Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Books: "I'm Perfect, You're Doomed" and "The Spanking Room"


Here are two great books about growing up in a legalistic cult.  Don't dismiss them because they are related to life in the Jehovah's Witnesses.  They believe much of the same end times garbage that Herbert Armstrong taught.  Remember that HWA copied a lot of WCG's beliefs from the JW's.  The same kind of "us vs. them" mentality is prevalent.  "Why worry about the world around you since they are all going to burn up in the lake of fire."  They had the same kind of abusive child rearing techniques.  The same absurd doctrines and crazier than hell church leaders are present in JW land as in Armstrongism. Cults are abusers, mentally,  spiritually and physically.

I'm Perfect, You're Doomed is the story of Kyria Abrahams's coming-of-age as a Jehovah's Witness -- a doorbell-ringing "Pioneer of the Lord." Her childhood was haunted by the knowledge that her neighbors and schoolmates were doomed to die in an imminent fiery apocalypse; that Smurfs were evil; that just about anything you could buy at a yard sale was infested by demons; and that Ouija boards -- even if they were manufactured by Parker Brothers -- were portals to hell. Never mind how popular you are when you hand out the Watchtower instead of candy at Halloween.
 When Abrahams turned eighteen, things got even stranger. That's when she found herself married to a man she didn't love, with adultery her only way out. "Disfellowshipped" and exiled from the only world she'd ever known, Abrahams realized that the only people who could save her were the very sinners she had prayed would be smitten by God's wrath.

Raucously funny, deeply unsettling, and written with scorching wit and deep compassion, I'm Perfect, You're Doomed explores the ironic absurdity of growing up believing that nothing matters because everything's about to be destroyed.

I had stopped vomiting, but still shook and sobbed. Mom returned to the room to sit on the edge of my bed. Again she asked, "Billy what's wrong?"
"That was my bus route," I whispered when I could get words out. "What if someone I knew came to the door?"
"They'd find out I was a Jehovah's Witness."
Mom's hand met the side of my head in a flash of brilliant white light and an explosion of pain. I collapsed onto the mattress while she flailed at me, her rage-clenched fists thudding into my eight-year-old body.
"How dare you?" she shrieked. "You awful, rotten child! How dare you be ashamed of Jehovah? I hate you! I hate you!"
The Spanking Room is the true story of a young boy's upbringing, and how the unorthodox doctrines of the Watchtower Society encourage violence against its most helpless members-the children.
Whether you are looking for specific answers or an overall understanding of Jehovah's Witness beliefs and practices, The Spanking Room delivers in a straightforward, compelling manner. Journey with little Billy Coburn as he grows up in the Watchtower Society, learn what Jehovah's Witnesses believe about God, and experience the inner workings of the Kingdom Hall through a child's-eye view. If you or someone you love is a Jehovah's Witness, this book is for you.

"The Last Great Day" Free Ebook Promo

Here's your chance to get a free copy of Benjamin Grant Mitchell's great book on growing up in Armstrongism. You will laughed a shared experiences and be shocked at some appalling COG behavior.  It is well worth the read, specially when it is free for a few days!  

Another Harlot Daughter In The Works?

While some have gotten tired of the references to James Malm, I think we had better pay attention to his aspirations.  This guy is so rabidly to the right in Armstrongism that he has gathered a small following.  He admits that his goal is 1,000 people by the end of the year.  He claims to have no aspirations to be preacher, but to remain as the Apostle - the messenger.  Malm is no fly by night potential splinter cult leader.  He is going after the disillusioned COG members from all the various splinter cults. These groups and individuals are looking for a strong voice that appeals to their interpretations of Armstrongism. Hence this comment:

There are also many smaller independent groups and many independent individuals standing alone.

All of the comments bellow have been made by Apostate Apostle Malm:

This is a very strong message on the apostasy that has been taking place since the mid 1960′s.

I am a person who has been granted some insight into the situation and who has seen the evil approaching.  I have cried out a warning out of love for my God and his children.  I know my strengths and my limitations.  I am not qualified as an elder to shepherd a congregation, to council with people and to lead them on a one on one basis.  My strength is to give a warning, to cry out, to call to repentance, to restore that which was lost; and to reveal that which has been hidden.

If I were a member of any one group I should be ignored by the others.  I must remain above involvement in any separate group so that I may call out to all peoples and groups.

I am NOT trying to start any organization.  I do believe that we are at a transitional phase when God is separating out his faithful, who do have, or will seek a zeal for him and his commandments; to remove them, to sift them OUT from the lax and lukewarm Laodiceans. (this is the same thing that Spanky Meredith said before he started Global Church of God. Through other men who did all the work, which allowed Meredith to step in without getting his hands dirty.  This is the exact same thing Malm is doing.  He is influencing various men to put his words into action. They do the dirty work, the Apostle steps in untarnished by the shenanigans)

At this time you can see that BOTH UCG and COGWA are peopled by brethren who have had far more freedom of study and thought than any of the pother major COG groups.  That situation is now changing and those who choose to turn to God in zeal are being placed in a position where they will have to make a decision when the full fruits of these two groups mature.
As I have said many times I do not expect the fruits of these groups to mature before the fall Feast.  It is at that time that COGWA will have its leadership in place on a permanent basis; and it will take that long for the new UCG agenda to become clear.  Only at or after the fall feast will everything become clear.

This is an Internet effort at providing a message of warning and hope for all of God’s people first; and then to the world at large.
My agenda to to provide a message of warning for God’s people so that they will be awakened from their deep sleep and that those that have enough oil will be sifted out form the lax and the lukewarm so that they will not share in their correction.
My mission to to provide sufficient warning so that those who are lax and lukewarn will remember that warning. when they find themselves in the correction of tribulation; and that they may still find the gold of salvation in the trial by fire.
Right now several thousand people are visiting this Blog and the other sites regularly.  Those who have asked for Sabbath services are widely scattered worldwide and I cannot provide any solutions for you at this time.  The same thing is true about the Festivals.
I advise you to stay where you are until you are fully personally convinced that the fruits are such that you need to leave, or until you are no longer welcome.  I advise all to take the Sabbaths and as much other time as possible to open your Bibles and study thoroughly with an open mind. 
Don’t let anyone deceive you into believing that you must assemble with this or that group who are far from God; just because some friends or respected persons might be there!
This is an ongoing transitional phase at this time, as the faithful and the zealous are being separated OUT from the lax and lukewarm. 

I believe that most of those who are truly zealously faithful to God will come from independents and small groups; and out of UCG and COGWA when things come to a head. A small few may also come from LCG.

Right now there are several hundred people who would love to keep the Feast together with us; sadly they are scattered worldwide from Sweden to South Africa; from Australia to Missouri!  I just do not have the trusted people and resources to operate Feast sites at this time.

The warning to them is in the sense of sowing seed for the future when the conditions are better suited for that seed to germinate.  The Word of God needs humble soil to germinate.

At this time there are also a thousand or more who see much wrong and are hoping against all hope that things will improve and that I am wrong in my warnings. 

There is also now a group of several hundred who see many things much more clearly; and are strongly inclined to agree with me. 

At one time I said that only about 10 to 15% would ultimately be found to be real pillars.  I believe that was wishful thinking and I personally would be very pleasantly surprised if as many as one thousand from all groups and independents  would ultimately have the spiritual oil and strength to be real pillars  in the faith.

I have been sowing seed for four years as of 8 July, which was the date of  first publication [not of the launch of writing].  

I wanted to be very clear here that the pillars in this age are a very small number of people. The vast majority in the faith are Laodicean.

 I strongly recommend that everyone spend as much time as possible in intensive prayer and personal Bible study in preparation for the fall Feast.  It is at that time that the permanent leadership of  COGWA will be in place and that the new agenda of the UCG will be coming clearer.  Either at or after the Feast the agendas of these groups will be made known.

:Simply put: the time is not yet ripe for the removal of the pillars. (i.e., the time is not ready for the faithful followers of Malm to leave their churches.  They are to wait one more year)

Monday, March 26, 2012

E W King: Trying to Resurrect the Worldwide Church of God Name

E. W. King, the latest all knowing prophet for the Church of God has had a new vision that is directed to all the apostates in ALL the 600 some harlot daughters of the Worldwide Church of God.

For those of you caught up in the splinter and or “offshoot” groups of God’s true Church, “The Worldwide Church of God”, you are about to get a message that all the others in Laodicean, splinter, offshoot and divided groups do not want you to have!

King, has and some kind of dream, vision, nightmare, migraine or something, where he claims the the name The Worldwide Church of God is God-ordained because Herbert W Armstrong came up with it.  All the various splinter cults are in apostasy because they left the original TRUE church founded by Gods apostle who had named the Church, The Worldwide Church of God. This name is sacred and holy until which time in the future Jesus Christ gives it a new name (which King claims to know by divine revelation).

Now we have studied the fact that during the sixth church era, the Philadelphian, God chose an apostle to direct this organization. We must understand that this true restored church government cannot be changed! During the Philadelphian era God called His church, “The Worldwide Church of God”. This cannot be changed! Many “splinter”, offshoots, groups and corporations through men have tried to change this first important fact.  Apostasy began in the 70′s. It rose in 1978 and still continues today. The true Church is still “The Worldwide Church of God”. Some have tried to buy this name, some have tried to hijack this name…and most all have tried to change this name! This cannot be done!

Sadly, King is not allowed to use the name because GCI has locked up the name preventing any Armstrongite cults from ever using it again:

Unfortunately this title [The Worldwide Church of God] cannot be used in regards to a legal organization because it is still owned by the apostates. This does not prevent free Christians from using it as a title for what they truly believe.

 This name prevention is a Satanic conspiracy to thwart the True Church Remnant from using the name:

We must remember, if the first latter day apostle claimed that “The Worldwide Church of God” is the Philadelphia church, then it still is! This is why Satan tried his hardest to block anybody from legally using this title.
I bet Satan is really getting ticked at being blamed for everything that has happened in Armstrongism!  The guy never gets any relief!

According to King, there is a true remnant still in WCG who are the true church and not the people in various splinter cults headed up by heretics

Only those who have left the ONE true Church have become Laodicean and or cults. The Laodiceans have rejected the Philadelphia [Worldwide Church of God] apostle. Why would they listen to a new apostle? [as many splinter groups claim to have]
*Only the true apostle could have given authority for a name change! He did not!
IMPORTANT NOTE: I must also make this important point. Many who were in “The Worldwide Church of God” have not just left for Laodicea, unfortunately, many are now sitting in outright cults! Following false apostles and false prophets!
Since WCG does not officially exist any more, and since WCG changed it's name to Grace Communion International, how can he claim there are true believers left?  Plus, since he has called his small splinter cult, Church of God Speaking to the Remnant, where does he get off calling the other  leaders of other splinter cults apostates? (Which they really are, but his logic here does not compute)

All of this revealed knowledge cannot truly be understood until now!  God has opened E.W. Kings eyes to discover more hidden knowledge of God that heeds to be brought to light.

Here are four foundational “KEYS” to understanding the Hidden Doctrine!
               Let us now look into the Hidden Doctrine of Mr. Armstrong!
The true Church of God recognizes the fact that the first latter day apostle [Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong] came in the “spirit” and “power” of Elijah to restore true Church government. Since this time true Church government has been restored! Also, the true gospel of the Kingdom has been pronounced since this time. The knowledge that had been taken away has been restored. God truly only has His one true Church. This cannot be changed!
God’s true church is called 12 times in the New Testament, the “Church of God”. Mr. Armstrong brought God’s church “worldwide”. It need not be called by any other name.  
Kings god is certainly an impotent god.  Apparently his god is too insecure in his creation to think they can not handle Gods own  revealed knowledge, so he therefor needs to hide it all from sight.  If that's the case it's no wonder the sheeple are so ignorant theologically.  If so, the humanity is basically screwed because God deems everyone too stupid to understand his words.  Every Armstrongite splinter cult leader out there claims to have some kind of revealed knowledge that no one else has  ever had. God supposedly speaks top and through them.Liars all!

Now many need to look very closely at this next fact to truly be able to begin to understand the “Hidden Doctrine” [Hidden Manna] of Mr. Armstrong! Remember, no other group claiming to be the true remnant of the Worldwide Church of God has this doctrine which is very clear!
Here is what you need to understand! Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong told the true “Worldwide Church of God” that he [Mr. Armstrong]  fulfilled this Zerubbabel office. The original “Worldwide Church of God” was finished in regards to restored Church government and in the fact that it was [is] the only true Philadelphia Church of God! This means that the original name of the Philadelphia church is, “The Worldwide Church of God”. If it isn’t, how many Philadelphia churches of God are there?

So what is the Philadelphia church of God? It is only the original Worldwide Church of God….nothing else!  Many false “christian” groups today teach that the original Worldwide Church of God is divided into “sects”, “groups”, and or “splinters”. 

King then goes into a lot of blabber about Tkach failing to preserve the truth which lead to people leaving to join apostate splinter groups and cults (his words).  All these folk were looking for churches that had new names.  Hence there are now over 600 of these splinter cults.  What these nincompoops failed to realize that the church does NOT have a new name and cannot till Jesus  Christ returns.  Then the church will be given a new name.  Till then, everyone sitting in a harlot daughter of the WCG is a heretic!

When Mr. Armstrong died many were looking for the TRUE CHURCH going by “new names”.  The fact is, the Church will not receive a “new name” until Christ returns! Splinter groups and offshoot movements appeared on the scene with many different “new names”. But Revelation 2:17 tells us that ONLY CHRIST CAN GIVE US THE NEW NAME! How does Jesus do this? He does this through His word! No other way.

So just what is that new name that Jesus Christ has revealed to King?

“And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness, and all the kings thy glory: and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the Lord shall name. Thou shalt also be a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of thy God. Thou shalt no more be termed Forsaken; neither shall thy land any more be termed Desolate: but thou thou shalt be called Hephzibah, and thy land Beulah: for the Lord delighteth in thee, and thy land shall be married.” [Isaiah 62:2-4] The Hebrew word here, Hephzibah means “my delight”. Why does the true “Worldwide Church of God” take on the character of “God’s Delight”? Because they stuck with the TRUTH! This is the third “KEY”.
Where ever the true Church dwells shall be “Beulah”, which means “the husband [God]” is with them! The true “Worldwide Church of God” will be Hephzibah, “God’s delight”! Now what you have just been taught is something that all the offshoot groups and splinter groups do not want you to know! Why? Because the offshoot groups seek glory for themselves and not God! They “know not the Scriptures”. Look at all the false names that they have given unto themselves.
 Then there is more hidden knowledge brought to light.  The true church will have its name engraved on a white stone.  So what is the white stone?

Now in Revelation 2:17 Jesus promised to give us the “new name” when the time is right. The Church will be given this new name at the Second Coming. This name describes a character trait of the one true “Worldwide Church of God”. Now in Revelation 2:17 Jesus promised to give His true Church more than one thing. He promised to give them a “white stone” with the “new name” on it. What is this white stone?

The Greek word for “stone” in Revelation 2:17 can mean “a verdict of acquittal”. This is awesome! This means that the true “Worldwide Church of God” will finally be set free from all the accusations of the apostates and the false offshoot groups! The true “Worldwide Church of God” will at last be set free from the heretics and their false accusations! You have just been given the TRUTH. This is part of the “hidden doctrine” that nobody wants you to know about.

At least I can had it to King for calling all the splinter cult leaders heretics. He has gotten that part right!

So what is King really getting at here?  What has been revealed to him that is to transpire?  Get your bags packed folks!  You are going home!

The truth of the first last day apostle is on the side of the Church he belonged to. Satan, like a roaring lion, has tried to tear God’s church up into pieces. The Church may have appeared to fall through all the confusion but it did not! What is the Church’s commission? It is always to bring the true Kingdom of God message to the whole world and in these last days, since the death of the first last day apostle, to call the misled out of Laodicea and back into the Worldwide Church of God..this is God’s “delight” [Hephzibah].

Can you imagine Flurry's cult or Pack's cult abandoning their new cult headquarters to return to the WCG!  Can you imagine the spitting and snarling that would take place!  Can you imagine Rod Meredith returning? Submitting again?  It well NEVER happen!

Mr. Armstrong used to use the phrase that we must “stick to the trunk of the tree”. The Philadelphia church is the trunk [Christ and His church]! It was identified by the first last day apostle as, “The Worldwide Church of God”. Many are trying to start a new “trunk” with a fake name. Mr. Armstrong, after the 1970′s apostasy, said that he was “getting the Church back on track”. He never said; “I am going to divide the ‘sheep’ from the ‘goats’ and give the Church a new name [start a new church].”
 Note this carefully: Any Church that sprung up after the Worldwide Church of God is a new church, which is to say, ‘Laodicean’ or ‘cult’. (emphasis mine)

If God’s church is “divided” Jesus’ house cannot stand! Jesus said that a house divided against itself shall not stand! [Mark 3:24-26] These offshoot groups demand that one believe that God’s church is today divided. That is blasphemy! This is the fourth and final “KEY”

So if all of you apostates and heretics out there are still confused, King wants you to contact him for further information.  He mocks the splinter cults for setting themselves up above others and yet he is doing it himself.  The stupid reasoning that makes up so much of Armstrongite thought is amazing!

Please contact me. If you have articles to submit or other ideas that you think God is calling you to use please write to me. God’s people must stick together and work together. He commands us to. I offer free CD messages and my service to learning from and helping others. Please understand, I truly love God and His word. I love Jesus Christ [my Saviour] and the gift of the true Holy Spirit. It saddens me to see all of the confusion out there regarding His one true Church. I am sickened by all the evil websites that attack the TRUTH. I am sickened by the cults and false teachers. I can now only follow what God asks…keep the faith, fight the good fight. Will you join me? We are truly living in the Last Days.

You can read this entire missive here:  The Hidden Doctrine of Mr. Armstrong….Shocking Truth!