Sunday, December 4, 2011

Noah and HWA

Yahoo COG groups: the gift that keeps on giving!

It is interesting that God gave Noah 120 years to preach to the world before the "end

Since the end is a type of the days of Noah, did God also give another 120 years for repentance?

From the birth of Herbert W. Armstrong and the powerful work of the church , it will be 120 years in 2012. He was born July 31, 1892

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Pasadena Campus Wrecked (3)

Pasadena Campus Wrecked (2)

Pasadena Campus Wrecked (1)

You would never know this was the former monument to Herbert Armstrong.  It was already run down and the windstorm took it's toll big time!  There are also a few shots below from around Pasadena.

Wind Storm

Power was finally restored at 7 this morning.  56 hours with no electricity.  I have friends in South Pasadena who may not have power till the middle of next week. 

Last night coming home from work in darkness, the side streets were backed up for over three miles because traffic lights were not working.  Restaurants are packed because one has any refrigeration.  They claim it will take several weeks to clean all of this up.

It's hard to imagine a wind storm paralyzing the cities here.  Just image what it is going to be like in a bad earthquake.