Tuesday, April 8, 2014

What Does Eric King and Bill Clinton Have In Common?

OK, I know the first answer you all came up with....multiple women......but that's not all that they share in common.  Both believe in UFO's, though Clinton is more vague about it all.

King is all a twitter right now that Bill Clinton made the following comment the other day:

While Clinton said he had “all the Roswell papers reviewed” and found no clear evidence that aliens exist, he also said he wouldn’t be shocked if intelligent life exists outside our planet or even if extraterrestrials one day visit Earth.

“We know now we live in an ever-expanding universe,” Clinton said. “We know that there are billions of stars and planets literally out there — and the universe is getting bigger. We know from our fancy telescopes that just in the last two years more than 20 planets have been identified outside our solar system that seem to be far enough away from their suns — and dense enough — that they might be able to support some form of life.”

“So it makes it increasing less likely that we’re alone,” he continued.

“Oh, you’re trying to give me a hint that there are aliens,” Kimmel quipped in response.

“No, I’m trying to tell you I don’t know,” Clinton replied. “But if we were visited some day, I wouldn’t be surprised. I just hope that it’s not like ‘Independence Day,’ the movie — that it’s, you know, a conflict.”

King got this off the Daily Caller web site: Clinton on Aliens

One of Eric's 7 Women immediately chimed in:

Eric also speaks about UFO’s and shows how this subject is addressed by true Christians!

James Malm's "god" Only Answers Prayers In Proportion to How Many of the 613 Laws You Keep

The Church of Malm, always looking for the right combination, 
never realizing the safe is already unlocked.

James Malm's pathetic whoring to the "law" over the sanctification and justification of Jesus is blatantly apparent in today's post with the following sentence:

Our prayers are answered in proportion to our diligent keeping of the whole word of God!

Malm's magical god only proportionally answers prayers according to how many of the 613 laws of Hebrew scripture that you keep.  Do you only keep a few of the laws?  If so, then Malm's god will only listen to a portion of your prayers.  Accordingly, the more laws you keep the better Malm's god will like you.

In truth though, this is not isolated to Malm and his little cult.  It is the same thing that every single COG out there believes.  The "law" is the focus of every COG out there.  They cannot talk about Jesus, but published stacks and stacks of literature on the "law."  Telecasts, sermons, webcasts, and web sites all expound the law.  The "LAW" is the true god of the Church of God.

Monday, April 7, 2014

When Is An Apostle Not A Prophet?

Eric King:  HWA's failed prophecies were actually speculative predictions. Therefore, he cannot be held accountable.

What we must remember is the fact that God did not call Mr. H.W.Armstrong to be a “prophet”, God called Mr. H.W.Armstrong to be an APOSTLE. It is true that Mr. H.W.Armstrong longed for the appearing of his Savior, Jesus Christ. The apostle Paul during the New Testament era felt that he too might see the return of Christ Jesus in his day. Apostle Paul wrote in terms of disciples “longing for His appearing”. This is something that all true Christians do. So we must understand that what Mr. H.W.Armstrong spoke about regarding these types of issues should more appropriately be called “predictions” and NOT prophecies. Speculation is not a sin.

Is Eric King An Easy Target For "Cheeseheads?"

The thin-skinned Malmites are getting really perturbed that we continue to make fun of them.  One of them had this to say about us. 

WARNING! There are swear words below for those too delicate to read further:

Those BLOGGERs that make fun of Eric and COGSR ministries would never try to talk the shit they do about Muslims. They are little shits that would run. COGSR is an easy target for the cheesy Christian haters.

God Invented Smart Phones Specifically For Bob Thiel To Get His Message Out To Africa

Years ago the Worldwide Church of God made the claim that the printing press had been invented so that Herbert Armstrong could print the "gospel" message for all the world to see.  Then when Herbert Armstrong got restless after the death of his wife and needed to fly around the world, the church claimed that jet planes had been invented so that he could travel to all the nations on earth to deliver the "gospel", or in COG speak, "A Strong Hand From Someplace."  Then, computers came on the scene and the church bought one of the largest IBM mainframes ever built.  Computers too, were created for the express use of the Church of God. Remember that God had to invent the computer in order to keep track of members tithing amounts.

Now we transition to the 21st century and Bob Thiel, god's greatest gift to humanity and the Mayans, says that smart phones have been invented to get the final message out to all of Africa and the rest of the world.

A Door That is in the Process of Opening Even Further

Although at this time, relatively few in Kenya and Tanzania have direct access to the internet without going to an internet café (which few can afford), I noticed that nearly all had cellular telephones.

Once “smart phones” become popular in Kenya (I had not noticed any while there), we should be able to reach many, many more than we have been able to over the internet.  Our plans for the internet and congregations should be ready by the time many of those in East Africa will have additional abilities to access them.  This “door” is opened for Philadelphians (Revelation 3:7-8) to proclaim the gospel (cf. Acts 14:28, 1 Corinthians 16:9; 2 Corinthians 2:12) of the kingdom (Matthew 24:14) is being opened more for us and we expect to go through it to reach even more.  Please pray that God will more fully open this door for us (cf. Colossians 4:3). The Final Phase of the Work