Friday, June 14, 2013

Dave Pack: COG Members In Splinter Groups Are "Intoxicated" Followers of "Activity Addiction"

Still on a roll trying to relive the glory days he goes on telling how COG members today are spiritually blinded to the truth because they have "activity addiction."

Though these things were not wrong of themselves, collectively they became a huge distraction that blinded scores of thousands of people from God’s true purpose at work in their lives. This happened because, with so much of their time stolen, people had stopped practicing the Christian basics—meaning they stopped living God’s Word, never mind all of it (Matt. 4:4; Luke 4:4). Intoxicated with activities, they went off to sleep. They simply had forgotten the sole purpose for why they were born—that God had put them on Earth to build His character and to be born into His very Family!

While most would have said that such an astonishing “memory loss” could not happen, it did!

After the apostasy, like so many addicts, most brethren went to, and today continue with, organizations that could best feed their activity addiction—that could best continue the familiar feeling they enjoyed of still being “churched” as they once were. Obviously, the big splinters have been able to continue many of these things in a way the others can no longer experience. This is one of the biggest reasons that many will remain so reluctant to leave their big place to fellowship. No one wants to leave friends, family and the “good times” of fun, fellowship and an endless cornucopia of activities behind.
Its funny to watch Davey ridicule others for the "activity addiction" when he FORCED members to attend all kinds of church functions and meetings.  When he did not they got called on the carpet and treated like pond scum.

Dave Pack: I Love The Past! - Oh Wait, I Hate The Past!

Davey starts his weekly letter off by once again proclaiming that he is going to restore the "glory days" from the past.  All the brethren will dwell together in harmony, all bitterness, intrigue and malice will be eliminated as everyone becomes Stepford Members trying to relive the past.  Oh how glorious those days were.

In previous announcements, we covered the big elements of the “Church of God” landscape that will change in light of the Haggai prophecy. We saw reunification of God’s people will explode the size and scope of God’s Work and that brethren will be together for the Feast of Tabernacles, Sabbath services, socials, Spokesman/Graduate Clubs, youth camps, Ministerial Conferences, college and more. Obviously, these changes will be BIG, but in a sense not as big as those that must occur in the lives of individual Christians. YOU must be ready to give up doctrines, traditions, practices, policies and standards that you have unwittingly (or wittingly) absorbed.
Then, further down his latest screed, he calls all of those activities as spiritually blinding the members to what they should have been doing.

Be honest with yourself and acknowledge what God’s Church became for so many—and probably you—as it grew to the globe-girdling size that it reached. There was literally something for everyone, and something was almost always going on. As a result, enormous numbers stopped thinking about the need to pray, study, fast, meditate, exercise God’s Spirit—and copy Jesus Christ in building the perfect, holy, righteous character of God, en route to awesome rulership in God’s kingdom.

Instead, they focused on the next picnic, dance, potluck, basketball and other sporting tournaments, Y.O.U., Y.E.S. (youth programs), singles activity, fundraising project, senior citizen dinner, track meet, Spokesman Club Ladies’ Night, talent show, youth camp session, snow party, deacon/elder meeting, get-together, etc. (Yet Church Bible Studies were cancelled long before anyone felt the need to reduce any of the activities mentioned here.)

Typical of Armstrongism one never quit knows what is the  right thing to do.  One minute something is being praised by the Dear Leader and the next it is being claimed to be a tool of Satan.  No wonder people drank!

Dave Pack: The Alcohol Miracle Worker

Not only is Dave Pack one of the worlds most important men, he also took on and tackled the enormous alcohol problem in Armstrongism.  He DEALT with it!  Never mind the fact that he probably caused a lot of people to start drinking after they were treated like dirt by him.

As for "self examination" that is all Armstrongism ever focused on!  No one was ever worthy and was just inches away from being squashed by God's big fat thumb.
The Bible warns in many verses about spiritual “drunkenness.” This condition in the Worldwide Church of God caused many brethren to close their eyes and drop off to sleep, forgetting about the crucial role of self-examination. This was largely produced by the fact that many people used God’s Church as a giant, nonstop party for many years, and some for decades. We now know that most were obviously in it (or, over time, came to be in it) for the “good times,” and, spiritually speaking, the “alcohol” flowed freely. (This became a literal problem as well. I know—I saw and dealt with it.)

Dave Pack: It's All About ME and HWA - You Won't Find No Wimpy Jesus Here

Davey is back with his 18th installment in his plan to set himself up as Joshua.  Dave apparently felt left out because HWA had taken all the cool names, so he had to resort to a little read book in Hebrew scriptures that he feels describes him.

Davey starts out today letting you know that it is all about HWA and "ME."  Only Davey, the most important man in human  history, is carrying on the work pf Herbert W Armstrong.  No mention of Jesus anywhere, but lots and lots of HWA and "ME."

In Part Two of the Haggai series, I explained that these announcements have been a vital part of God telling YOU to consider YOUR ways! In fact, The Restored Church of God has been doing this for over 14 years. Ask: Which other organization has taught in explicit detail—through scores of books, booklets, articles and sermons (over 2,100 pages of just Splinter Explanation Packet material)—what God expects His people to do during and after an apostasy? Which group has carefully maintained and held fast to ALL of Mr. Armstrong’s teachings—which you once understood came FROM THE BIBLE? Which organization has gathered God’s people back to one organization, restoring all that was destroyed by the apostates? The remnant of God’s people outside His Church has been told countless times BY ME to “consider its ways.”