Sunday, February 3, 2019

PCG: Hezekiah and His Irish Dancing Buddies

Armstrongism has been filled with men over the decades who latched on to crazy ideas and then exploited them as fact.  No group is better at this than the men at the Philadelphia Church of God.  In their ongoing quest to ignore Jesus and what he taught, they are forever looking at Hebrew scriptures for some kind of a hero to come along and save them and to preserve the law that reigns more supremely than Jesus ever will in their lives.

Every year, the goateed self-appointed King and prophet of the PCG has commissioned oratorios on some hero or heroine out of the Old Testament.

PCG's most recent one was all about Hezekiah.  Their interest in him was sparked by the recent discovery of the seals of Isiah and Hezekiah that their students dug up in Israel. They see this as a sign from their god that it is using them to legitimize their standing as the one and only true church.

Besides the absolutely cheesy and sometimes pathetically sad music that is played and sung during these oratorios, every single one of the includes Irish dancers in the production.  Irish dance apparently is the one true holy dance that David must have danced, therefore PCG will dance it too!

Of course, it also showcases the grandkids of Flurry who are Irish dancers that regularly compete for awards.  The PCG is so infatuated with Irish dance that they now teach it to their kids and have them perform at various church functions through the year.  They have even built a studio for this with members tithe money on the cult compound.  After all, the elite kids of PCG deserve the best while all the dumb schmucks spend months peddling fruit to their neighbours in order to send Flurry a $100,000 check as the Pacific Northwest PCG members did recently.  Gerald Flurry's grandkids thank you!

Commentary: On Blackface

On September 28, 2018, I submitted a picture here to Banned of an incident that happened at Ambassador College back in the 1950s - of four early Students at the College who were wearing heavy blackface in a Quartet parody. 

Here are the comments that came on the board: Emphasis/bolding is mine:

" let's not go overboard."

" It was simply a different mindset than we find today."

"blackface in its heyday was morally neutral; "

" we can only speculate as to whether these students were honoring or mocking Black America. "

" There does seem to be an element of respect involved,mwhich is probably why this custom has been allowed to continue, while acting in blackface has fallen into disfavor."

"A different era. "

"Blackface, like cross dressing, was once used in theater as a form of comedy. Obviously, times have changed"

"Personally I don’t care what color you are and if you paint yourself a color of another race! Just like I don’t care if you wear a burqa or hoody or turban or dress or kilt or whatever! It’s your choice. I think context is important though. "
"And so if Americans find something “offensive” in Australia or Sweden or wherever it’ll spark “controversy” even though the context like our history or social and cultural attitudes is completely different to yours. For example Mark Knight’s recent cartoon of Serena Williams caused “offense” to some Americans online even though Knight’s reasons for his depiction of Williams and Osaka were completely satisfactory and not racist or sexist at all imho"


Addendum: The Governor of Virginia has recanted his admission to being the person in the photo which appeared on his Yearbook Page. Therefore, it cannot be stated definitively that this was the Governor of Virginia in the controversial photo. This does not make the photo - or any photo such as this - any less revolting and racist.

The overwhelming consensus of the comments seemed to indicate that, at least among the COG crowd, that the "Blackface incident" at Ambassador College back in the day was really not that big of a deal. 

Currently, at the time of this writing, there is a large controversy with Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, who recently was discovered in a college yearbook at 25 years of age wearing blackface in 1984. This was the impetus that has caused me to write this article tonight. The similarities were/are glaring. 

  There is tremendous outrage that this happened with the Virginia Governor- because the person - back in 1984 who was 25 years of age - became Governor of Virginia. The consensus of the majority of the governing bodies of North Carolina are not giving Ralph a pass over the situation, and neither are the majority of the citizens of the United States of America. 

Regardless of whether the Blackface happened in 1957 with Ambassador College - or in 1984 with the Governor of Virginia - it was racist, it was unacceptable, it was wrong, regardless of the time and of the place. Yet, when I look back at the comments that followed my original photo that was sent back in September - and the "apathy" or "acceptance" of such practices at AC - as well as the lack of outrage among the commentators - what does this show? What story does this tell? 

Is it going "overboard" to condemn blackface by a religious college back in 1957? 

Is it acceptable that it was once a "form of comedy" and that it was simply a "different era" or "different mindset"? Are we excusing the behavior because of cultural reasons? 

Has blackface ever been an "element of respect"? Ever? Is this even outrageous to even suggest this? 

Is blackface "morally neutral"? Has it EVER been "morally neutral"?

And then there was this comment, which I will repeat again: 

"Personally I don’t care what color you are and if you paint yourself a color of another race! "

Is this the general state of mind and opinion of a majority of the ex-members OR current members of the Churches of God? Is there such an apathy to racism and such an acceptance of blatant racism that people are simply neutralized emotionally to racism within the Churches of God? Is it OK not to care? 

Personally, when I first saw the comments when they first came out, I was appalled, but I did not re-strike the conversation - until tonight. Because it needs to be brought up back into context in the Churches of God. 

It does not matter that this happened in the 1950s when culturally, for a myriad of reasons, there was an abundance of racist activity. It does not excuse the Church for practicing blackface, nor does it excuse any other group at the time for practicing blackface. At this period of time, racist activities including segregation and outright discrimination were widespread within the world and within the Church, as has been recorded in history and reported by this blog over and over again. The Chicago South congregation was especially created for the enforcement of racism within the Church, and racist policies and procedures were widespread within the structure of the Church in nearly every aspect of life, and was widely enabled by Herbert Armstrong - especially because of the racist doctrine of British Israelism which was the foundation of the culture of racism within the Church - a culture of white superiority under the supposed backing of the United States and Britain in Prophecy, supposedly God giving the anglo-Israelites favor over all other races, and the "inferiors" of the anglo-Israelites relegated back to whence they came forth from. 

Perhaps with that background, it should not have surprised me of the apparent apathy and ho-hum, whatever, no-big deal attitudes of those who saw the picture of the Blackface incident at Ambassador College. Perhaps it should have been expected. It does not change, however, the fact of the matter that the racist attitudes of the 1950s were wrong, worldwide, and in the Church. It does not change the fact that racial discrimination within the Church - and segregationist doctrines within the Church - were inappropriate and unchristian in every stretch of the word. It was just as wrong then as we have all come to understand how wrong it is now. 

When we look back at the history of the Church, and we see examples of blatant, intentional, unabashed racism within the Church, when we look at the clear white supremacy that was fully enabled within the Church clear up to doctrines of coming segregation in "The World Tomorrow". when we see the clear attitudes of lethargy when it comes to racism then, and apparently, in some cases, even now, it should be a wake-up call. A wake-up call that extends beyond the membership or ex-membership of the Churches of God, a wake-up call that extends beyond even the Governor of Virginia- but a wake-up call that acceptance of stereotyping culture or racist behavior in any form cannot be acceptable in any way, shape or form. The attitudes that were fostered by Herbert Armstrong - a clearly documented pro-porter of racist doctrines and policies and enabler of racist propaganda - only serve to perpetuate an attitude that is by no means morally neutral, but wholly and categorically unacceptable in a morally conscious generation - especially in the society of organized religion. 

This picture deserves only condemnation, not rationalization. It's appalling that the response was as lethargic as it was - but I should not have been surprised. This is the culture that we all were told was normal and acceptable. 

And for some, probably still is. 

These opinions belong solely to the author, SHT

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Self-righteous COG Hypocrite of Arroyo Grande Makes A Fool of Himself Again

It is a rainy day in California today and our resident lying false prophet of Arroyo Grande is making an ass of himself yet again, all at the expense of Christians who are better Christians than he is.

He starts his latest entry out with this:
Syrians who claim Christianity Fear a New Genocide In Wake of US Pullout
As the Chief Overseer and doubly blessed prophet, Bob Thiel sits in his warm home on this night living a life of privilege after a good meal of ample food, sitting at his computer while surrounded by his loving family, he DARES to sit there and write the kind of shit that he did tonight.

Imagine how the Christians in Syria would feel reading this shit from Thiel when their lives are ripped apart, their homes bombed or damaged by constant conflict, family members who have been slaughtered in front of their eyes, wives and daughters raped in front of their husbands and fathers and later to be taken as slaves by Isis.  

Imagine what it would feel like to stand up for your beliefs and your faith to the point you are willing to die and then know that some asshole in America claims they are fake Christians. On top of all of that, to then have him constantly claim that he is suffering persecution for the shit he writes and as he claims he IS the ONLY true church.  Can he get any more disgusting?

Thiel then has this:

There are concerns among professors of Christ in Syria that a pull-out of US troops may mean genocide for them:
KOBANE, Northeast Syria – With the pullout of US troops, Christians here in northeast Syria told CBN News their future hangs in the balance.  With the region on the brink of chaos, they’re fearful and warning of a new genocide. 
Just a few years ago, ISIS left a scar on the land in the form of an historic genocide in parts of Iraq and Syria.  Now Christians fear another potential apocalypse with enemies all around them.

The self-appointed illegitimate leader of a heretical Church of God dares to call the "professors of Christ"  when he has constantly turned his back on anything related to Jesus as he preaches on hundreds and hundreds of asinine topics while ignoring what Jesus did and accomplished.  Like James Malm, Thiel is a whore to the law.  It is his god. He also places far more importance on his dreams and make-believe blessings than ever admitting Jesus is a part of his life. 

Never fear though, as Thiel sits in his warm home he wants the Syrian "fake" Christians to know he is praying for them.
The situation in Syria has been horrible. I have been praying for those affected in Syria for some time and again ask others to also do so.
Thiel's god is ok with Syrians being slaughtered while he is delightfully pleased that Gaylyn Bonjour doubly blessed Thiel.  Can anything get any crazier! 

Theil continues:
While the Continuing Church of God does not consider that the modern Armenian Orthodox are part of the Church of God, there are certain doctrinal similarities (as well as important doctrinal differences...).
Between civil war, chemical weapons, murders, deaths, and war crimes, it is terrible what the people in Syria, professors of Christ, Muslim, or otherwise have had to endure.
They, along with all of us, need to pray “Thy kingdom come” (Matthew 6:10, KJV). 
I pray that the "kingdom" that Thiel desires never comes.  Can you imagine what a miserable hellhole it would be!  A land of self-serving, self-righteous, self-appointed prophets proclaiming they are the instrument of God as they treat anyone outside their privileged little circle as Laodiceans who need to be re-educated.

The Syrian Christians are better Christians that Bob Thiel will ever be. They are willing to die for their beliefs while our California false prophet lies about how he came to be a splinter cult leader and then whines and bellaches about being persecuted.

Of Battles and Boils: What Would REALLY Happen if the Earth Suddenly Stopped Rotating?

2 Kings 20:
1 In those days Hezekiah became ill and was at the point of death. The prophet Isaiah son of Amoz went to him and said, “This is what the LORD says: Put your house in order, because you are going to die; you will not recover.”
2 Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the LORD,
3 “Remember, LORD, how I have walked before you faithfully and with wholehearted devotion and have done what is good in your eyes.” And Hezekiah wept bitterly.
4 Before Isaiah had left the middle court, the word of the LORD came to him:
5 “Go back and tell Hezekiah, the ruler of my people, ‘This is what the LORD, the God of your father David, says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will heal you. On the third day from now you will go up to the temple of the LORD.
6 I will add fifteen years to your life. And I will deliver you and this city from the hand of the king of Assyria. I will defend this city for my sake and for the sake of my servant David.’ ”
7 Then Isaiah said, “Prepare a poultice of figs.” They did so and applied it to the boil, and he recovered.
8 Hezekiah had asked Isaiah, “What will be the sign that the LORD will heal me and that I will go up to the temple of the LORD on the third day from now?”
9 Isaiah answered, “This is the LORD’s sign to you that the LORD will do what he has promised: Shall the shadow go forward ten steps, or shall it go back ten steps?”
10 It is a simple matter for the shadow to go forward ten steps,” said Hezekiah. “Rather, have it go back ten steps.” 

But it gets worse. Joshua stopped the Earth in it's tracks for a whole day and there was no going backwards.  It just slammed to a stop!
Joshua 10:
12 On the day the LORD gave the Amorites over to Israel, Joshua said to the LORD in the presence of Israel: “Sun, stand still over Gibeon, and you, moon, over the Valley of Aijalon.”
13 So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the nation avenged itself on its enemies, as it is written in the Book of Jashar. The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day. 
(Once the Earth stopped, I do wonder how the author could figure out it delayed sundown "about a full day."?)
14 There has never been a day like it before or since, a day when the LORD listened to a human being. Surely the LORD was fighting for Israel!
Of course, both of these accounts are cosmological nonsense. In those days it was assumed that it was the Sun that moved around the Earth. We know this is not so. So in reality it would be the Earth that would needs stop dead for a moment and then rotate backwards about 40 minutes into the past for Hezekiah  or in the case of Joshua's "Long Day" simply stop for a whole day  and evidently INSTANTLY!    
But for the Earth to stop dead in it's rotation, well......

Any way you look at it, it spells disaster

"Have you ever wondered what would happen if the Earth stopped spinning?  You can probably guess that it would not result in anything good, in fact, it would be disastrous.  If the Earth stopped spinning suddenly, most people on Earth would die.  If the Earth slowed down gradually, it would be absolutely devastating, but there is a chance some people could survive.  Here is what would happen.

If Earth Suddenly Stopped Spinning

Our atmosphere is rotating at the same rate Earth is spinning: approximately 1050 miles per hour at the equator, with the speed decreasing the further north or south you go from the equator.  The rotation is effectively zero at the north and south pole.

If the Earth suddenly stopped rotating, the atmosphere would still continue moving at 1050 miles per hour, and anything not attached to bedrock would be ripped off the surface of the planet.  This includes rocks, trees, buildings, people — all thrown sideways at a speed of 1050 mph (at the equator).  Could you imagine the oceans being pushed inland with that speed?  Oceans would travel approximately 17 miles (28 kilometers) inland in just 60 seconds.  Yikes.  If you are undergound far enough, such as a subway, or at either pole, you might be okay.

If Earth Gradually Stopped Spinning

You may be thinking that, if Earth gradually stops spinning, we won’t be flung around like rag dolls and everything will be okay.  Wrong!  It would be a disaster.


Our Earth is not a sphere; it is bulbous, meaning it bulges at the equator (Earth is 26 miles larger around the equator than it is from pole to pole), all thanks to its spinning motion.  If the Earth gradually slowed, the bulging water from the oceans would begin to move away from the equator towards the poles.  Once Earth stopped spinning completely, leaving it as a sphere, the oceans would flood most of Earth leaving one giant megacontinent around the middle of the planet.


The atmosphere rotates in sync with the Earth, however with Earth’s rotation slowing, the atmosphere begins to follow the flow of the oceans toward the poles.  This flow would eventually lead to air being thicker at the poles and thinner at the equator.  There would exist only four spots around the mid-latitudes where humans could survive.

Geological Disturbances

Earth is comprised of three main layers — the core, the mantle and the crust.  Since each layer is composed of different material, as the Earth’s rotation slows, each layer will slow at a different rate, creating massive friction between the layers.  This friction would result in earthquakes where there had never been earthquakes before and enhanced volcanism, especially on the ocean floor.  Once earth stopped spinning, the geological disturbances would decrease.

Laodicean Jones Goes Golfing