Saturday, April 16, 2016

What is Truth

In a high school English class, we worked through a textbook titled, "Philosophy & Literature:  Truth, Beauty, Goodness, Commitment".  It opened with Plato's, "The Allegory of the Den"  which asserts that most individuals are victims of illusion when it comes to recognizing Truth.  At the time, I thought all of the time and effort spent on discussing what is or what isn't Truth was pretty silly, a waste of my time.

I knew the Truth, my family knew the Truth, after all our home was filled with stacks of the Plain Truth.  We had no question about what was true or false because we were members of "The Church", the one true church that Christ was personally leading through his sole end-time Apostle, HWA.  We had grown certain of this fact because HWA reminded us of it over and over again and we felt blessed to know THE TRUTH!  If his claims had not been enough, we were also living in a bubble where all those around us reinforced this concept with repeated expressions of gratitude for how 'fortunate' we were to know the Truth.

And, furthermore there were the booklets... Yes, the booklets.  My father, thinking he was doing us a favor, made a list of the 40 or so booklets that he had at the time and put columns for each one of us kids.  Well, once one brother started checking a few booklets off the list, we were all jumping head first into reading them as well.  It didn't matter what they were about, we were going to check off all the boxes. So, reading, "How to Quit Smoking" at age 10 didn't seem that odd to me.  Come to think of it, this may have been the most valuable one for me as it did make smoking very unappealing.  It's probably good that he hadn't included "The Missing Dimension in Sex" on the list.

To make a long story short, we lived in that bubble of common believers for decades without hardly having a clue that our reality was distorted in many ways.   Even with the distorted reality, our lives were pretty good, fortunately.  Most of our ministers were reasonable men and our parents maintained a balanced perspective on most issues.  They took us to doctors, they made their own decisions, they did not 'over-discipline' us, and they saved for retirement rather than giving all they had to WCG.  We also weren't pushed to go to Ambassador College.  Overall, we were lucky.  
Nevertheless, my bubble eventually popped.  It wasn't one, dramatic moment but a gradual deflation that occurred for various reasons.  In part, the accumulation of so many inconsistencies between various teachings and between what was taught vs. what was practiced tended to make people like me become cynical. 

You stop and think about it and realize that WCG had dogmatically taught us many things that were later changed, or once examined, proved to be completely false.  A few examples:   
1.     HWA was the first to preach the true Gospel in 1900 years
2.     HWA learned from no man and he restored 18 truths to the church
3.     God specially trained HWA for his unique, end-time mission
4.     HWA was given key to prophecy (Identity of Israel) from God
5.     HWA was highly accurate in foretelling future events
6.     The WCG was God’s government on earth; HWA was God’s sole end-time Apostle
7.     WCG was the one, true church and could trace its’ roots back through the ages
8.     All universities are bad because they turn almost all students into God denying atheists
9.     Members that were not donating enough money would go to the “the lake of fire”
10.  Petra was the place of safety, the final training ground
11.  HWA completed his work in 1972 (...but, oh, um, well, actually HWA was given a special commission to “preach the Gospel to heads of nations”)
12.  HWA preached the gospel to world leaders 
 13.  Existing members would go to “the lake of fire”; existing ministers were deceived and rebellious
14.  Doctors, modern medicine, and make-up were; divorce was unacceptable
15.  The church would not compromise 1/100% of the Truth
16. HWA’s marriage with Ramona was God’s will 
17.  Divorce was ok, make up was a non-issue, and doctors and medicine were ok as well
18.   The State of California’s investigation into fraud was “the most MONSTROUS conspiracy and attack Satan ever launched against God's Work!” 
19.  WCG knew what positions David, Moses, Joshua, HWA would hold in the kingdom of God
20.  God would not let HWA die before Christ returned; loyalty to HWA was paramount
21.   Post HWA, Mr. Tkach would lead us into the kingdom and loyalty to him was now paramount

One could have a lot of fun expanding such a list but better to get back to the point.  Other things that helped be "break the spell".  The continual splintering of the church.  After the UCG/COGWA split, it made sense to start digging around to try to determine, "What is wrong with us?"  Here I'd like to give credit to all of those that many of us had previously looked down upon.  Thank you to all of those that had caught on years before and then documented what had really been going on at headquarters to help wake up others and try to stop the idolatry of a man.  I read books like Armstrongism, Religion or Rip Off, Ambassadors of Armstrongism, The Broadway to Armageddon , Herbert Armstrong’s Tangled Web, and The Armstrong Empire and found websites like Ambassador Report, The Painful Truth, Banned, and Keith Hunt's).  I may have not appreciated some of the attitude and over-generalizations here and there, but the well documented history and thought provoking questions were eye openers.  It was time to put down the cool-aid, wake up and start smelling the coffee.

About thirty years after discounting Plato in my English class, I was ready to give him some well deserved respect.  I located the same textbook online and reread that introduction with new eyes... Yes, now it made much more sense.  The author summed up Plato's Allegory of the Den quite well - "If one has been a prisoner in a den, condemned to see only reflections of the truth, he will assume that these reflections are really true.  He will believe so firmly that he will  not believe a fellow prisoner who has escaped his bondage, has seen Truth, and has returned to inform the prisoners of their mistaken confidence in the "truth" of their shadow world."   

Exactly!  Much like those of us in the past and those still in HWA's Den.

Truth is not always so easy to discern and any given statement is not the Truth just because an arrogant man is able to confidently claim that God revealed it to him.  However, now comes the hard part... What of my beliefs are true and which ones are false?  When a man borrows from others, he may be borrowing truth or he may be borrowing lies.  Most probably, he will have borrowed some of each.  But for those who lived in HWA's Den for most of our lives, it may not be easy to rapidly discern one from the other, nor to recognize what part or our confidence comes from our present examinations vs. our bias from the indoctrination of the past. 

I must admit that when I read the Bible, keeping the Sabbath still makes sense to me.  Is that because of what the Bible says or because of my decades in WCG?  Hard to say at this point.  Like Ian, whom I respect, my overall experience has been good and I'd like to think that there is a way to make some of the basic teaching work without the corruption of the past, and most certainly without relying on or giving credit to one man.  My wife comes from a primarily Catholic country and her family had learned of the Sabbath and Holy Days completely independent from HWA, any COG, or even another splinter from the Millerites.  Just the Bible.  Is this belief Truth or error?  One day it would be nice to know for sure.  It is easy for her to ignore HWA completely.

For me, it is more complicated.  Reading HWA's own writings led me to conclude he was not sincere as others continue to believe.  Therefore it is hard to accept the position that even though HWA was incredibly flawed, God still worked through him to reveal new truth.  I could better understand that a man was going to profit from the ministry (as many do) and he got lucky with a few things that he borrowed from others.  To me, there is a big difference between these two assumptions.  A question for my friend Ian.  Hypothetically, what are the odds that a greedy, dishonest man who had abused his own child  would be the one that God would select to work with to reveal new understandings?  And for this case, the greed and dishonesty were ways of life, not just occasional slip ups.  And the abuse was not a single incident followed by acknowledgement and repentance but more along the lines  10 years of abuse during the critical, initial years of a 'ministry' while the revelations were coming from God... and followed decades later by an extremely odd gesture - the gift of a signed copy of the "Missing Dimension in Sex"  to the abused child).  Extremely unlikely in my view.  Perhaps I do need to visit you in Jamaica where we can talk face to face as we adjust our eyes to the true light outside of the Den?

God has choices.  It seems that, in terms of character, it is reasonable to assume there is a type of Bell curve just as there is for intelligence or physical agility.  Nobody is perfect for sure but there seems to be those we can confidently identify as being above average and others that are below average.  Doesn't it make sense for God to select an individual with above average character rather below average?  That would be consistent with the Bible's instructions when it comes time to select deacons and elders.  As a parent, I'd place anyone that abused their own child, lied to and stole from the poor to enrich themselves, and made repeated huge false claims about their own purpose and abilities well towards the left end of the scale.

There is a lot of gray in life but child abuse by a self-proclaimed Apostle of God seems to be one matter that remains in the black or white category.


Philadelphia Church of God Fear Factor

More propaganda for the apostate crazies in Edmond.

Fear is one of the biggest tools used to control members.  Make them fear for their safety and eternal salvation and they will follow you Petra...or drink kool-aid...or believe the silliest things imaginable.

The Four Great Beasts of Revelation Are People You May Know In The Church of God!

From crazy lunatic COG preachers claiming their members will be riding around on the back of angels; to all of the  Elijah's, Elisha's and Amos's; to frauds claiming to have converted hoards of Muslims to the truth; to Witless Witness Ron Weinland and now a person who has the ability to know exactly WHO the four breasts of Revelation are.  Only in the Church of God can you find such willing lunatics ready to spout complete idiocy.

Today's agent of God's secret information is Phinehas Eleazar who knows exactly who the four humans are that are the beasts of Revelation.  For many here these will be men you may know or have heard of.

Eleazar used to be part of Gerald Flurry's personality cult, but left it because he was more theologically educated than Flurry.

Eleazar writes this:

And four great beasts came up from the sea, diverse one from another. (Daniel 7:3)
Daniel witnessed four great beasts ascending from this agitated sea pictured by God’s church in this end-time.
What are these four great beasts?
Verse 17 of the same chapter provides us the answer.
These great beasts, which are fourare four kingswhich shall arise out of the earth. (Daniel 7:17)
Therefore, these four great beasts represent four great kings which shall come out of the earth.
In page 5 of the booklet, “Who or What is the Prophetic Beast?” Mr. Herbert Armstrong explained the word king in this manner:
“And the word king is synonymous with kingdom, and used only in the sense that the king represents the kingdom over which he rules, for in verse 23 we read, “The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon the earth ….” Notice also the word kingdom is used to explain the beasts in verses 18, 22, 24 and 27.”
These four kings have their own dominion or rule. As kings possess kingdoms over which they rule, these kings in God’s church represent the MINISTERS who were given rulership over the various regions or nations in the world.
Now, notice the place where these four kings will arise from.
These great beasts, which are four, are four kings, which shall arise out of the earth. (Daniel 7:17)
In verse 2, the four great beasts were seen by Daniel ascending from the great sea – an emblem for God’s church.
Here, earth is also representative of God’s church. They will rise up from the PCG. Their dominion will exist within this church.

IDENTITY OF THE FIRST BEAST  Now, with these two remarkable attributes mentioned about this first beast, who among the ministers in the Philadelphia Church of God had exhibited these qualities during his reign as a king over a very wide region in God’s church? 
This first beast in Daniel’s dream represents none other than John Macdonald, the former Regional Director of Africa, Asia, and Oceania and his reign in those regions in the past, prior to his demotion to Associate Pastor. 

He was the “king of the beasts” when it comes to devouring God’s people.

IDENTITY OF THE SECOND BEAST This second beast in Daniel’s dream represents Evangelist Alex Harrison, who replaced John Macdonald in 2015 as Regional Director of Africa, Asia, and Oceania.

The Third Beast is an amalgamation of four PCG leaders in the U.S. and Canada

This third beast may well represents four regional heads in the region of the United States, including Canada. As leopards are solitary animals that have large territories so are these ministers rule over a wide regions. 
The oppression and killings of God’s people was a worldwide experience. It was not an isolated case. It did not just happen in one country or region. It did not only occurred in Asia, Africa, and Oceania. 
The Great Tribulation happened to God’s people in all nations around the world. So, obviously, the wide territories of Manasseh was not spared. 
This third beast with four heads are ministers who are also hooked on preying upon God’s people. These kings or ministers who are leopards with spots are accustomed to do evil. 
“Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil. (Jeremiah 13:23) 
Many atrocities committed by PCG ministers from this region were recorded and detailed in
The hunting techniques of these four kings is typically feline-like similar to the first beast. They are known to lurk in the dark and spring suddenly upon innocent and poor people.

Then the best part of all is the name of the Fourth Beast.

Now, who among the ministers in The Philadelphia Church of God will match these initial descriptions about this stouter horn? 
Who is this minister who has fellows surrounding him, whose appearance became greater than them and became the captain of their confederacy? 
Who is this minister who exalts and magnifies himself and now has the control of the whole PCG and makes major or important decisions for the church? 
This stouter horn is none other than Stephen Flurry! 

Do you still remember what Stephen Flurry did in 2014 Feast of Tabernacles? He drew the attention of God’s people all over the world to himself by giving the 2014 Feast of Tabernacles Opening Night Message. He took the spotlight, from the Apostle of God, his very own dad, and delivered a message which is not supposed to be given just by anybody.
What authority did he had to take away that very important responsibility from his dad?
Why is it that Armstrongism has breed such complete lunacy in so many people?  For a church that claimed to be restored Christianity and to have inspired leaders that were the only ones God was working with after 1,900 years, it sure has been one screwed up mess of some of the craziest idiots we have ever seen!  God certainly must have had a lapse in judgment. Imagine waiting for 1,900 years to hand your divine truth off to these idiots!  The worst and saddest part is that no matter how idiotic these people are, how abusive they are, or how morally bankrupt they are, people will still follow them.

You can read about this marvelous salvation worthy information on Phinehas Eleazar's web site:  The Last End: A Book of Remembrance  This site has some of the most crazy stuff you will ever read concerning the Church of God and the Philadelphia Church of God.