Sunday, August 11, 2013

James Malm: A Really Converted Woman Even Covers Her Head While Doing Housework

A Malmite asks:

James, I pray numerous times per day and Iam sure women do also, are they to don the head covering every time they talk to God in a quick prayer? Iam talking about as I go about doing things not on my knees but as I am engaged in an activity like driving or doing a chore or just walking, or sitting down.
The Chief Pharaisee responds:

My mother and most women in past times, always wear a scarf doing housework or a hat outside. I guess we have changed somewhat in our society; but it is certainly very easy to cover the head, and very wise to do so to keep the hair clean from the dust of housework or the barn or car etc.

This is so easy and effortless and was done routinely by our grandparents if not our parents. Paul expressly teaches this point in terms of covering in humility before God. Since we are instructed to do this, it has the authority of a command.

I would think that if there was even the slightest idea that something might please God and it was lawful, everyone would rush to do it. That would be wholehearted zeal to please God.
On the other hand to strongly resist what is an easy, simple, minor and lawful act, commanded in scripture, speaks loudly as to a lack of zeal to please God. James

If the god of Malmism was really worth pleasing it would be one thing to do all of this.  Since the god of Malmism does not exist, why waste one's time?????

James Malm: Men and Women Can Wear Kilts While Praying But Women Must Also Cover Their Heads

A Malmites asks:

Does the head covering need to be worn while praying at home? Also should wearing pants be considered men’s clothing and what about kilts worn by both men and women?

The Chief  Pharisee responds:

Paul does not say that the head covering is exclusively for public use, but when ever praying of prophesying; therefore the covering should be worn while praying and discussing the word of God [prophesying]. Wherever that takes place.

There is nothing wrong with wearing pants designed for women; the issue is trying to appear masculine.

Kilts do not disguise or confuse the gender of the wearer; which is the issue. God wants women to be women and not to try and be men; God also wants men to be men and not to try and be women; That is the issue. As long as the gender is not co0nfused the clothing item matters little. James

Kilts OK, men's Levi's for women NOT OK, 

Is it any wonder why Armstrongism has become such a laughing stock!

James Malm: Fruit Salad Hats Are Not Appropriate For Women When They Pray

Several of Malm's online acolytes were a little disturbed by Malm's insistance on women wearing head coverings:

An acolyte asks:

Okay, I’m not to proud to admit that this entire topic, as presented, is confusing to me.
You seem to be saying that anyone of feminine gender who goes to church or who engages in Bible Study or prayer should have some sort of head covering.

You also seem to be saying that a head covering denotes a married woman just as a wedding band might.

Finally, you seem to be saying that all hair on a woman’s head should be covered (like the habit of a nun or Muslim headscarf minus the veil).

With this in mind:

How exactly should a husband instruct his wife, daughter, or granddaughter in such matters? Don't you already have sympathy for this mans wife, daughter and granddaughter!  Oy!

When should a head covering be worn and how extensive should its covering be for a woman to show herself a godly woman?
The Chief Pharisee responds:

I said that head covering started out as a physical covering over the hair, denoting a married woman, just as a wedding band might [but the wedding band is pagan and the hair covering is scriptural]; and that Christ approved of that and used it as an allegory of the marriage of the Lamb, and the chaste modesty and faithfulness of the bride of Christ. And further we should do this to acknowledge the authority of the Head, the Father in heaven and our espoused Husband Jesus Christ as our HEAD.

If women do not do this; then they are not respecting the authority of the Father or Christ as our Head.
In the Church of Malm women are not even allowed to discuss scripture without covering their heads.
It is very simple, women should cover their glory as a sign of humility when in the presence of God; at services, n prayer or while discussing the word of God. They will be greatly blessed for doing so. 

Women in the Church of Malm cannot wear fruit salad hats either!  Damn!  That take all the pleasure right out of attending church!  I only go because of the fruit salad hats!!!!!!!
Any cloth or hat that covers the top of the head and is modest; not gaudy like an ostrich plume or fruit salad hat would do nicely! James