Saturday, April 13, 2013

James Malm: People Who Wear Crosses Are Followers of the Anti-Christ

The apostate apostle Malm his getting his knickers all in a wad again at Ron Meredith. This time it concerns crosses.  Malm claims Rod is OK with crosses.  This certainly is news considering the humiliating drama that Bob Thiel created concerning crosses after the Milwaukee murders.  Thiel brought major embarrassment to the LCG because of his public hated of the cross.  However, Thiel's position was always the traditional Church of God stance since Armstrong came on the scene.

For Rod to say that this is not forbidden in scripture, is a statement of biblical IGNORANCE! 

We are repeatedly commanded not to worship God as the pagans do; and the cross is a pagan religious symbol!  The cross is the symbol for Tammuz, one of the founders of the Babylonian Mysteries and is NOT to be venerated as a religious symbol.

To wear or use crosses is to identify oneself as a member of the Babylonian Mysteries and a follower of antichrist!  This is an ABOMINATION to the Father and Jesus Christ!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Bill Gothard and Women Abused By Their Husbands

This is from the guy that bought the Big Sandy Ambassador Campus and the person the Dugger family in 19 Kids and Counting are followers of.

Even more appalling are some of the comments in the link above.  This just goes to show how sick fundamentalism is, in or out of Armstrongism.

This isn’t uncommon in the Fundy world. When I attended BJU my Freshman year, I had an Orientation class with the Dean of Students, Jim Berg.

I was allowing my mind to wander off one day, my daily routine, when something Berg said grabbed my attention. He was talking about his wife. He said if a man knocked on his door and announced that he was there to beat Berg’s wife because she was a Christian, Berg would step aside and let it happen. He said he wouldn’t stand in the way of the heavenly reward she would get for being persecuted for Jesus.  I was shocked. I’m sitting there thinking about all of the levels this was messed up on.  Obviously, it was straight crazy. Secondly, why wasn’t he pontificating about HIM getting beat up for HIS Christianity. Lastly, if it was legit on any level, which it can’t be, why would he share the story bragging about his supposed level of  commitment to his faith??  I was 18 at the time, but all I could think about was how much I wanted to beat his ass.

I can’t imagine King David or Samson, or any other MAN in the Bible “stepping aside” to allow another man to physically attack their wife. David was the closest person to God’s heart, and he was a straight up warrior. Jim Berg is a straight up modern-day Pharisee. 

I knew a female married town student who went to Jim Berg for counseling because her husband was beating her.
Berg’s advice? “Duck and let GOD hit your husband.”
This is also the same mentality that many Church of God ministers held.  Women who suffered horrible abuse were told to stay with their husbands because their reward would be in heaven for following church government.  The man was in charge!
In Armstrongism this is the legacy of proper Church government. The belief and enforcement of proper church government introduced all kinds of abuse into the church.

Herbert Armstrong

Frank Schaeffer On Leaving The Religious Right