Sunday, June 3, 2012

Apostle Malm: It is Disrespectful For Women To Ask Questions In Church

Women in the Church of Malm are currently being relegated to subservient levels of servitude.  The husband is lord and master of the manor and women are to follow the mans instructions without question.

Apostle Malm also says that women are never to ask questions in church.  It is disrespectful of the lord masters authority.

After spending over 40 years in the screwed up cult of Armstrongism where questioning was never allowed, I have made it a policy of telling those that I have in newcomers class at the church I am at now, that they are free to question.  Just because the preacher says something does not mean they have to agree with it.  He knows I do it too.  I tell them to question the doctrines they grew up with and teaching of churches they have come from. I let them know it is OK to question the Bible and not to take it as 100% literal.  The Bible is filled with stories, metaphors, allegories and myths.  It doesn't mean they don't have truth and meaning, but it also does not mean that it all had to literally happen. I also tell them that when they walk through the door of the church they do not need to check their brain.

The idea that women cannot speak in a church setting, ask questions, talk about God, question God, doctrine, and belief in a church setting  is appalling and ignorant.  What does Apostle Malm think the women in the New Testament era did?  They spoke out, they raised money, they paid for the spread of the gospel and even spread it themselves all without a man at their side.  It wasn't a group of grumpy Malmite men that went to the tomb of Jesus, it was women.  Women were the first to proclaim Jesus was no longer in the tomb.

Anyway, here is the apostle's directive for subservient Malmite women:

An acolyte asks:

Can a women pray and prophesy in church if she is wearing a head covering?

The apostle responds:

A woman is not to speak [as a teacher of the men, or in prayer when a man is present] in the assembly, due to the fact that doing so would be disrespectful of the man as the head of the woman. She is not even to ask a question without going to her husband first.
This is a matter of example and public discretion.

In the privacy of their own home, a woman should definitely discuss the scriptures with her parents and mate.

She may pray privately at any time, but should not lead in prayer, if her father or husband is present; the men need to learn to take the lead.
Husbands should always listen to their wives and take their advice very seriously making their wives their CHIEF advisor and confidant at all times.

More will be coming as I get into 2 Cor, Tim, Titus Peter ect. James

Then the apostle wants to reinforce his demand that subservient Malmite women wear hats in church.

An acolyte asks:

Are you saying women need to cover their heads in church? Would that be a hat, a veil, a handkerchief or what? Is not her husband her covering?
So, if a women wears a hat can she pray and prophesy in public?
As far as men having their heads covered, I understood this was a cultural situation where taking off their hats was a sign of respect.

The apostle responds
Anything modest; some hats are designed to be great attention grabbers and are anything but modest. Just use some judgment. James
and with this:

Another acolyte asks:
The covering that Paul is talking about, for a woman, is her hair not a hat.

The apostle responds:

That is just another HWA erroneous tradition: I ask you why is she to be shorn if she refuses to wear her hair then? 

The HWA hair thing makes no sense either in the language of 1 Cor or in the context; which is that BOTH male and female Jews covered their heads with a prayer shawl.

Paul was simply explaining that men need not do so, but women should continue to do so. James
 Great will be the day when these jackasses can no longer preach their message of legalistic bullshit.

How A Typical Church of God Leader Operates: "Jesus is coming soon, so let's build a college, an auditorium and a really nice house."

This is from a comment on another thread on how COG apostles and prophets operate.  I think it is great and an accurate description of the mindset of Pack, Weinland, Flurry, Meredith and a host of the other COGlet leaders.

Jesus is coming soon, so let's build a college, an auditorium and a really nice house.

Sadly and of course, we don't use crosses in the LCG. They are pagan and Jesus died on a stick. However, Mayan prophecies point to Jesus second coming along with the Bible.

I and my wife are the two witnesses and our job is over.

The tribulation is yet to come and happened over the past three and a half years.

Jesus did come and is still coming over the next year. (What, he can't kick that white horse harder?)

But I am still a prophet and an Apostle even though nothing I say works out and I sent myself.

I am an apostle even though I am the only one that says that. No other christian church, minister or member ever heard of me and no one but me calls me an apostle.

Bringing culture at a high price to the Okies is preaching the gospel and it's ok to use the member's money for such Gospelspreading.

Men can't have long hair but we can't explain why not.

Women must cover their heads but after looking at the universe through the eyes of the Hubble telescope, we can't figure out why it is important.

A man who has appointed himself something or other , who is near blind, high sugar, no income and kinda cranky, a bringer of bad news and dictatorial is going on a baptising tour bringing good news

Whew...what a bunch.

Is Prophet Thiel Cavorting With The Mother of Harlots?

Prophet Thiel and apostle Malm have been having a snit-fest lately picking apart each others prophecy mutterings.

One of apostle Malm's acolytes writes:

James, By now you have probably already seen or heard about Bob Thiel’s recent comments refuting your posts related to his mixing pagan prophetic writings with biblical interpretations. Since reading his post I am aghast at his own admissions on it. It seems as if he has opened up himself to the flattery’s of Satan convincing himself that he is capable of playing with lies and deceit. Becoming a presenter of mixed good and evil, to dabble with the mother of harlots and her false teachers. Then to have the audacity to accuse you of miss-leading others…….that is just ridiculous. Since when does mixing truth with error make something right…… I am at a loss to understand why Meredith has allowed Bob Thiel to propagate the material he presents. These are perilous times for the brethren…..

The apostle responds with a good comment about Prophet Thiel being the unofficial official mouthpiece of the Living Church of God. The Prophet says things that Meredith doesn't want to be caught saying.  Thiel has turned himself into the official face of the Living Church of God.  A regular Jay Carney
Obviously there is no way that anyone else in LCG would be allowed to  say what Bob says.  Bob seems to be the official “unofficial” mouthpiece of LCG [the "unofficial" being simply a false cloak to say things they do not want to say "Officially"]  and he would never say anything that Rod does not agree with.  I expect that it was Bob who has deceived Rod and the other LCG leadership into agreeing with this wickedness that will snare them in the tribulation.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Crybaby Flurryites Having A Fit: PCG Cult Bans Employee's and Students From Facebook

I bumped this up because of the latest crybaby from Gerald Flurry's cult who is having a hissy-fit.  Aw, go have widdle Stevie burp you little guy!

 See his comments below.

Looks like Colonel Six-Pack does not take too kindly to his  employee's and students at his silly little college using Facebook and other Social Networking sites (Blogger, too!)

Philadelphia Church of God, known for it's uber-conservative Armstrongite teachings (pre-1986, of course) has always sought to deeply control it's members lives and relationships.

It was only a few short years ago that he demanded that all members server ties to family members who had left Armstrongism.  If you had dared leave the PCG for another COG you were deemed a heretic and a Satanic influence on PCG family members.  Fathers and mothers turned their backs on their children, grandparents on their grandchildren, husbands against wives, sisters against brothers.

Here is a post from The Journal Record about Six Pack Flurry's latest lunatic rantings:

Social media hellfire? Maybe, but hold the brimstone

"I will enter your soul via wi-fi and cause you to question your allegiance to cults!"
(This is a blog post and is the soul, I mean SOLE opinion of its author. Please do not confuse this with news. It is intended to be for entertainment purposes only. It may even be construed as satire and/or humor.)

The world of social media has been on FIRE for the past few years!
In fact, hellfire if you ask Edmond’s own fringe cult, Philadelphia Church of God.

According to their teachings (which also include cutting ties with family members who are not a part of the church and destroying recordings of sermons immediately after listening), social media is an evil influence that MUST be avoided.

Apart from the whole “freedom of thought and speech” thing, I can’t imagine why they would be opposed to social media. Still, Church CFO Andrew Locher seems very agitated by the Internet and it’s enabling ability to introduce children to the evil influences of anything that isn’t frothing forth from The Elders’ lips.

“Mr. Flurry (Gerald Flurry, leader of the church) has asked me to enforce a strict policy which restricts and forbids the use of social network sites on church owned equipment. That means you will not have access to social networks on the college network, or on the church’s network. If you use a church computer, or the church connection to the internet, you must cease using that equipment on those sites immediately. We will enforce this policy…
“If you are not careful, you could actually serve as a tool of Satan … to make it much easier for him to spread dissident material when you don’t protect the identity of God’s family. It’s that serious.”

Oh. Well, I stand corrected.

Dennis on "You Already Own One of These....Use It!"

You Already Own One of These....Use It!

Dennis Diehl - EzineArticles Expert AuthorAs a student,  member and then minister in WCG I always took my Bible, a fine margin writing pen and a highlighter to services. These were absolutely vital to one getting the very most out of the sermon.  I think I had one of these as well but used it very few times as I was too young and naive to know just how to turn it on and read the results.  Whenever it did go off, I was told it was a false signal and my detector must be defective. 

My BS detector went off a few times when I was younger but I felt guilty that it did. Once HWA said that Dinosaurs didn't reproduce because Satan couldn't and so neither could his creation.  BEEEEEEEP!   I had just read National Geographic in HWA office about the first discovered Dino eggs!  My friend asked if he just heard my BS detector go off.  "Ghastly days! yes, but I don't know where that came from. It won't happen again..."  I thought even having one could get you in big trouble so I begged him not to tell anyone that it went off. 

As years went on, my personal BS detector went off every darn time Gerald Waterhouse stopped to pump up the troops.  Once it went off while at dinner with GW and I got a swift kick under the table to turn it off!!!   A typical evening for me listening to GW tell us all about how it all was, is and will be with HWA and the Wonderful World Tomorrow...I could hardly hear what he said for all the beeping in my head!   I kept the volume setting on off, but I could feel the vibration when it went off!  Some of my friends in the audience looked at me sometimes when they wanted to see if it was vibrating in my head after something was said.  I evidently was not good at hiding the beep in my head to some who knew me better than perhaps I would have preferred at the time.

That BS meter went off many many more times as time went on and the winds of change swept across the plain truth. It eventually got so bad I could not even think without the constant beep of BS detection.

But now I am older and wiser and while annoying to hear the constant "beep" of this vital tool to proper and responsible living, I grew to appreciate all the future drama and trouble it eventually came to save me.

The beauty of it all is that you don't have to purchase one of these. You don't have to put it on your credit card or wait a couple weeks to get one in the mail. You already have one.  You have always had one. 

Just turn it on....and trust it enough to save yourself and your family further Pastor, Prophet and Apostle abuse. 

They come in various models but all detect the truth of the many grand pronouncements one has grown all to used to hearing from the grand and the glorious "God speaks to me not you," goofballs who see themselves spoken of in the scriptures. 

Here they are in action....

"A final thought: Circumstances forced me to research and come to much more fully understand the office of prophet than anyone else ­today. This extensive process has allowed me to teach you the truth of that ­office—from the Bible.."
David C Pack

"All of this has helped prepare—train—me to understand how my office will someday interact with the two final prophets Christ will select and train within this ­Church!"
David C Pack

"Let me repeat: I state without apology and with God’s authority that both of the Two Witnesses will be members of The Restored Church of God! There is no doubt! "
David C Pack

"The day of Pentecost, 2012, will prove to be most important to the return of Jesus Christ. As a prophet, God gives to me prophetic interpretation and additional prophecy not previously given in scripture. He does not do it all at one time, but in a “progressive” manner,"
Ronald Weinland

"So in many respects, my job as a prophet is simple, since I speak and write what God gives to me."
Ronald Weinland

"There are many people who simply “hate” such prophetic declarations because they hate God’s ways. The things written in 2008 – God’s Final Witness are not a matter of my own ideas or my ways, but they are from God to one of His prophets. Those who hate God also hate His prophets and perceive them, their actions, and their words as arrogance and pride."
Ron Weinland

Once you get the hang of it, show your friends where they can find their very own and how they work.  Start a "Beep of the Week" club and share your findings with friends.  No Church of God devotee should be without one if your belong to a Church where there is just one grand Apostle, Prophet or Watcher telling you how it all is and what you are expected to believe...  "Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep,"   Uh oh....there's another one!

Dennis C. Diehl