Monday, October 21, 2019

The Last Great Day

That Great Day of the Feast

In the seventh chapter of John, we read that "the Jew's feast of tabernacles was at hand."(John 7:2) In the verses that follow, we are told that Christ's family urged him to avail himself of this opportunity to reveal himself to the world. (3-4) Jesus, however, sent his family on to Jerusalem without him - planning to quietly attend after the festival had commenced. (8-10) In fact, according to John, he didn't begin making public declarations or teaching until about midway through the festival. (14) And, as he had anticipated, his comments engendered a great deal of controversy and resentment. (15-36)

Then, we read: "In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. (But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.)" (John 7:37-39) How ironic is that? On this last day of the ACOG's attempt to celebrate the FOT, Jesus Christ invited ANYONE who wanted God's Holy Spirit to come to him!

The ACOG's love to quote John 6:44 "No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day." In the very next chapter, however, we have Christ issuing this invitation to everyone on the Last Great Day of the Feast! Did Christ really mean that salvation through him was open to everyone? What does that do to the exclusivity narrative promulgated by Herbert Armstrong and his successors? It appears that some folks are concerned with being first, and that Christ was thinking about salvation for EVERYONE! Hmmmmm, I seem to recall Christ having something to say about those who wanted to be first!

Lonnie Hendrix

Van Robison on "Trafficking in Man-Made Religion"

Trafficking in Man-Made Religion

There have always been those who take advantage of others for their personal ego, for the love of power and the love of free $money.   For whatever reason, many human beings have willingly submitted their lives and their pocketbooks to those who falsely assume authority unto themselves. 

Man-made religion is as old as human beings from the beginning of human history.   The assumption that religious gurus have some magical power is as old as dirt and it is always based upon fear.   Superstition has played a major role in human behavior for ages.

Is belief in "Holy" books really a superstitious belief?  We may all poke fun at and ridicule the superstitions of human beings who think rocks have spirits or that mountains have spirits, or that it is a curse of the spirits if it does not rain or a thousand other superstitious beliefs, but few see what they consider "sacred" as superstitious.    It is easy to look upon the superstitions of certain human cultures in this world as childish and juvenile, all the while thinking that what we believe is "mature" and "sensible."

Is it really sensible to submit your life to some human priest or pastor, as if they commune with God on a daily basis?   If in fact the gift of the Holy Spirit is for all individuals, then is it not sensible that every human being on earth has the potential of a direct relationship with God, without the interference of self-appointed religious rulers?   No pastor of any church on earth communes with God Almighty directly and in fact everything he or she preachers is simply personal opinion and nothing more.   Pastors have no authority, no special calling and no particular knowledge about God, that makes them over, above, and in authority over another human beings.

You may read in some verses in the New Testament that God gives authority to certain individuals and that they are to be "obeyed", but that is simply intentional deception by those who penned such words.   Did God really "inspire" some men to pen or write what is called "the Bible?"   If He did, then He is of all people a very confusing author who contradicts Himself in countless ways.   

Believing strongly in what one thinks is "truth", may be very sincere, but sincerity is no gauge or qualification of truth.   Anyone can believe deeply that their convictions are right, all the while not discerning that they may be very wrong.

Members of all Worldwide Church of God splinter groups are programmed by superstition that they are to follow and obey their church rulers, pastors or elders.   That is nothing more than religious superstition and has no basis in the truth of who God Almighty is.   Herbert W. Armstrong was and is no more, yet many still bow and worship at his grave as if he was a spokesman for God.   HWA was a spokesman for no one other than himself.   And all WCG splinter group heads who think HWA was God in the flesh are either complete con-artists or so naive and so gullible that they are juvenile in their mentality.

HWA no more spoke for Jesus Christ than the fake "apostle" Paul did, or for that matter any or all of the countless thousands of other church groups who make the pretense of representing Jesus Christ.

If it were possible and all human beings on earth suddenly and permanently stopped supporting all pastors and all churches and all 501C3 "not for profit" religious organizations, the world would change dramatically and immediately for the better.

Van Robison

Turn thou from Dave Pack

Good morning brethren. Turn with me in your Parody Hymnals, and rise, to page 76, right off of I-76, that is, to a song that is Wadsworth your time, I mean, worth your time, Turn thou from Dave Pack. Page 76. 

All together.......

Turn thou from Dave Pack, do what is good,
Seek truth pursue it earnestly.
Upon your cash are the eyes of Pack, 
His mind is closed down unto their cry.
But the Eternal's face is against
Self Centered leaders, doers of wrong.
He lets you run from the midst of them, 
Starting all over, a new rebirth.

When righteous men cry, God answers back; 
For He delivereth them from Pack.
Near unto them of a broken bank,
Not for a penny should he dost thank.
Many afflictions that Pack dost lend,
Troubles there be of shackled men;
But the Eternal delivereth
From Pack's afflictions the running man.

Turn thou Dave Pack, do what is good,
Seek truth pursue it earnestly.
God keeps the heart of the running man,
Not one of them shall broken be.
Tho Pack deceives and changes his mind,
Running from Pack such freedom you'll find;
But God redeemeth the soul that's His,
None shall be desolate trusting Him.

submitted by SHT