Monday, March 6, 2017

Is Rod Meredith The Most Uniquely Qualified Man To Write About The Protestant Reformation?

Gerald Weston and the Living Church of God have been heavily promoting the "new" earth shattering series of articles that Rod Meredith is "working" on regarding the "truth" about the Protestant Reformation.  The Living Church of God, as well as Rod Meredith, feel that he is the most qualified human ever to comment upon the Protestant Reformation.

This is coming from a man who has had no theological training outside of the Church of God information stream.  He has had zero historical education, by qualified and well versed professors, on the Protestant Reformation movement.   Most of his knowledge is garnered from anti-Catholic sources that are just as biased as Herman Hoeh's and Dean Blackwell's treatises on church history and the Reformation that the old Worldwide Church of God claimed to be historically accurate.

The latest issue of the Tomorrow's World contains the article:  The Plain Truth About the Protestant Reformation.  Ah yes, the "Plain Truth,"  how veeeeery original.  Why is it that none of the men in any of the splinter groups can ever come up with something original?

The byline for the article states this:
“Roderick C. Meredith, the Editor in Chief of the Tomorrow’s World Magazine and Presiding Evangelist of the Living Church of God, is uniquely qualified to write this series. His ministry spans almost 65 years, from the earliest years of Herbert W. Armstrong’s worldwide work to today’s multi-media continuation of that Work of reaching the world with the Gospel of the coming Kingdom of God. 
Dr. Meredith has long been an expert concerning the history and significance of the Protestant Reformation, and this series collects his research on this highly misunderstood subject. 
The article starts out with this:
The Protestant movement today is on trial. The Protestant Reformation has spawned a veritable Babylon of hundreds of different denominations.
Seriously?  He has the gall to start out like this when he is part of a movement that has spawned hundreds and hundreds of harlot daughters of the mother church!  The Church of God is the most fractured single church movement in modern history.  Lecturing others about a "movement" being "on trial" is pretty hypocritical from a man who has helped spawn church divisions.

This entire article is nothing new for Rod Meredith.  It is not like he has been focused upon studying the Protestant Reformation over the last few years, and particularly now that he is on his death bed.  What Meredith has done is republish his 1961 thesis that was a requirement of the unaccredited Ambassador College "graduate" program.  This is a paper that never defended in front of real theologically and historically trained professors.

Church of God News has this to say about Meredith's series:
Roderick Meredith has not collected “his research on this highly misunderstood subject” during “his ministry (spanning) almost 65 years.” 
He wrote The Plain Truth about the Protestant Reformation 61 years ago, when he was a student at Ambassador College. His thesis was written in ‘Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Masters of Arts in Theology’.
The first article in this “ brand-new series” comprises chapters1-3 of this thesis. It is almost word for word, with some slight (or should that be ‘sleight’?)amendments by the editors, e.g. “thesis” is changed to “series”; “the following chapters” to “this series of articles”; and “the present work” to “this series”.
Why does the Living Church of God need to deliberately deceive their members by pretending that this is an all new series that Rod Meredith's been working on?

Dave Pack Salivating for Christ...

Sniff sniff...wink wink
"Now, here’s some bad news that I wanted to announce, but in a way, it can be good news (Well , I mean it is GREAT NEWS! really )when we understand such things from God’s perspective. You’ve heard the name, Mr. Meredith, Roderick Meredith, many times. He performed my marriage and baptized my first wife, and of course, was a dear friend for a full 30 years. I was Uncle Dave to his children and he was Uncle Rod to my children. (Actually I was Uncle Dave to every Evanglists family in my mind)
Mr. Meredith has, apparently, terminal cancer, and it was announced on Thursday in a way that was inconclusive. And then yesterday, an additional announcement came out stating that it definitely is cancer and he is…And I salute him for this, (Now die please and soon I have people to snag) and he’s 86 years and well, almost 87. In June, he’ll be 87, and so he’s lived a rich life. (No pun intended) He’s not going to do anything about it. (As if he could)  He said, “No heroic efforts. They may or may not be able to extend my life, but would they even extend the quality of my life?” So he’s basically home now and I will maybe at some later time talk a little bit more about this.
I think the fact that he is leaving the scene is much more significant than meets the eye—maybe much, much more than meets the eye. I would love to think, of course, (Uh huh) that he is a saint and I will see him again.(But I can't do that or I'd have to acknowledge there can be other sincere Christians outside of ME) It’s interesting, about a week ago I thought about writing him a letter, (I doubt it,  but maybe share what you would have said?)  maybe it was last weekend, and then of all things, on Thursday, we got these announcements. 
...But, I will say, he is the last of those seven original evangelists. He represents the end of an era. I certainly am not in any sense…I would think I don’t need to say this…I’m not, in any sense, happy about this,  (Of course you are),except (told ya!) in the sense that I can explain later on, something that you will appreciate understanding. It means he’s not part of the events to come, ( Neither will you be Dave) and I hope you can readily add two and two there and get four. (Doubt that too. RCG members are too brain dead already to add anything correctly anymore).  He does not need to go through the fire. There’s no…I mean, he’s had multiple strokes, and so how you see these men who are taken away is very important." (They are taken away by old age if lucky)

But in the splinters…Only God knows how individuals are seen in His eyes… (Oh lots more people than just God do too) But in the splinters, he is a titan and when he is gone, a church of 10,000-plus, many thousands of whom I know…are going to be thrown into turmoil. (Yay!!!!) Because virtually all the other senior ministers who were there have already died. And so I don’t know how that will go, I hear a lot of rumors, but we’ll talk more about it, maybe down the road. I just wanted you to know that. (Thanks!  Somehow we knew you would!)

As a brother in Christ, ( in Christ?  Really?  Then LCG types can stay put and be fine) then we can be praying for him (that's nice Dave)—but be praying for all the other brethren who are going to be thrown into terrible uncertainty when a man who was ordained an evangelist in 1953, I think, February’ 53 in Britain, is gone. (Come unto me, I mean us...pulllleaaaaase!) And since…And he even said in his comments he knows God could heal him, but he reportedly said, “I’m realistic. At my age, I doubt that’s going to happen.” So if he’s not doing anything to try to reverse it and makes that comment, then you can imagine how it will end. So, I’ll leave you with those thoughts. (Thanks but I got it figured out already)
David C Pack
Screed* 64
* "A long speech or piece of writing, typically one regarded as tedious"

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Dave Pack: The Church has always been full of wizards and spell-casters

Dave has been really frustrated that thousands of COG members still have not jumped ship to join his superfantabulous Church of God.  He has racked his brain for years trying to figure out why no one seems to care.  Apparently the light came on in his empty head.  His god has deliberately kept people out and is only letting in a hand selected few.  These hand selected few are vital to run the new world government that Dave and his "jesus" are setting up in their First Dominion.  Just let your mind wander a few minutes and realize that some of those batshit crazy RCG members will be in charge of the First Dominion.  They will be the rulers of cities and planets.  The teachers.  Heaven help humanity!

I could not understand why, when we had everything that they professed that they wanted back. Here it is, all back again. The wonderment of the golden age of Philadelphia is all back. Where were they? Why weren’t they coming? Why didn’t we hear the sound of their feet like thunder entering our halls all over the world? But we didn’t…just trickle, trickle, trickle…here one, there one…here three, there two, there five…one, one, one…five, five, two, two. That’s the way it’s been for, now, many years.
But now we understand. I repeat…now we understand they weren’t going to come unless Christ handpicked them, because he deemed them important to the establishing of His government, because there was enough there to work with. And brethren, don’t let that puff you up, but there’s no other reason why we’re here—and be very, very thankful, because there, but for the grace of God, go we, in terms of what those in all the other places are going to have to endure.
I knew He wanted to keep many out. I never understood, until recently, how it was that He kept them out, and He tells us through Paul, in II Timothy, in these two perilous times, that wizards would arise—eventually weighty wolves, not sparing the flock. And it would get worse and worse. Not evil men will arise and get worse and worse, and wizards will come after that, meaning just three of them, but there’d been a long series of them. But they are goēs…they’re always goēs, wizards—spell-casters.

Dave Pack: Were the Tkach's and Associates Actually Witches In Disguise?

Superfantabulous Dave Pack seems to be surrounding himself with people who have ties to witchcraft or Wicca.  He also claims that the leadership of the old Worldwide Church of God were actually witches that beguiled the membership.

I was talking to one our ministers the other day, and he told an incredible, chilling story. He’s in this room. He came home one day after school and suddenly—out of the blue—while he was in school in the afternoon, his father, a Roman Catholic, had married the housekeeper, who happened to be a witch and a practicing Sunni Muslim, who prayed five times a day, looking at Mecca. And they caught her trying to cast spells, and this minister’s father is now divorced from this witch. But, he has a brother who’s demon-possessed…His father asked him, not long ago, “Do you think there’s any way the witch I married…[He didn’t even know he married a witch; she was a practicing Muslim, five times a day; a Sunni, I mean, hard-line, Sunni Muslim, who was a witch.] She cast a spell on him, and he ran off and married her while his kids are at school. That’s a father of one of our faithful ministers.
The brother of another of our ministers married a witch…knew he was doing it and they’re divorced, too. Obviously, they weren’t in the Church. But when the father’s a Roman Catholic and marries a Sunni Muslim…You sit and think…WOW! That’s a strange thing to do. When nobody knew. They’d never dated or done anything. She’s just a housekeeper. He was obviously divorced from his first wife, the mother of the minister. Those things happen.
My wife had a witch, one time, in a nursing home. I believe up in Buffalo, and she said “I’m a witch and I demand to be called a witch.” And my wife said “We’re not going to call you a witch. We’re going to call you Ms. so-and-so.” She was telling me about it this morning, in detail. A horrible, bitter, awful, hateful, hateful woman. She said she looked like a witch; even had the bump on the nose and everything. [laughter] And she ran around in her wheelchair, and she would sometimes have enormous power, and she plagued the whole place.
And one time my wife’s three little boys were dropped off by their father, to meet Mommy when she was off the shift, and the little boys…My wife would tell them to go up and down the halls and meet all the old people—it was a nursing home—and, go meet them all, but don’t go into the room…that’s a bad lady in that room, don’t ever go in there. And so, they’d go up and down…and they’re real friendly boys, if you know them, and they’d meet all the elderly people. Wish more young people would do that, but that’s the way they would occupy themselves in the nursing home…two boys and a little tag-along, who was four years younger.
And one day, she heard them screaming “Mommy! Mommy! The witch is chasing us!” [laughter] and here she was, coming down the hallway with…a fierce look on her face…I mean, wheeling that thing at Mach II…her wheelchair…and chasing them. And she jumped in front of them stopped her, and the woman tried to attack her, and the little boys were scared. But, eventually, they had to get rid of her; but by law, you don’t put her to death. You’ve got to put her in a nursing home, and if she throws her feces all over the wall and all the kinds of vile things she did…horriblehorrible lady…you’ve got to put up with it.
Eventually the nursing home couldn’t and I don’t know what happened to her, and my wife doesn’t. But when you don’t put them to death—well we don’t have the civil authority to do that; then they can plague people in a host of different ways…including some of the things I’ve described to you. They can trouble a nursing home; they can cast a spell on a man and get married; or they can control a whole city or a whole nation. You’ve got to come to understand this. Why, if I had time, I’d read all 117 verses to you. Well, let’s read another one that’s in Deuteronomy this time, Chapter 18 and verse 9
“When you are come into the land which the LORD your God gives you, you shall not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. [Well, what’s God have in mind?] There shall not be found among you any one that makes his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that uses divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer…[We’re reading the Word of God. God’s people are never to have anything to do with these.]…For all that do these things are an abomination [to] the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD your God does drive them out from before you. You shall be perfect with the LORD your God” (Deut. 18:9-13).
Now remember, in II Timothy 3:13…Don’t go over there…It says evil men and wizard-imposters will grow worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. You need to think through, for a moment…Let me just plant a little seed before we keep reading. It doesn’t say that evil men will grow worse and worse, and at a point, wizards will arrive on the scene.
It says “evil men”—that’s one category; and “wizard-imposters”—goēs—that’s the Greek for when a wizard is not just an “Elymas” and says…and claims to be somebody else, he’s a special kind of wizard. He’s an imposter. He’s not somebody who says “I’m the Wizard of Oz!” or “I’m the witch of Endor” where they just…“I come as advertised.” This is someone who is a wizard, but comes as someone, or some high office other than what he is—an impersonator, a counterfeit. In this case, a very plausible counterfeit. So it’s a type of wizard. Some wizards, as you saw, can claim to be God; others claim to be prophets; others just claim to be wizards. But you should keep in mind it says evil men and wizards will grow worse and worse.
For a long time, brethren, I have struggled with understanding how is it that a hundred thousand people followed a number of crude men I knew were not of God. I knew they were satanic. You’ve heard me say it for decades. How did they do it? How did they get them to keep Sunday and put up Christmas trees, and chase Peter Cottontail down the bunny trail? Has them going back to Easter…How did they do that? Give up the Sabbath, the Holy Days…the Law of God? 
Dave Pack's mind is dreaming up more and more idiocy as the days go by.  Why do his cabal of HQ ministers, his advisers sit there week after week agreeing with this stuff?  Deep down they know it is a load of bullshit, yet they nod approvingly.  Who is really worse,  Dave Pack or his yes men that know better and do absolutely NOTHING? Men who sit by and watch members be spiritually and financially abused.  Impotent, deceived little men.

Living Church of God, Satan, Trump and Brexit

What does the Living Church of God, Donald Trump, Brexit all have in common?  Satan is apparently on a rampage against the Living Church of God, dividing the country over Donald Trump and giving England a headache over Brexit. More importantly, He is out to cause division in the only true church on the face of the earth today.  No other Church of God is experiencing such attacks as the LCG is.  Satan is upset that the LCG is sooooooooooooo unified, that it is the ONLY COG doing a real "work" today and is upset that the LCG is the only COG practicing "true" government.  Almost-arrested Elijah Thiel's head was seen exploding when he read that!   Thiel claims to be running the only true church. Dave Pack claims to the the only true church.  Gerald Flurry claims to be the only true church.  How can Rod Meredith be right?  What's a poor church leader to do?

Brethren, right now we do have a very dedicated and unified ministry and church—as you all know. But certainly, Satan is “lurking” out there and trying to find an “opening” to cause division in the very Church which is doing God’s Work! So we do need to be “on guard” more than ever in the years to come. All of us realize that Satan is busy dividing even the carnal citizens of our nations right now—in the nations of Israel, as well as the rest of the world. Since Mr. Donald Trump’s selection as the next President, there is more division in the United States than there has been in many, many decades. Satan is causing division in our nation. He is causing division in Britain over the “Brexit” situation. He is causing division in the European Union, with many nations thinking about “opting out,” as Britain has done. All over the world, Satan is causing division. So we must not think that he is going to leave alone the very Church of God. Let us do our best to resist this. Let us be loyal to the leadership that Christ has put in place as long as that leadership continues to teach the basic Truth and do the Work.
Remember, brethren, I have always said that there is no “perfect” church. But when you think about what to do—as most of you have—you must always keep in mind the three basics: (1) Which church is preaching more fully the complete Truth of God? (2) Which church is actually doing the Work of God more completely? (3) Which church is teaching and practicing the genuine Government of God in the church more fully than others?
Sorry Elisha Habakuk Thiel, but Rod Meredith just Trumped you....
As I have stated, there is no church that is doing all of these things perfectly. However, when you consider those three basics, it should be obvious that there is one Church which is doing them more fully than any other on earth. We in the Living Church of God are that group. This does not make us “better,” but we have had our minds opened to realize that we should follow the basic pattern Christ showed through His servant Herbert W. Armstrong for all those years, by carrying on the Work and seeking to be those instruments that Christ can use to finish the Work and “prepare a people” for God.
I guess that "basic pattern" of Christ that Rod followed included bankrupting Global Church of God by taking all of their money, bad mouthing Leona McNair from the pulpit, depressing Terry Ratzman to the point he murders LCG members in church, disfellowshipping thousands without any recourse, preaching hundreds and hundreds of FAILED prophecies, ripping marriages apart, and more.  Yes, that is the same path Jesus walked down.

Of course it is vitally important that any true church MUST have proper government. Without government the Churches of God cannot exist.  The leaders would be powerless.  That is why you see no focus in the New Covenant concerning power from the top down.  Abusive tyrants lose all power in the new covenant.