Saturday, April 21, 2012

Herbert Armstrong is STILL Sitting In The Seat......

E W King just gets wackier by the minute.  According to King, HWA had a near death experience and was resurrected.  Herb supposedly experienced a short period of "death" which translates over to the WCG experiencing a form of "death" between January  1986 and October 2011.  On October 7, 2011 the Worldwide Church of God was resurrected with Herbert Armstrong STILL sitting in the seat.

Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong's death experience in 1977 represents the time of confusion between the time of his actual death in January 12,1986 up until October 7,2011. God wants us all to learn an object lesson from this portion of the apostles life that has to do with where we are at today. Just as when Mr. Armstrong experienced a short time of death then arose to continue the the Worldwide Church of God experienced a short time of “death” before it, on October 7,2011, was resurrected. Mr. Armstrong is still in the seat! The Worldwide Church of God is still here in the ministry of “Church of God ~ Speaking to the Remnant”.

Then King has to admit he is full of bull:

Unfortunately this title [The Worldwide Church of God] cannot be used in regards to a legal organization because it is still owned by the apostates. This does not prevent free Christians from using it as a title for what they truly believe.

Friday, April 20, 2012

When Will LCG Actually Do Something Beneficial For The World?

Rod Meredith has a new coworker letter out.  In it he says:

The world around us is rapidly changing. Many millions of people, right now, are being persecuted or uprooted from their homes, suffering the loss of their jobs or having families come apart. Millions are increasingly unsure as to whether there is a “real” God. And so, most of these untold millions of human beings have no sense of genuine purpose for their lives. Increasingly, many of them just “give up”—turn themselves over to alcohol or drugs, or simply decide to “end it all” by suicide.

So when will the Living Church of God actually do something to help these hurting people? Instead of talking about a "strong hand from someplace" and getting rid of the stupid assumption, that "God will fix things later so we don't need to worry about it right now" perhaps they could start working in homeless shelters, helping abused women and children, serving in food banks.  How about donating 10% of your annual church income to help the less fortunate?  Since you are rich and increased with goods, would this be the Christian thing to do?

Did it ever occur to these people that maybe God is wanting them to be his hands and feet in this world to take care of the less fortunate in order to give them a foretaste of the kingdom of God?  Nope, I don't think so either.

Who is Rod talking about being persecuted?  He already claims the LCG is being persecuted for its message.  Christians are dying in Muslim nations as martyrs while LCGers whine about being kicked off a TV station or people throwing their magazines in the trash.

He then writes this appalling comment:

My friends, if these men and women had truly understood the supreme purpose which the Eternal God is working out here on this earth, they would not have killed themselves! If you truly set yourself to “seek” the true God of the Bible and fulfill His purpose in your life, then each day, each major world event and even each personal trial can have a sense of meaning. If you genuinely study the whole Bible and ask God for understanding, the major world events will definitely help you “see” God’s purpose as it is being worked out here among men and nations.

What an absolutely callous thing to say!  What about the COG members who have heard the so called "truth" over the years and even preached it, and have then committed suicide?  What about Terrry Ratzman that murdered LCG members?  What about Dibar Apartian's son who blew his brains out because of the way he was treated in the church? He heard that same message that Rod is spouting as most life saving.  For Terry, and most others in the COG's there is no hope offered.  Only myriads of rules and laws that when broken lead to eternal damnation in the Lake of Fire.

So what is that miraculous message that LCG is preaching to the hurting of the world?


In the pages of our Tomorrow’s World magazine and on the Tomorrow’s World television program, we have told you repeatedly of the Big Picture events soon to come: a rising United States of Europe, a revived Roman Catholic church with increasing influence on religion and world affairs, a coming federation of Arab states—the prophesied “King of the South” mentioned in Daniel 11:40—the “grinding down” of the pride and prestige of the American and British-descended peoples, plus soon-coming major earthquakes even in our nations, along with increasing storms, disease epidemics, alternating drought and floods leading finally to hunger and ultimate starvation for millions.
 and this:

Also, we have told you repeatedly that the Creator God will use human instruments to powerfully warn our peoples of what lies just ahead and help those who are willing to repent of their sins and seek the genuine protection which our Father in heaven offers to those who are willing to truly surrender themselves to the “real” God of the Bible. Most of you long-time subscribers and TV viewers have seen or heard us say these things repeatedly.
Yes sirree Bob!  Lots of hope there!

Then he has the gall to ask:

The question is: What are you, personally, doing about it?

Van Robison on: "Penetrating the Heart and Soul"

Penetrating the Heart and Soul

Is there ever a magic bullet that will penetrate the mind and thinking of all humans?    Is there anything that will ever prevent people from becoming victims of religious cults?  Young people are obviously targeted as pawns. Youth has not lived long enough to know better.  Many are drawn magnetically to persuasive public speakers.  There is something magical about those who vocalize their concepts of what "truth" is.  The reason for "religious" colleges and universities is to clone parrots to go forth and parade the belief system of the particular school.    Religious schools exist by cloning their own kind.  Young people may be totally sincere, but they become products of their "education."  Ambassador College certainly did not turn out Roman Catholics or Baptists, but rather, clones of the thinking of Herbert W. Armstrong and those who influenced Herbert.

Piercing the mind, heart and inner being of a human being is not often easy.  Many are the minds that are stuck in religious glue.  Until a human being questions their own comfort zone, it is impossible to be free from preconceived ideas of what truth is.  What Roman Catholic questions his or her own upbringing?  What Baptist questions his or her own upbringing?  What Worldwide Church of God splinter group questions their own belief values?  Some obviously do, because the Internet reveals many websites by EX-members of many different groups.

The sad reality of man-made religion is that their purpose is to penetrate the heart and soul for an endless supply of $money, to fill the bank vaults of those who stand in pulpits.  As Jesus stated "you will know them by their fruits", and the fruit of deceivers is material wealth at the expense of the gullible and naive.  MONEY is not only God of the secular world, but is the God of the church world and those who promote themselves as "pastors" and rulers of those who go to church.  Should the gullible and the naive ever come to their senses, the churches would all collapse.

Van Robison

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Are You One of Gerald Flurry's 'Elite"?

Gerald Six Pack Flurry is jumping on the Titanic band wagon hoping that when people type in the word "Titanic" they will be directed to his comedy or errors page.

Lord Six Pack is spouting on and on about how special he is and the message he and God have to deliver.

Did you know that God is sending out "ice fields" to "wake" people up.  What an impotent little god Six Pack follows that it has to resort to such deadly tactics.

God is sending out the “ice field” warnings. But it is “a voice crying in the wilderness” (Isa. 40:1-10). That doesn’t mean the voice is out on a barren desert. But for most people it might as well be.
I would like to know WHERE there is a "voice crying in the wilderness?"  It certainly is not parked in Edmond Oklahoma!  Old Six Pack is not happy that he and his message are being ignored:

The voice is ignored or ridiculed by most people. They somehow think America and Britain are “unsinkable.” Like the captain of the Titanic, they ignore the warnings. They continue steaming ahead into the darkness.
He wants you to know what an incredible prophet he is:

God and His watchman see the iceberg hidden in the black, dark night—and warn and warn and warn. But it continues to be a voice crying in the wilderness. 
He then wants you to know just how special his message is and how "elite"  those that listen to him are.  According to Lord Six Pack, Jesus will NEVER again accomplish what he is doing in the Philadelphia Church of God.  What an f-ing moron!  To think that people actually believe this filthy drivel!

The greatest rewards ever to be given throughout eternity are being qualified for now. A small group is becoming God’s very elite because they hear God’s voice crying in the wilderness today. They get the glorious opportunity to be the one and only bride of Christ forever. There will never, ever be such a reward offered again.