Saturday, March 7, 2015

David Passover Pack: I Trained In The Backseat Like Joshua

Back seat training is never easy!

Apparently the entire Bible was written as forerunner of David Passover Pack and his amazing life.  Who knew that we were reading about him all these years!
43 – This is a personal point, but a big one I believe, nevertheless, and the record of what I'm gonna tell you is there for all to see. I have for over thirty five years been fascinated with and preached about Joshua and how he tutored in the back seat under Moses the prophet. I started in the 1970s giving sermons everywhere I ever went – many sermons – every church I ever pastored, including in Restored to the whole church in about, I think, 2002 maybe it was. Joshua trained in the back seat; what was it like to train under Moses? It was just always an interest I had. You assign that to value you think it deserves. 

David Passover Pack: Make the stupid people realize I am the ONE and ONLY!

A real speaker who has prepared his material before hand always has a concluding statement that summarizes what he has been speaking about.  David Passover concludes with a sentence that has no meaning or connection to his precious two hours of blabbering.  Yes, we know you are an awesome dude.  There is no other like you on the entire earth.

Good night Gracie...

Brethren, somebody was going to be this man, we were willing to believe it was Herbert Armstrong, he was a man. Somebody was going to be Moses, turned out that was Mr. Armstrong. Like Elijah and John the Baptist he was going to look – they were different from one another – this man was going to look, and talk and be a certain way. I come as one particular human being. God could've picked others, maybe I was one candidate out of many, I don't know, I don't know how the mind of God would be on those things, but this is the way I am. So it was going to be somebody, and you'd have to get used to and settle on and accept the strengths and weaknesses of whoever it was. Now, final sentence, we are nearing the end of all things, just read the news of last week, an enormous prophecy has been fulfilled, how many more enormous prophecies are soon to follow? Good night.

David Passover Pack: All manner of healing will ONLY be taking place within the Restored Church of God

Only David Passover and his little band of merry makers will be healed by God of ALL MANNER of sickness and disease.  Nothing is too great or too small for David Passover's god to heal  Healing cannot come through any other Church of God.  It is only through the miraculous presence of David Passover Elijah Pack in the Restored Church of God is this healing possible.

Sermon 2   1:50:00
Now, some of you must have wondered what the last point was that I left out of the sermon two weeks ago when I said we don't have time for a longer point, it would last several hours? Well, you just heard it, you can see why I couldn't put it on that list, but one of the great proofs – and I sort of alluded to it earlier on – one of the great proofs that there will be a mass healing in the church is it's part of a restoration under my office. And I couldn't say that two weeks ago before you understood what my office was. So, this series of sermons takes its place in that sermon, adding tremendous weight to why all of you brethren around the world, and those who are coming with us, can look forward to God healing all sickness and disease. The term "manner of" by the way, isn't there, men added it, when they came the apostles and Christ healed all sickness and disease; small stuff, big stuff, everywhere in-between. and if God heals you, man it's a small thing to others, it's probably pretty big to you, and that's why we want to announce things no matter how small they are as long as they're a legitimate healing to the degree that we're not overwhelmed with numbers, because God in all ages is going to heal all sickness and disease,

David Passover Pack: To those outside the RCG there is no other ONE possible than ME!

Dave is still stinging from the fact that tens of thousands of COG folk did not jump to his ship the past two to three years.  There is no human leader in the Church of God or anywhere on this earth who is as great and as important as David Passover.  He's younger, he's better, he's more important!  There are NO other candidates and there is NO possibility of others arising.  There is no other way to salvation but through David Passover!

To outsiders – those outside the Restored Church of God, a few final thoughts here – if you reject these 130 points, then where are your candidates for Elijah. Who is on your list? The answer? Likely no one. Those who might have a list are looking for ones like themselves. Put your money where your mouth is and go find Elijah. I'm not talking to us, I'm talking to those outside. Sooner or later those who claim to be looking for Elijah will have to get accustomed to having the one that God chose. No other man is coming. Two reasons: 1, all that would have to be done – who would do it? A lot of the men are much older; I don't think I could write everything all over again. And 2, there's no time, even if the man had started five years ago, and no one did. Think of where we are, there are no candidates, there's no possibilities, there's no other way, and God waited until there was no other possible way to see this to reveal even to me what my role was.