Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Is It A Sin To Serve Halal Blessed Turkeys To Your Guests At Thanksgiving? Thiel Says It Might Be...

The silliness that occupies the minds of so many entrenched in Armstrongism seems to get worse every year.  Thiel is reporting that he got asked a question about halal slaughtered turkeys that have a prayer said over them as they are slaughtered. 

The enlightened prophet says:

A while back, a reader sent me a link to the following item from 2011 that was somewhat true then:
America’s favorite meal may be secretly dedicated to Allah
Customer service representatives from Butterball, one of America’s most popular Turkey brands, confirmed to WND that the company’s whole turkeys are – without being labeled as such – slaughtered according to Islamic “halal” standards…Multiple phone representatives at Butterball confirmed the turkeys are slaughtered according to halal standards, and one named Tracy (she declined to give her last name) further confirmed the words of Islamic dedication are spoken over the birds. Has your Thanksgiving turkey been sacrificed to idols? http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=370177#ixzz1eRWF91z4
But then there was a change in 2012:
Butterball’s Thanksgiving turkeys won’t be served with a side dish of Islamic dogma this year.
The company has announced that its turkeys are not slaughtered according to Islam’s halal dietary principles, which say that animals should be killed while conscious and amid the sound of Islamic prayers.
The theological turkey turnabout came after an online protest on the topic last year threatened to sour the public’s taste for Butterball-branded products. http://dailycaller.com/2012/11/21/butterball-disavows-islamic-turkeys/#ixzz2jb9crgyn
Perhaps I should add that the first article also states that Butterball was not the only company that has allowed Islamic prayers over turkeys (there also may be Islamic prayers over other slaughtered animals as well).  It should be understood that Jewish rabbis also provide their approval/blessing on various ‘kosher’ foods and ‘halal’ is somewhat of an equivalent in the Islamic world.

Thiel ends with this:

The reason I said basically, as can be seen, is that if this somewhat would offend an acquaintance, then one should not eat such meat in a manner that would make him/her stumble. Otherwise, eating meat that in other ways is proper to eat is fine.

Monday, November 25, 2013


You must have a pretty pathetic existence, if all you have to do
is attack your former belief system. If you are so happy to have
rejected what you once believed, why can't you get a life and just
move on?
You have no idea what a major clown you make yourself out to be
with every posting."

Anonymous Email

Every last one?  Really?  

My existence is not so bad. I enjoy learning and always have. I do wish I was a paleontologist though. There is much to learn in this life and there is no easier time in history to learn. Experience seems to be the best teacher.  I would not consider myself to be attacking my former belief system anymore than a Dr. Bart Ehrman of Misquoting Jesus , who began very sincerely as an Evangelical Christian at Moody Bible and just learned there was more to learn or a Dan Barker of Losing Faith in Faith , who had his own experience starting out as a fundamentalist believer.  "When I was a child ..." and all that.

I do have a life and it isn't in starting up or participating in yet another splinter of WCG.  I earn my money with hard work and still enjoying the fact that I am a caretaker at heart.  That's the hard wiring I suppose.  You're right about moving on but when I appear not to be, I am merely endeavoring to point out to others that which may save them from dis-illusionment to come.  But we all believe what we believe until we don't.  It would thrill me if some other former Church of God pastors would step up to the plate by name and share but that evidently is not happening.  I just consider myself to be sharing and anyone on Banned who feels so disposed can do so as well.  The stories and journeys are all different though the point of departure was the same.

Would you care to share your story and affiliations?

I don't consider to myself to be making a major clown out of myself with every posting but if so, thank you for pointing that out.  Having already worked at the Wildworld of God circus for over half my allotted life, I'd rather not do that again is all...

Thank you for kind words and encouragement.  I'd be curious to know who you actually are and your actual church affiliation.  I expect you must attend a COG by the  anonimity and tone of your note.  You're always welcome to give me a call and chat a bit...

Warm regards

Saturday, November 23, 2013

A Brief Musing on those beneath the Rank of Apostle

Dave Pack says of HWA and himself...
" But they will not come with us—God’s true Church—because they are being deceived by false leaders about what The Restored Church of God teaches—and about what Mr. Armstrong actually taught.
“Yet they are all HUMAN. They are ALL subject to error, and so are YOU—and so am I—and so is this Work of God. Even though it is God’s Work, directed, empowered and blessed by Him, He carries it on through frail, weak HUMANS, and we humans are ALL of us subject to mistakes!’

Translation:  God can't get us to get it right through the power of inspiration and whatever the role of a Holy Spirit that is suppose to guide us in all truth, whatever that means.  And YOU make mistakes too.  
“…Repent means CONFESS YOUR SINS …”

Observation:  Yes it does Mr. Pack.  We're waiting and "the prophecy is still very much 'on''' does not count.

“If I were looking for God’s one true Church, I would assuredly look for one that had confessed and corrected its errors! For all have had them—even the early churches…”

Observation:  I wouldn't. Gospel Jesus promised it would be lead and guided in all truth.  There is nothing in the NT about the church being prone to futsing up but correcting itself.  The self does not correct all that well and only after the Sheepy Sheep wake up and grumble. 

“Any criterion that assumes God’s TRUE Work through humans is absolutely perfect, unable to be wrong or make mistakes or hold to any error, is a false measuring stick and will mislead you.

Observation:  It's not a criterion thing.  No one I know thinks humans are "perfect."  But most do observe that those who think they are , especially those who claim divine guidance, are the most difficult to stop because they are not prone to thinking it is their own views and not that of any deity that runs the show.   You can't spend years saying "God says", "Christ is now wanting us to..."  "Jesus tells us..."  when they don't and be prone to admitting it. 

“You may ask, do I, then, feel that we in this Work are full of errors, misleading the people? MOST EMPHATICALLY NO! We have not had to correct error many times. But each time we have corrected an error, we have had one fewer error left. If we KNEW of any error still remaining, now, we wouldCHANGE it! If and when we find one in the future, we shall correct it! The one who follows that principle is the MOST FREE FROM ERROR!”

Observation:  It's also not a "we" thing.  Most members and ministers quietly are uncomfortable with the errors of Apostles and Joshuas but say nothing.  They hope it will be obvious to the Apostle soon enough to save them from having to speak up or caution the Apostle.  Apostles aren't real good at listening or using that multitude of counsel thing.  Think gyrating agreers on Dave's "counsel."  One should rather say, the many, not the 'one' who follow that principle.  When  the one has to be convinced they are full of poo poo, it takes way too long and the damage is done.
I and The Restored Church of God do the same. Mr. Armstrong continues:
Observation:  Yes you do...
“So, confessing such an error is one of the SUREST proofs to identify the people through whom the living Christ IS WORKING—and whom HE is USING!

Observation:  No it isn't.  You don't find the NT Apostles confessing to any missteps, misinformation or misapplication of scriptures, of which there were plenty.  They set the president that readers can never question the content and proofs of their views.

“If you are looking for a leader who claims that he is PERFECT, and you think you have found him, and he is human, HE IS A FALSE LEADER. There is ONLY the ONE Leader who is perfect today—and He is theLIVING CHRIST! We follow HIM—and we trust you, with us, will do the same.”

Observation:  No one does that.  Only the brain dead would be looking for a leader like that especially in religion.  You are merely playing humble and "only human" here to get yourself off the hook.  It's easy to "trust" a being that does not actually make himself known in any comfortable or confidence building way.  Everyone says "we follow Christ."  Paul did and the other Apostles told him, "No you don't"

It is quotes like these from Mr. Armstrong that are often used out of context by splinter leaders who hold offices below the rank of apostle. They claim, “We can change (translate: overthrow) teachings of Mr. Armstrong because he admitted he got things wrong.” They cite Mr. Armstrong for authority to change what they absolutely have NO AUTHORITY to change!
Observation:   Uh oh... "Below the rank of Apostle"?   There is the problem.  Dave believes that HWA was the only one who could correct the problems.  Of course that means that the one man must admit to them instead of cursing those who did not agree with him.  Paul did that too when confronted and that's not a compliment or example of how it should be done. The Ephesian Church in Revelation tried those who said they were apostles and found them wanting or inadequate and liars.  Jesus congratulated them for that. That was a bottom up thing and not a top down thing.  Bottom up accountability is safer than top down declarations of truth and from which only correction and change can come.    Dave is noting that the reason your observations about him or HWA are wrong is because you are not of sufficient RANK to make such judgements.
Dave Pack is no real Apostle.  He has been horrifically wrong about all his delusional writings about himself as spoken of by the Prophet Haggai.  His ideas are just that...ideas.  They are uncomfortable ideas and will always blow up in his face as this has.  He has disappeared to regroup and recover.  I am very sure he has suffered losses we will never hear about.
Dave's "Christ" was not in any of his ideas about himself.  Or may it was if he is one of the many who make claims about coming in Christ's name and claiming Jesus was the Christ,  but actually do not when you consider the message and missteps made by ego.

Don't Let Your Apostle Make You Sheepy
Speak up to Fake Authority

Friday, November 22, 2013

Eric King Predicts DIRE Christmas Shopping Season and VIOLENCE in Hospitals

Armstrongism's greatest living prophet crackpot is back with his end of the year predictions.  King believes he has a 100% accuracy when it comes to prophetic brain farts.

This time it is a DIRE Christmas shopping season and violence in hospitals because they did not join Obamacare.

I predict that this shopping year for ‘2013 Christmas’ will be dire. The economy will show just how much it has slowed down by what we will witness. I have warned that all the pagan holidays should not be kept by true Christians. I have taught and informed true Christians just why this is so. What will we witness this Christmas and during the other holidays, now in 2013? We will see poor people do desperate things. We will see the middle class spend way less than ever before. We will witness those who have been repressing their anger explode with violence. Our SOCT teachings have warned about this type of behavior. Our people [COGSR/SOCT] are not left in the dark. We are awake, aware, and alert to what is happening in these last days.
King then goes on to make other "prophecies" that are ripped right out of he headlines and then ends with this. 
Also, we can begin to witness that Hospitals will close and many doctors will go independent due to Obama Care. The Liberals will accuse the hospitals and doctors of being greedy because they refuse to join the Obama force. I predict violence will begin to occur at hospitals.

The Passing of M.T.Hall

Exactly 50 years ago today was my parents 25th Anniversary.  Hard to forget since it was the also the day of the JFK assassination.  The party went on but they were glued to the television.  I was 13.  

Bare with me and please allow me to post my dad's obituary.  Mom passed nine months ago at 96 and dad two weeks ago at 97.  Dad was an Elder in WCG for a number of years after most of my family followed my sister and myself into WCG in the '70's.  Over the years our family grew to 3 full time pastors, 2 local elders , deacons and deaconesses and some pretty dedicated folk.  30+ in all counting the kids.  None are now in any of the splinter groups, that's not the Diehl way evidently,  and have found their way back to the churches or types of churches in the family before WCG.  Mom and Dad returned to their roots with the Memorial Orthodox Church just down the street from their home of 75 years.  They made a very large circle back to those pews that I sat in long before my feet could touch the floor.  Same pews.  The sanctuary, when at mom's memorial service, looked as it did when my parents first started there in the 1940's.  Exactly the same.  That's stability and something there would be precious little of in the WCG experience.  I am glad they went back to their roots.  

I wanted to honor dad somewhere for his life in WCG and this is the only place left to me.  Dad was the kind of gentle man who could stand up to the Dave Pack's of the Church.  He took Dave and other's ideas and "orders" under advisement" very often.  "Under advisement" meant , "Hell, no!"  LOL  That was dad.  

Emp T. Hall

Dad wrote Joe Tkach Sr. towards the end days for WCG to "thank" him for his reckless change and ridiculous "leadership."   The Rochester Church was falling apart and he signed it "M.T.Hall" because the church hall was mostly empty then.  Thus my occasional use of "M.T.Hall" here on Banned.  

I am not sure I have been or could be the man I perceived my dad to be but we had much different stories in life.  He lived two streets over as mom's paperboy from the house mom was born in.  They bought a home, ONCE, across the street as kids in their 20's and stayed put.  That was not my own story for sure.  Dad worked one job at Kodak for 45 years and lived to see Kodak thrive and die.  He worked 8-5 , five days a week with every weekend off and lots of vacation time for the Adirondacks.  I believe mom and dad's longevity was due the stability of staying put and one job for life that just got better and better.  Those days are gone.   Moving all over creation for the WCG , much less the endless WCG drama as it affected both ministry and member, took its toll on the family, the finances and the friendships.  The contrast growing up in a very stable and fun family with my own WCG experiences probably lead to the anxiety issues that came up later in life.  While many learn coping skills early in the game. I learned them later as a minister and in the transition from that to whatever more normal was or is.  Transitions can be messy and painful. The price has been high and regrets and feeling badly about outcomes aplenty at times. My former counselor told me "That was your story and this is yours.  Don't compare them."  That helped.

So here's to my dad.  Mr. M.T.Hall.  
I retire the moniker

Diehl, Frederick
William Jr.

Rochester: Our Dad, Frederick William Diehl, Jr., age 97, a dedicated servant of God, peacefully returned to his Heavenly Father on November 3, 2013, nine months after his loving wife of 75 years, left his arms. He exemplified Proverbs 27:17: “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” You always walked away from time spent with him believing you were smarter, stronger, better, and more capable than before.

He was predeceased by his son-in-law, Jim Rosenthal and his precious great-grandson, Matthew J. Frederick Gnage; best friends Neil Muller and John Peters.

He is survived by his loving children, Diane Rosenthal of Saratoga, Nolee and Ron Feiock of Rochester, Frederick III of Rochester, Dennis of Greenville, SC, and daughter-in-law Karen Diehl of Columbia, SC; his adoring grandchildren, Robyn Francis, Aimee (Warren) Lucas, Sarah (Mark) White, Jennifer Butler, David Rosenthal, Eric (Kimberly) Rosenthal, Jeffrey (Jennifer) Diehl and Christopher (Katherine) Diehl; his pride and joy, great-grandchildren Nicholas and Jacob Schell, Lindsey Gnage, Riley and Hunter Lucas, Max White, Zeia Rosenthal, Sheridan, Nicholas and Vivian Diehl, Magan, Lilly and Ryan Diehl; sister-in-law Thelma Peters and very special niece, Alice Geldof and her husband, Jerry, who gave so much time and love to his care.

We would like to thank the staff on 6 South at St. John’s Home for their dedicated care and most especially Dad’s aides who brought him so much laughter for the last and hardest nine months of his life.

To accommodate the family, a memorial service will be held December 28th at Memorial Orthodox Presbyterian Church, 650 Merchants Road, Rochester at 11:00 a.m.