Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Sinners In The Hands of Rod Meredith's Constantly Angry "god"

In a letter from Rod Meredith to his followers dated April 16, 2013 he has the following postscript.
It is in regards to the Boston bombings.  It is all about how America is being punished by the angry pissed-off god that Rod believes in and whom he wants to see dish out destruction upon all sinners. Death and destruction seems to be constantly on his mind, at least when sex is not being discussed.

P.S. My friends, just as I was finishing writing this letter, news came of the terrible attack at the Boston Marathon. So far, we know that at least three people were killed and over 175 were seriously injured. It was obviously a terrorist attack—involving either homegrown or international terrorism. But the lesson we need to think about here is that we have warned you again and again that—unless America and the British-descended peoples turn to the God of the Bible, He will severely punish our peoples for our own good. Almighty God warned our forefathers—as I have cited many times—“But if you do not obey Me, and do not observe all these commandments, and if you despise My statutes, or if your soul abhors My judgments, so that you do not perform all My commandments, but break My covenant, I also will do this to you: I will even appoint terror over you, wasting disease and fever which shall consume the eyes and cause sorrow of heart. And you shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it” (Leviticus 26:14-16). The Hebrew word “terror” can well be translated “terrorism”! And the wasting diseases such as AIDS, cancer and related diseases are certainly beginning to strike down our people with increasing frequency. Yet we have not repented! The God of the Bible seems “far off” to most people. But He will get their attention as these various attacks and calamities will come upon us with increasing frequency unless we begin to realize why things are all “going wrong” for the United States and the British-descended peoples—the peoples who were given the opportunity to send out more Bibles, more missionaries and medical workers than any peoples on earth. We have had much of the knowledge of God. But we have now forsaken our Creator by our actions and our “lawless” acts even in condoning “same-sex marriage”! We are showing Almighty God personally and officially how we “despise” His statutes and His Ten Commandments. May God help us to wake up and realize why these disasters are happening and turn back to the God of the Bible!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Ron Weinland: Did His Mother and Sister Leave His Pathetic Cult?

Mike is reporting on the Don't Drink the Flavor Aid: False Prophet Ron Weinland blog that he received the following comment to one of his postings:  Ron’s House of Cards

The following was left in a comment on the previous post.
It is with deep regret that I have to inform everyone that Ramona Weinland, Scott and Kris Cameron have chosen to leave the Church of God – PKG and have thereby chosen to leave the fellowship of God’s people.  They are disfellowshipped from God’s Church.
Beth Bucheit
Sr. Elder the COG-PKG
I don’t have verification but it seems authentic.  If true, it calls Steve Dalrymple’s position in PKG into question, as he has been the Cincinnati senior elder for some time and before that one of Ron’s flunkies so if a recently promoted female senior elder is doing this …..

So the list of possible but not necessarily confirmed defectors includes:
  • Ramona Weinland, Ron’s own mother
  • Kris Cameron, Ron’s sister
  • Scott Cameron, Ron’s brother in law
  • Ralph Dowd, long time member
  • April Combs, long time member
  • Hope Henson, long time member
  • Donna Kautz, long time member
  • Chris Little, Ron’s son-in-law (though the legality of his marriage to Audra is in doubt considering how Ron handled their marriage certificate)
These are all long time PKG members, and include Ron’s family and senior elders in PKG.  I hope this list is true, and will soon expand to include more from PKG.

It always fascinated me on how many family members follow their "daddy" cult leaders just because they are family.  The only ones who had any brains to buck that trend were Herbert Armstrong's daughters and Dave Pack's sons.  After years of suffering abuse at the hand of their father, both families left.

I realize familial ties are great, even more so in Armstrongism.  The problem lies in the fact that family members have seen and witnessed the inner workings of their dad/relative leaders.  They know the garbage that these frauds pass off as "god inspired."  They have seen the lies, the manipulation, the power issues, the mental health issues, and suffered at the hands of their dad/relatives - sometimes mentally, physically and spiritually; yet they still give loyal support.

I hope it is true that Ron’s mother and sister have left.  This will certainly give more people the courage to walk away from the rotten filth that Ron spouts as “god inspired.”