Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The Toxic Culture of the Armstrong Churches of God

As Bereans Did has a great article up about why they continue with their blog helping Christian escape the clutches of abusive ACOG leaders and ministers.

One of the things they mention is the "toxic culture of the Armstrong Churches of God. With hundreds of splinter groups now eating the church alive. Its astounding to watch as none of them ever take any accountability to the damage they are causing to members and to unity.  It is always corrupt leaders in other groups that are the issue, instead of the core belief system common to them all, though embellished currently by several miscreants who claim they have an Elijah ministry.

Toxic Culture
Even you can't deny that the COGs have a toxic culture. Oh, not the COG that you attend, of course, just all the other ones. Rather than consider that the shared doctrines might be causing the dysfunction, you blame the guy(s) at the top of the other groups. Don't forget that they're ALL trying to imitate the same guy, and restore what he taught to some degree or another. Yes, even "so-called Christian" churches have struggles that are inevitable as long as men are in charge. But even ugly disagreements are handled with a level of discussion and grace that is unheard of in the COGs. It infuriates us to see you demeaned, slandered and cast aside, especially by lifelong "friends." We want better for you. On a Personal Note: Why We're Here

The festival both the Jews and most of the Christian churches keep, but the COGs ignore

The festival both the Jews and most of the Christian churches keep, 
but the COGs ignore

by TLA

One festival omission from the COG calendar is surprising considering how much the COGs love the OT festivals.

This is the Feast of First Fruits, the day when the Jews have the wave sheaf offering to celebrate the beginning of the harvest. This is the day when Jesus was accepted by the Father after His resurrection.

All the COGs know this and recognize this happened.

So why don’t they keep it?

It is because all the Christian churches call it Easter Sunday.

Instead of keeping and honoring and thanking God for Jesus’ resurrection and acceptance by the Father, they instead focus all their energies on proving Jesus was in the grave three days. (Some Jewish sources dispute the COG understanding – plus the other scriptures talk about Jesus being risen on the third day.
1 Cor 15 v3 For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance[a]: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures,that he was buried, that he was raised on the third dayaccording to the Scriptures).
BUT – this should not be the big point. The big point is Jesus was resurrected and accepted on the day of the wave sheaf offering.
NIV 9 Romans 9 v 9 to 11 Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him!10 For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!11 Not only is this so, but we also boast in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation.
Note: we are reconciled by Jesus death, but SAVED through His life.

The Resurrection of the Dead 1 Cor 15
12 But if it is preached that Christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? 13 If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14 And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. 15 More than that, we are then found to be false witnesses about God, for we have testified about God that he raised Christ from the dead. But he did not raise him if in fact the dead are not raised. 16 For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either. 17 And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18 Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost. 19 If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied.
So, let us all keep the Feast of First Fruits (Jewish name) / Easter Sunday (pagan name), or give it a good COG name – but let’s keep and celebrate if we truly consider ourselves Christian. Our Savior is risen as the first of the first fruits on the wave sheaf offering day – the day after the Sabbath – the first day of the week.
(And if you are a COG leader, remember HWA wrote and said the Church was always willing to change if shown it was in error – like Pentecost Sunday and divorce and remarriage.)

Submitted by TLA

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Yes, many are DUPED, and are worshipping HWA IN VAIN

For anyone who says idolatry is not present in the Armstrong Churches of God, there is this:
You will read in the seventh chapter of the book of Mark, Jesus saying " Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men."(verse 7) 
When we refuse to throw aside what Christ taught through Mr. Herbert W Armstrong, and admonish you our brethren to never compromise nor depart from these teachings, are we teaching for doctrine the commandments of men? Is what was taught by Mr. Armstrong, who is the apostle of Jesus Christ, of MEN and not of God? 
Continue what Christ is saying, "For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men...And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.(verses 8-9) 
Ask yourselves this! If you put what Mr. Armstrong taught into action, and OBEY it, are you throwing aside the commandments of God to OBEY Mr. Armstrong? 
Go to God's Word and prove this! What does God say? Do the people of God obey the voice of God's servant? See Isaiah 50:10. 
Does a servant of God ever preach contrary to what God has said through previous servants? NO!!!!  
Now, would you be OBEYING GOD and putting God's Word into ACTION if you were to stay faithful and true, and never compromise what the servant of God had given them from God? YES YOU WOULD! 
What did Mr. Armstrong teach that would lead you into disobedience TOWARDS God? Nothing!  
Now, if rejecting what the servant of God teaches from God is in fact rejecting God as the Bible says ANYTHING ELSE THAT IS CONTRARY AND DIFFERENT IS A TRADITION OF MEN!!!!! 
If Mr. Armstrong says DON'T, anyone who says DO is not in league with the servant of Jesus Christ, therefore is NOT WITH CHRIST!  
People accuse us of holding to traditions of men, but they accuse us falsely and they themselves are guilty of what they accuse. 
Yes many are DUPED and are worshipping Christ IN VAIN. They call themselves a member of the Church of God, and they say they are worshipping Christ, but it is ALL IN VAIN. Very few people understand the real truth! 
God's way makes sense! And why would God work through His servant, and teach the Church one way then throw it all away after his death and then teach another way? 
That is a way of SATAN! DON'T BE DECEIVED ANY LONGER! Samuel Kitchen

Jesus to return April 21, 2019

Ron Wienland and his dingy wife, as the two witless witnesses, claim that his creature he calls "jesus" will be returning to earth on April, 21 2019.  In the meantime, WWIII has been raging all around us! Concentration camps, famine, deaths by the millions, rampaging Germans and Chinese, it has been a wild and woolly year!

This period of additional time revealed another remarkable total number of days that contained even greater meaning. This could be described as an extended deeper meaning to Christ’s coming. This change from 2012 to 2019 added another 2,570 days to the countdown for Christ’s coming. This too is awesomely significant, as this now gave the addition of two more very specific prophetic end-time periods of 1,260 days to that overall count.
Within this extension to Christ’s coming, the first of these two new periods is from May 27, 2012 to November 7, 2015. God revealed early on that this first additional period of 1,260 days was the 42 months mentioned in Revelation 11 that is about the “measuring of the temple” of God that would occur within that period of time, which is about the final preparation of God’s Church for the final work leading up to Christ’s coming.
This second additional end-time period of 1,260 days runs from the 8th of November 2015 to the 20th of April 2019. This count concludes on the weekly Sabbath that is in the midst of the first Holy Day season of that year, the Feast of Unleavened Bread. This period is now recognized as the time for God’s two witnesses to complete the physical fulfillment of their witness to the world.
Ron Weinland and his dingy wife Laura have spent the last several years doing NOTHING as a warning to anyone.  He considers his outdated books to be is witnesses.  As for Laura, she has proven to be completely incompetent.
Revelation 11:3-6 reveals that for a period of 1,260 days God will send His two end-time witnesses to prophesy with power throughout this time. Much of that witness and the power given to it is the writing that is contained in this very book. Toward the end of this period of time, they will be able to shut up the heavens so it will not rain wherever and for however long they say. They will strike the earth with plagues as often as they choose. Much of what is fulfilled during this period will have to do with the Thunders of Revelation that will be more completely fulfilled by those things they proclaim.
Within this extension of seven more years, there was then this addition of two more end-time periods of 1,260 days to the overall existing count for Christ’s coming. The five 1,260-day periods that occurred before the Pentecost of 2012, along with these two additional ones, now give 7 complete end-time periods of 1,260 days. Again, there is great significance in that number, as the number 7 is used for completeness in God’s plan. The week is complete with the 7th day Sabbath. The annual Holy Days are 7 in number and they give the complete plan of God for mankind. God has given 7 one thousand year periods (7,000 years) for mankind to be able to live out the first life He has given them.
Yet there is another period in all this that also needs to be addressed. The inclusion of two more periods of 1,260 days that were added beyond the Pentecost of 2012 give a total of 2,520 more days for the countdown to Christ’s coming. However, from the 27th of May 2012 (counting that day) to Pentecost on the 9th of June 2019, there is a total of 2,570 days. This number contains an additional 50 days that remain beyond these two final prophetic periods.
That 50-day period has already been mentioned. It is the time when God begins to pour out the Seven Last Plagues, which will lead to Christ coming to a world that has been humbled and ready to listen to him. As it has been stated, the day when his coming will be manifested in the atmosphere above the earth is the 21st of April 2019. It appears that this manifestation will be at the moment that the Wave Sheaf would have been waved before God on that day, which was in the midst of the Holy Day period of the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Lev. 23). This manifestation of Christ coming will be on the morning of the 1st day of the week that follows Passover that year.
The Wave Sheaf pictured the time when Jesus Christ would fulfill its meaning of being accepted as the first of the firstfruits of God’s great harvest—of those who are gleaned from the world to be in His Family—Elohim. Jesus Christ died on Passover and was laid in the tomb just before sunset on the 4th day of the week (Wednesday) in 31 A.D. After sunset, the weekly observance of the Feast of Unleavened Bread began. Then at the end of the 7th day (the weekly Sabbath) just before sunset, Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead after being in the tomb for exactly three nights and three days.
Therefore, Christ was resurrected just before sundown on that weekly Sabbath. As soon as the sun went down, it became the 1st day of the week (Sunday). It wasn’t until the morning, Sunday morning, when the priests would offer up the Wave Sheaf, that Christ would then ascend to God. Christ then being received by God the Father would be the spiritual fulfillment of the Wave Sheaf. Later on that same day, after he had ascended and been received by God, he returned to be with his disciples and others for the next forty days.
After writing each chapter of this book, it was my practice to send it into the Church for editing to have it double-checked for grammar, spelling, and clarity. If something I had written was not completely clear to those who were editing it, then I could work on that portion to make it clearer. Although, there are still some things that will not be clear until later, as they are prophetic in nature and are not immediately understood. When writing this last chapter, I sent in the first half that covered the various combinations of counting that God had revealed in the overall count to Christ’s coming. There was one last section that I knew I needed to write—this section. However, I was not certain what needed to be covered in order to complete this book.
Only after about three weeks had passed did I then begin to write this last section that is entitled, “Two Great Signs.” My wife, who is the other end-time witness, was also reading the book and giving me feedback. After reading the book up to this point, she told me that I needed to read a specific verse in Revelation that she believed this book was fulfilling. Upon reading that verse, it became clear that it was indeed about what had just been written and that it would serve to be the primary means through which that verse would become fulfilled.

 The only thing Weinland has ever been good at...

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Adult Sabbath School: Helpful, Useful and Understandable Resources for the Church of God Ministry in a World of Critical Thinkers.

For students, the evolution-creation discussion can be a useful exercise, for it can help develop their critical thinking skills.

 Ken Ham

It'll certainly be one of the biggest Christian attractions in the world

Ken Ham

Kenneth Alfred Ham (born 20 October 1951) is an Australian-born Christian fundamentalist, young Earth creationist and apologist living in the United States. He is the president of Answers in Genesis (AiG), a creationist apologetics organization that operates the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter.
Ham advocates biblical literalism, believing that the Book of Genesis is historical fact and the universe is approximately 6,000 years old, contrary to multiple individual lines of scientific evidence which show the Earth is about 4.5 billion years old and the universe is about 13.8 billion years old

“Evolution is a religion; it is not science!”
Ken Ham, The Lie: Evolution

“Evolution is a religion; it is not science!”
Ken Ham, The Lie: Evolution