it’s still the devil’s world, are going to take some of them out.
And it is just our luck that Dave and his crew of misfits will be our judge!

But a loving God wants to see whosoever will call on the name of the Lord—he’ll be saved. It will still be, in a way, after that—but “you don’t have to obey Me until I say, ‘Oh, now you do. Billions of you—now you do.’” Every nation of the world—boom! And He throws down the governments of the world, and we go into resplendence. We’re the new judges. We’re the new world leaders after three-and-a-half years of confirming the promises to Judah and Israel, and offering and sowing seed in all nations of the world, and there will be people from all nations of the world that respond. That’s why, when the sheep and the goats are described in Matthew 25, it says He gathered before Him all nations. Do you know why all nations? Because the Kingdom had converts in all nations of the world and sadly some are goats; some are sheep…and some came out of the ground, and we’ll explain that at another point.  

Remember though this is the first kingdom or  dominion that Dave keeps talking about.  That is why there will be tares in the midst of Dave's kingdom.  Those damn unconverted  goats will be running around trying to disrupt Dave's kingdom, but they will have no power over Dave and crew, just those unlucky fellow COG members who did not really believe Dave.

At this point Dave's god will take that pillar of fire and burn those deceived cantankerous COG members to a crisp.  After this divine BBQ, a new temple will be built in Jerusalem where Dave will be the first to walk up its steps and great his god.

Dave then gets to another point where his god plays a great cosmic trick on thousands of deceased COG members whom will resurrected by his god.  These former COG members who will think they are in the kingdom of God, however they will be in Dave's first dominion  because the other kingdom has not yet come.  Imagine having to spend 1,000 years ruled by Dave BEFORE you can ever make it into God's kingdom!  Hell on earth!
But here is a greater proof…here is the next proof that accompanies that…For decades, thousands and thousands of people in the Philadelphian era that I knew well…pastored many of them…thousands and thousands of people…They’re all coming out of the grave believing they’re in the Kingdom of God. Do you want to tell them they’re not? Do you see? That would be almost…It would be almost like Mr. Armstrong taught false advertising—that I did—that every one of us—that everything we preached at every funeral, everything we said to people as they read the literature…
The resurrection of the dead is into the Kingdom—they all died believing that and they come back and find out they are not in the Kingdom…They didn’t enter the joy of the Lord, but they’ve got another work to do…They’re going to say “I did that! Wait a minute! Well, okay, I’ll do it again, but that’s not what I was taught.” It’s almost as though, for it not to be the Kingdom…Thousands and thousands of people coming out of boxes under stones would come up, and you know what they would feel? They would feel lied to. You need to think about that. It absolutely is the Kingdom of God, but they are going to find out it started differently than they thought.
Dave and his crew will have to spend a long time trying to convince all these deceased members that they are in his kingdom and not in the Kingdom of God.  What a pisser that will be, but not for long!

When these former members are told they will get to rule over millions of people they will be soooooooo excited.  It is better to rule millions than it will be to rule a few thousands who survive the slaughter fest before the Kingdom of God really comes.

But when they find out they’re rulers and leaders in it, they’re going to say, “Great! What do I have to do? I’m in the Kingdom. I’ve achieved salvation.” They might be a little more excited knowing there are billions of people that they can work with, as opposed to a few millions who survived going into the 1,000 years. I mean it’s really…it’s going to be a shock to find out the Kingdom is much smaller but the mission field—which is the world—is infinitely bigger than they might have thought, if they thought maybe there’s only ten percent of the whole world surviving—which is what we used to think…They will be absolutely thrilled—it’s a few ten thousands leading billions—and they’re in. They’ll be thrilled to death.

Isn't it wonderful to be a Church of God member and know this secret knowledge!

Friday, January 20, 2017

Gerald Flurry/Philadelphia Church of God: Can they truly be this STUPID?????

Get a load of this comment that came in on another thread.  Can Gerald Flurry and the Philadelphia Church of God truly be this stupid?  If it really were true, would it be such a bad thing to chase Six Pack Flurry out of the country?  Send him to England where they will accept him with open arms!   NOT!!!!!

Yes i was told this as well that they were having a worldwide fast to increase the membership to bring in more money. Yet they keep having these concerts to promote Malone's so called genius and his wife's screeches which they praise to high hills and back. And yet they keep begging the members for more money. I heard that 51% of the church is seniors who are not forced to tithe on fixed income but have been encouraged to work if they are able. They also want members to do more fundraisers. Supposedly in a member/co-worker letter sent out in November he wrote that Obama was only the political Antiochus and that Trump is the modern day Jeroboam who will work with Joe Tkach Jr. The modern day Amaziah priest to chase the PCG OUT OF THE USA and so they will end up in Petra. The members thought Obama was the Jeroboam type as well but when Trump won the election Flurry had new revelation. So now they say Trump will be the last president. 

Ambassador Report Event In Las Vegas

Ambassador Report Announcement: 

Five original publishers/editors of Ambassador Report (AR) are holding an all-day event at The Orleans Hotel in Las Vegas, March 16, 2017.  The event will be held on the day the combined three-campus Ambassador College Reunion ends.  For the first time the surviving principals of the AR will reveal the behind-the-scenes untold inside story of the making of the AR.  For information about attending click here.

Invitational Ambassador Report Private Party, March 16, 2017
Bill Hughes, Jim Lea, Len Zola (509) 342-9040
Welcome to the first Invitational Ambassador Report Private P
arty! Roughly speaking this will
be the 40
anniversary of
Ambassador Report
(AR). The first three magazine issues were
published in 1976, 1977, and 1978. It
been great fun and my pleasure to speak with every one
of you during verbal invitations this year.
Over these many decades we publishers, friends, and contributo
rs to the AR have enjoyed annual
and biannual gatherings in our homes reminiscing about our
experiences during the bittersweet
days ofwouldhavliked to
have been a fly on the wall at our staff and friends AR
parties over these many years. No doubt
they would have had a great time!" 

RUMPUS Interviews Jerald Walker

Jerald Walker grew up believing the world would end when he was twelve. His parents—both blind—had joined the Worldwide Church of God at its height in the 1960s. The Church would later prove to be a fraud, its leader collecting hefty dues from its parishioners and using them to fund a lavish celebrity lifestyle. But before Jerald Walker understood this, he came of age believing that The Great Tribulation would transform him, his family, and all believers into gods, and that his parents’ sight would be restored, and so for years, the stringent rules and deprivations within the Worldwide Church of God seemed worth it. When the Great Tribulation did not come, and the family’s faith began to unravel, Walker was left with a life that had no order. The World in Flames: A Black Boyhood in a White Supremacist Doomsday Cult is the story of Walker’s childhood journey through believing, ending in the realization that he will now have to erect an understanding of life from the ground up.
The World in Flames is as hilarious as it is harrowing. Walker’s accounts align so faithfully with his childhood point of view that the reader can see how he managed to believe that a dog bite was a direct punishment from God for wanting to celebrate Christmas, or that “integration”—something the Church forbade—was as bad a sin as “fornication.” And oh, yes, the Church preached slavery as ordained by God, and supported racial separation. How does the black Walker family make sense of that? The dissonance between what young Jerald understands, and what we know he understands later in life, creates instant comic friction.

Rumpus: Your childhood religion was the Worldwide Church of God. Can you tell readers unfamiliar with the Worldwide Church of God what it was all about? Is it still around?
Walker: The Worldwide Church of God was founded by a man named Herbert W. Armstrong in 1933. At the height of its success in the 1970s, it had a membership of over a hundred thousand and annual revenues of eighty million dollars, more than Billy Graham and Oral Roberts combined. Composed of a hodgepodge of religious beliefs, including Levitical dietary restrictions, the observance of “Holy Days,” literal Sabbath-keeping, and the rejection of medical treatment, the underpinning tenet was British-Israelism: the view that Western and Northern Europeans, as direct lineal descendants of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, was God’s chosen race. The membership was ruled by fear, intimidation, and threats, such as the assertion that anyone who dared leave the church would endure hardship for the remainder of this life, and eternal suffering in the next. And the next life, according to Armstrong, would arrive in 1975, three years after the start of The Great Tribulation.
When Armstrong died in 1986, leadership of the church fell to Joseph Tkach Jr., who began to move the church away from Armstrong’s teachings to mainstream Christianity. The name of the church was changed to Grace Communion International, and ultimately Armstrong was declared a “heretic” and “false prophet.” Needless to say, many members rejected these changes, and a dozen or so splinter groups formed, some of which adhere to Armstrong’s original teachings.
Rumpus: One thing that differentiates your experience from the experience of a childhood in some other extreme religious communities is that the reader gets hints throughout the book that this religion is not just restrictive and fear-inspiring, but might also be an enormous monetary scam. You and others who grew up within the church and later left it had to come to grips with reevaluating pretty much everything that had previously ordered your life, including the possibility that you and your entire family had been taken advantage of. What role did writing play, if any, in your process of understanding the world after your youth? When did you realize you would be a writer, and when did you realize you would write about your childhood in the form of memoir?
Walker: Writing helps me to understand most everything; in a very real sense it’s how I process my world. My view prior to writing the memoir was that my parents’ decision to join a church run by a con man was inexcusable, and I harbored a bitterness toward them about it that lasted for decades. And so when I began writing the book, I knew there was a real possibility that this bitterness would taint, if not largely shape, the narrative. But I also knew that something else could happen, because for me the process of writing is the process of thinking and learning, of acquiring knowledge more than dispensing it. I wasn’t entirely surprised, then, that by the time I’d completed the book, my bitterness toward my parents had given way to sympathy, understanding, and a deepened respect.
Though I’d been writing stories since I was a child, I didn’t realize I’d be a writer until I took a creative writing course in college. Fiction was my genre of choice, but my stories were always thinly-veiled works of autobiography. My MFA degree is in fiction writing, and for more than a decade after completing the program I continued to write fiction. It wasn’t until about ten years ago that I tried my hand at writing nonfiction, and I fell in love with the form, particularly the essay because it requires the writer to think on the page, which, as I noted, is my wont. I had no intention to write about the cult because I didn’t want to think deeply about it, to reopen those wounds. But the honest truth is that I’m a writer, and my experience in the cult is rich material. Sometimes you have to put the work first, even at a high emotional cost. 

Read the entire interview here:  The Rumpus Interview with Jerald Walker 

Monte Wolverton: The Remnant

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Allwine Court Documents

The entire document can be read here:  State of Minnesota vs Stephen Carl Allwine

What should a Christian minister look like?

What should a Christian minister look like?

by Miller Jones 
Over at Banned by HWA, several of the most recent posts on that blog have provoked a great deal of thought about what constitutes a genuine Christian minister. While most of us would readily admit that an adulterer and murderer would not qualify, agreement seems to break down when other issues are considered. In other words, what are the things that qualify a person as a legitimate minister of Jesus Christ? How important are things like gender, training and credentials?

For many Fundamentalists, Paul's statements in some of his epistles about female participation in church services exclude the possibility of that gender serving in the ministry. Of course, that assumption ignores all of the scriptural evidence that contradicts such a conclusion. What about Mary? What about Priscilla? What about Lois and Eunice? Is it correct to exclude half of humanity from participating in the ministry of the church because Jewish society in the First Century had a strong misogynistic and paternalistic bias?

What about the training of the ministry? How did Christ train his apostles? Did he send them to colleges and seminaries? Weren't most of the apostles and ministers of the early church mature individuals who had years of exposure to Christ's teachings and more years of life experiences under their belts? How many young men or recent converts were elevated to the ministry? Is Christianity a spiritual or intellectual exercise? Can love, mercy, grace, forgiveness, patience, kindness, compassion, etc. be learned in a college or seminary? How important is one's understanding of complex theological, philosophical and doctrinal matters to being a successful/effective minister of Jesus Christ?

Does a license from a man-made organization make one a minister of Jesus Christ? Does an appointment by some board or some single individual (like someone claiming to be an apostle or prophet) make one a minister? Does obtaining a degree or completing some course of study qualify one to be a minister of Jesus Christ? Does recognition by the State entitle one to perform the functions of a minister of Jesus Christ? Does the vote of a congregation entitle one to be recognized as such? What kind of official credentials did Peter, John, Barnabas or Paul have?

Didn't Paul say that exceptional character was an essential element in one qualifying to be considered as a legitimate minister of Jesus Christ? Did he have anything to say about the marital status of the individual and the harmony evident within his/her household? Did he say anything about the candidate's reputation in the community at large and within the church? Did he say anything about how the person conducted him/herself in public (e.g. displays of temper and the consumption of alcohol)? Didn't Paul say that the candidate must be able to teach and provide a hospitable/friendly environment? Indeed, even if Paul hadn't (or didn't) write those epistles to Timothy and Titus, wouldn't common sense demand that a minister of Jesus Christ exhibit exceptional character (over and above that of his/her brothers and sisters in the faith)?

And, perhaps the most important consideration of all:  What is a minister? Doesn't the very word evoke the word servant? Didn't Christ say that those of his disciples who wanted to be in leadership positions would have to become the servant of the others? Didn't Christ make clear that he didn't want the leaders within his church lording it over each other? Doesn't he use the symbolism of the care and nurture of a shepherd for his/her flock over and over again? Didn't he tell Peter three separate times to feed/take care of his sheep? Were ministers intended to rule? Were minsters intended to be repositories of authority and discipline? What does servant leadership mean?

Hmmmm, when we begin to ask ourselves a few questions about what a Christian minister should look like, it becomes clear to me that many of the denominations, sects and cults who call themselves Christian don't have a clue! Maybe it's time we all take another look at this topic and rethink some of the traditional attitudes that have developed about it? What do you think? 


Will UCG Practice True Religion and Visit Stephen Allwine in Prison?

Now that United Church of God has to deal with one of their ministers killing his wife, it will be an opportunity to see how truly Christian the organization really is.  Some UCG members are asking if their leaders will be practicing true religion with Stephen Allwine.

Will UCG, COGWA, and Vic Kibik and others visit Stephen Allwine in prison as the Bible they claim to follow exhorts them to do?

35For I was hungry and you gave Me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink, I was a stranger and you took Me in, 36I was nakedand you clothed Me, I was sick and you looked afterMe, I was in prison and you visited Me.’ 3 Matthew 25:36
Will the UCG and COGWA really step up tot he plate and help provide and care for a child that now has lost two parents?  This innocent child was set up to find his dead mother  by his sick father.  How can a child ever really recover from that?  Will UCG care? Does COGWA care?

26If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not bridle his tongue, he deceives his heart and his religion is worthless. 27Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to care for orphansand widows in their distress, and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27

Breaking: Victor Kubik Heading To Minneapolis For Damage Control?

Comment today:

Silenced said...
Allwine's most recent sermons were from October on the subjects of "Don't just show up to church" and "The sin of allowing sin" -- both are absent from UCG's website, along with all other info about him.

This was someone who was intending to just melt back into his COG life after murdering his wife, and raising his child as if nothing ever happened while accepting everyone's condolences and sympathies.

A common refrain from COG members who knew the Allwines today, which I have heard from a handful of different people: who else among us is a murderer?

This shatters trust and the bubble has been breached. There's a lot of healing that needs to take place, for both the Allwine family and their church brethren who are in crisis this morning.

I'm eager to see how Victor Kubik, who has landed in Minneapolis, is going to handle this. They've wasted no time jumping on the grenade as news spreads.

I would hope that UCG jumping the gun on this so fast is help the family and church members in the area.  But given how Rod Meredith, Ames and others descended on Milwaukee after the LCG murders and what they did and said, we may be hard pressed to see any real truth and accountablity come out of this.  This is a high priority now for UCG as the news is spreading like wildfire.

UCG Minister Stephen Allwine Drugged His Wife Before Shooting Her

Amy Allwine was complaining of vertigo the day she was shot and even spent time looking up the symptoms on how she was feeling, not knowing her husband had drugged her.

Man charged with killing wife and trying to disguise death as suicide
New York Daily News reports that Steve Allwine, 43, of Cottage Grove, accused of having numerous affairs behind his wife’s back, was allegedly devising a plan to get out of his marriage. He reportedly thought killing her would be easier than divorce. He’s accused of shooting Amy Allwine in the head on November 13, 2016, at their home off of 110th Street.
According to court documents, the suspect shot his wife in their bedroom, then left a 9MM Springfield handgun lying next to her. He reportedly contacted hitmen online, looking for someone who would do the deed for him and make it look like a suicide. Investigators indicated that apparently he decided to kill Amy Allwine himself, and used Bitcoin as a currency to illegally purchase a gun.
Amy Allwine was found with the handgun next her right elbow, although she’s left-handed. She also had no gunpowder residue on her hands, while the suspect did. A toxicology report determined that the victim had a high amount of scopolamine in her system, a medication used to treat nausea, known as “the devil’s breath” because it causes memory impairment and loss of inhibition.

BREAKING NEWS: UCG Minister Charged With Killing Wife After Failed Attempt To Hire Hitman

Stephen Carl Allwine of Minnesota has been charged with killing his wife.


It's got everything. Staged suicides. Attempts at hiring a hitman. Extramarital affairs. 

The Alwine family is currently in the COG (UCG last I checked).

Church members in UCG and COGWA who knew them were shocked when the story of Amy's murder first came to light. 

Stephen Alwine had staged the "discovery" of his wife's body with his 9-year-old son, and church members first believed their family had been a terrible victim of outsiders. They didn't want to believe that this could happen to church members (it does) and were quick to blame it on the nearest black/gay/atheist/muslim home invader. 

Of course, as every police procedural will tell you, the spouse is always the first suspect.

The local COG congregations, needless to say, are completely floored.

ht: Silenced


Daily Mail UK news had this about the UCG link:

Husband is charged with shooting dead his wife then trying to disguise her death as a suicide by staging her body with a handgun 'after failed murder-for-hire plots paid for with bitcoins on Dark Web'  
According to his LinkedIn page, Stephen Allwine works as an IT specialist at an insurance company and has long been active in ministry at the United Church of God.
His late wife was the owner of Active Dogs Sports Training located next door to the family’s home, which went out of business a short time after her death. 


KARE Minneapolis
A criminal complaint filed in Washington County details how Stephen Carl Allwine, 43, 
allegedly shot his wife, Amy, in the head after engaging in several affairs 
and trying to contact a hit man on the 'dark web' to kill her.

When Cottage Grove police were summoned to an alleged suicide on a Sunday evening in November, it didn’t take long for them to figure out something was amiss.
The victim, Amy Louise Allwine, lay dead on the bedroom floor at her home on 110th Street S. Beside her left elbow was a 9mm handgun, opposite from where the bullet entered the right-handed victim’s head.
“Victim’s hands revealed no soot, no gunpowder stippling, no unburned gunpowder stippling, and no blood on either hand,” according to a criminal complaint filed Wednesday that charges her husband, Stephen Carl Allwine, 43, with second-degree murder.

Investigators also uncovered evidence that he wanted out of his marriage. He was having at least two extramarital affairs with metro-area women, arranged through the Ashley Madison website. 

Several law enforcement agencies were involved in the investigation, including Cottage Grove and Woodbury police, the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension and other state and federal agencies, said Capt. Peter Koerner of Cottage Grove police. 
“I’ve never seen a case this complicated,” said Fred Fink, who manages the criminal division for the Washington County attorney’s office. “Most of the time we’re dealing with human witnesses, but this one required a significant amount of electronic and scientific evidence.” 
Stephen Allwine, arrested Tuesday, remains in the Washington County jail.
Bail was set Wednesday at $1 million with no conditions or $500,000 that would require GPS monitoring, no travel outside Minnesota, and no unsupervised visits with the couple’s 9-year-old son. 
Allwine’s next court appearance is scheduled for Feb. 13.

Murder charges: Cottage Grove man staged wife's suicide after searching for hitman on 'Dark Web'

Cottage Grove man charged with wife's murder

Daily Mail UK article


Prosecutor's Shocked At Level of Sophistication Stephen Allwine Went Into To Have His Wife Killed

Prosecutors in the UCG minister murder case had deep concerns that Steve Allwine would post bail and skip town.  He reportedly has the assets to do such a thing and recently had cashed in gold and silver stock piling money.

Plus, the investigators are shocked by the sophistication that Allwine went to to find a hired killer.

Charge: Cottage Grove man killed wife after Dark Web murder plot

Fred Fink, criminal division chief for the Washington County Attorney’s Office, had requested a $2 million bail because he said circumstances suggest Allwine is a flight risk. Fink said Allwine has the funds to flee and recently liquidated silver coins for cash.
Fink also referenced the sophistication involved in Allwine’s alleged actions, saying it “appears to be an absolute determination to kill this woman.”
The criminal complaint’s eight-page narrative details a complex investigation led by Cottage Grove police, who had assistance from the FBI and the state Bureau of Criminal Apprehension as they conducted deep digital forensic testing and dug into the dark side of the internet where murder-for-hire jobs are paid for in virtual currency.
“I think the big difference between this and a more common murder is the Dark Web,” Cottage Grove detective Sgt. Randy McAlister said. “It’s the internet connection. That’s what’s really been taking a lot of time.”
As many as five Cottage Grove detectives have worked the case for over two months, setting aside much of the rest of the caseload because of the Allwine investigation’s complexity. They were full-time on the case for the first month, McAlister said.
“This is the first case involving death threats on a purported Dark Web website that we’ve ever dealt with,” McAlister said. “This is definitely the most in-depth.”

As Stephen Allwine Was Being Consoled By Vic Kubik He Was Surfing DarkWeb Asking How to Identify Law Enforcement Officers

After Stephen Allwine's wife had supposedly killed herself,  Victor Kubik, United Church of God and Church of God a Worldwide Association (COGWA) members ran to his side to comfort and offer condolences.   A very reliable source has stated that at his wife's funeral UCG and COGWA members were hugging him and telling him how they wished they had a marriage like he and his wife did.

While of the hugging and tears were being shed Allwine was surfing the DarkWeb asking how to identify LEO's...Law Enforcement Officers.

UCG Scrambles To Eradicate All Links To Minister Who Killed His Wife

Since news broke that a minister of the United Church of God had murdered his wife, UCG brass have ordered all information, sermons, etc., eradicated from the official United Church of God web sites.

This is the same knee jerk reaction that the Living Church of God had when Terry Ratzman murdered LCG members during a church service.  That "guilt by association" thing is a tough one to eradicate though.  

United Church of God has released the following announcement:

“United Church of God officials expressed profound shock and sadness in learning of the January 17 arrest of Stephen Allwine on the charges of second-degree murder of his wife Amy Louise Allwine. Two months earlier on November 13, Amy Allwine had been found dead at her St. Paul area suburban home by police and paramedics following an emergency call from her husband. 

Church officials and members were first stunned and grieved when they learned of the tragic death of Amy in November. After hearing of the tragedy, Church President Victor Kubik and his wife Beverly immediately traveled from Ohio to Minnesota to be with family members and show support during a heart-rending time for the congregation. Allwine had served as a lay elder for several years.
President Kubik has called for renewed prayers for the families involved as details of the charges emerge. He said that the whole situation was “tragic and singularly devastating.” 

Area police noted in their initial public comments that Amy’s death appeared “suspicious” and promised that an expanded investigation would take place. Allwine was not arrested nor named as a suspect at that time. During the investigation local church officials positively cooperated with police and law enforcement officials. 

Church teachings based on the Bible condemn murder, and the United Church of God follows the teachings of Jesus Christ about the sanctity of marriage and the importance of loving family environments. “Given our biblical commitment and our love for our members, this situation deeply hurts and grieves all of us,” Kubik said. The Church president asked for prayers of comfort, healing and understanding for all.”
Steve Allwine was born and raised in the Church of God in Spokane, WA. 
As Steve grew, he saw God's blessings that He graciously pours out, 
and saw His ...

Don't Let Church Be All There Is to Church. by Steve Allwine
Don't let the Sabbath church service be all there is to your 
walk with God. Be an active part of God's ...