Monday, October 14, 2019

Gerald Weston's Inspiring Feast of Tabernacles Message

Chag Sameach!!

What an inspiring pre-recorded open message from Gerald Weston to set the tone for the next 8 days of our love feast.

1. This is NOT a vacation! God, (not a corporation) put His name here and commands you to assemble before Him for instruction. How dare you choose fishing or roller coasters over an additional morning nap.

2. Be here EVERY day for services. Ezra read from the Law every day so this is a clear example for all time.

3. Be very ashamed if you did not come with a fully saved 2nd tithe.

4. Stop being selfish and making the corporation look bad to the local businesses. Spend ALL your 2nd tithe even if it means over-tipping filthy illegal aliens. The church doesn't need your excess. šŸ˜³šŸ¤£

5. Don't be gluttons and drunkards. Get enough sleep. The last thing we want is for your snot-nosed children getting us sick when we take up your children in our arms to bless them. Do as we ministers say and not what we do. 

6. Come to services early and stay late so you build relationships with your future co-rulers. Just don't talk Bible. Enough can never be said about work, weather and football, brethren.

7. Rejoice! (OK, he didn't really say that.)

From an LCG source

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Why Do COG Groups Continue To Lie That They Practice First Century Christianity?

For decades the Church of God movement has claimed it is the only church on earth that practices first century Christianity" just as the early Christians and apostles did.  After 80 some years of failed prophecies, outright lies, sexual shenanigans, theft of tithe money for personal gain, hundreds and hundreds of splinter personality cults, these self-appointed morons claim they are God's new chosen leaders. How can any of these groups say such a thing and keep a straight face?

United Church of God made the claim this week in a press release to inform the world that they were celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles.

PRESS RELEASE: 14,000 Gather to Celebrate Life’s Dynamic Spiritual FocusChurch Follows Example of First Century Disciples
CINCINNATI [Sept. 62018]—Reflecting a dynamic life journey as spiritual pilgrims, about 14,000 members and families of the United Church of God, an International Association , will follow the historic example of Jesus Christ and the first century Church in celebrating the biblically prophesied Kingdom of God. This annual festival, called the Feast of Tabernacles in the Bible, begins on the evening of September 23 and lasts through sunset on Monday, October 1. According to Victor Kubik, Church president, United Church of God members will assemble at more than 65 sites worldwide to take part in a contemporary Christian application of the biblical ancient Hebrew Holy Days. 
Jesus must really be impressed that they and 8 other churches are meeting in locations where none of them will associate with each other.  Jesus must really be impressed as he watched them connive and plan to break away from the WCG while still on the payroll.  Jesus must really have been impressed when they started acting so nasty that their church imploded and close to 3/4 of their ministers left to form yet another splinter group.  Yep, that certainly is 1st century Christianity. True religion at its core. NOT!

Then today, we had another splinter cult leader make the same obnoxious claim.  This time it was a rebellious self-appointed liar who broke away from the Living Church of God to form his own personality cult, where he claims he and he alone is practicing 1st century Christianity.

The physical head of the old Radio/Worldwide Church of God was the late Herbert W. Armstrong. What he taught has been derided as “Armstrongism.” What were some of those teachings? Was the old Worldwide Church of God some type of weird cult or did it strive to contend earnestly for the faith once for all delivered to the saints? Is “Armstrongism” improperly maligned and falsely described at Are concepts such as the tribes of Israel, ‘soul sleep,’ and three resurrections unique to Herbert W. Armstrong or were they long part of original Nazarene Christianity? What about various holidays and Christianity? In this video, Dr. Thiel goes over his early experiences with “Armstrongism” as well as gives scriptures about persecutions that would affect Christians.
None of these idiots can be trusted to teach any truth that even resembles 1st-century Christian practices and thought.  No real Christian would ever place their trust in any of these men nor believe their lies.

Dave Pack: The Most Learned Man In History!

Dang!  This has to cause major butthurt for Bwana Bob Thiel who believes he is the most persecuted and learned man in the church today, who knows EVERYTHING about Church of God history, Fatima, Catholicism, CERN, prophecy, law-keeping, Trolls, doctrine, the Bible, and other piles of non-important facts that Christians do not need to worry about.