Saturday, May 31, 2014

Living Church of God: We Are Virtually ALONE in Our Understanding of the End time: Take THAT Bitter Bob!

The fear mongering continues unabated in the Living Church of God.  Death, doom destruction are soon to wipe out 2/3 of the population of the U.S. and LCG couldn't be happier.  They seem to salivate at the possibility.  If it happens then Herb and Meredith will be proved right.  So far over 70 some years and false predictions have never come to pass. 

Although we cannot be sure that we are at the very end, at least the beginning stages of the horrifying droughts, fires, floods and eventual famines and disease epidemics do seem to be slowly getting under way around vast portions of the earth. As I write this, much of the western United States is now experiencing terrible drought—in some cases, the worst in more than 100 years. When rains come, they are causing terrible floods and mudslides on the formerly parched land. And the fire season is just beginning. We are going to have a lot of “worsts” over the next several years in fires, drought alternating with floods, earthquakes and other “natural” catastrophes. Get ready! We in God’s Church are virtually alone in understanding the details of these major world events!

Poor Biter Bob Thiel!  LCG is the ONLY COG who understands world end time events!  They have left Thiel in the dust!  Meredith humiliates Bitter Bob again!

Meredith concludes with this:

Since so many of us are getting older in the faith, we should, dear brethren, truly be drawing closer and closer to God in everything we think, say and do. If we, through God’s Spirit, so discipline ourselves to do this, and specifically cry out to God for more faith, He will certainly give us that faith!

Armstrongism is aging out and slowly dying.  Once Meredith dies and his son takes over LCG will rupture into numerous splinter groups.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Timothy Kitchen Solves The Reason The COG Had/Has So Many Poor In It

Timothy Kitchen, HWA idolater and Pharisee, did not like the post yesterday about HWA and his lust for money.  Forget what you ever thought you knew about the reason for the poor in the church.  Even Herb himself was not this insulting!

...blessings came to people who were right with God. People were poor, because of their personal sins, and at times they were poor for character building, and for examples for others who were weak in the faith.