Friday, April 10, 2020

Van Robison on "Must You Have Authority?"

Must You Have Authority?

Is there a difference between leadership and authority?  We all know that life itself dictates that there are many situations where leadership is necessary.  Not all people are leaders and many are followers.  Is there however a necessary authority in terms of religious beliefs or for that matter government of men?  Any church organization can "ordain" anyone they choose to a position or a title, such as "pastor", "youth pastor", "music pastor" and so forth.  I suppose anyone can really appoint themselves as an "authority" figure.    The weather channel states that they are the authority on matters of weather.  Perhaps they are in terms of being the source that can "foretell" what the weather may be in the next few hours or even days.  They are not always one-hundred percent right, but giving them credit, they often are.  It is based upon modern technology and experience understanding the input
and data.

Humans have lived with authority figures since the beginning of time.  We are all led to believe that government is our "authority" source that can tell us what we can and cannot do within the parameters of the physical boundaries of the governments' sphere of power.  It is not a matter of freewill or personal choice, because we are all compelled to comply or else.  Such is the nature of all human governments at all levels of society.  Welcome to prison planet!

In terms of religious beliefs, every religious guru coming and going thinks he or she has some special status, that qualifies them to rule over the thoughts, thinking and pocketbooks of those they influence.  Herbert W. Armstrong considered himself to have the status of being an "Apostle" as if that word has the meaning of a position of power and authority over matters of the church.  In reality, the word "apostle" merely means "one sent" and has nothing to do with a power-position of control.  Men have altered the meaning and definition of words for their own personal vanity and gain.

Many human beings are driven by vanity to seek titles such as "prophet, prophetess, apostle, pastor, senior pastor, bishop, elder" or fill in the blanks.  Does it seem odd that Jesus hand-picked uneducated fishermen as personal disciples as opposed to those who attached titles of self-importance to their names?    Does one really become an authority figure as a result of religious or secular education?  Does having degrees such as bachelor, master or PhD,  make one a necessary "authority" figure?  Perhaps it all depends on the particular field of endeavor that one is involved in.  There are fields of study however that don't make the PhD degree a necessary qualifying expert on what truth is.  For example, one may have a PhD degree and think that because of that, they are now an expert in the field of Biblical archaeology.  What happens when other PhD's disagree or have opinions to the contrary and assert that in fact, archaeology proves "Bible history" is false in many ways?  Now, who is the authority?

In matters of pulpits, is Dr. Senior Pastor an expert on heavenly concerns?  When was the last time  Dr. Senior Pastor or board of elders, had a conference with God and sorted out disagreements?  Obviously never!  So what then makes those who stand in pulpits "authorities" on spiritual truth?  Does being ordained qualify anyone as a master of spiritual truth?  Why would anyone think that they "must obey" those that assume a false role of being "pastor-master?"  No one who stands in a pulpit is your spiritual Daddy, nor is he or she your master.  In Matthew 23 we read that Jesus Christ denounced man-made religion and made it clear that no man, no matter who he is, is your master.  Is there really any difference in calling someone "master" as opposed to "pastor" or "elder", when they all imply that they have "authority" over your life and your thinking?

For those who think they are to follow Jesus Christ, there is ONLY ONE MASTER and that is Christ.  Therefore "master" is NOT the Saturday Sabbath, "Holy" days, tithing, pastors, churches, governments of men or any other substitute for Christ.  Few there are that see this.  And by the way, the Bible is not master either.  If Christ is God, and He is Master, then INK on PAPER is not God.  Only God Almighty could possibly be infallible and inerrant.

Must you have spiritual authority?  Yes, but that Authority is Jesus Christ and NOT men.  The manner in which Jesus Christ is Authority is in His teachings about LOVE and His personal example, which was flawless.  I have yet to meet a flawless pastor or church or human being.  Virtually every authority figure and source thinks they have a right to power over others.  Do they?    No one will ever live in freedom as long as they worship at the feet of self-appointed religious gurus, who deceive as many as possible to follow them and submit their lives to them.  Jesus came to SET THE CAPTIVES FREE.  Are you FREE or are you a captive to some man-made church?

Van Robison

"Be assured that Satan is also well aware that the words of the prophets are about to be fulfilled."

And here we go again...
Today’s epidemic is very troubling but I can assure everyone that God is on his throne and that he is in control and knows exactly what he is doing; and that the Almighty has the wisdom and power to achieve his purposes and fulfill his will!  
I have explained the signs of the onset of the tribulation and Christ’s coming in detail over the years; I have understood the course of events yet I have not known the specific time frame which is why I have never posted and firm dates for anything.  Even the folks at the Banned by HWA blog criticize me for not setting dates, but I just do not know the precise dates.  
Still I can see the progress of events and it is crystal clear that this is now imminent and could begin as soon as this coming winter or possibly in just one more year. Be assured that Satan is also well aware that the words of the prophets are about to be fulfilled.  
Satan knows that he will be removed form ruling he earth and incarcerated very soon  and he is trying very hard to break the prophecies just like he tried to prevent the rebuilding of the temple and the rebuilding of Jerusalem according to the precise timetable that God had laid out through his prophets. James Malm

Thursday, April 9, 2020

United Church of God: Moses, Moses, Moses....all the time.

Here they are, in their most sacred time of year when Jesus is supposed to be at least a small part of their focus, but it is business as usual. Its Moses who is more important.
This Coming Sabbath — Home Office Webcast
Peter Eddington, Operation Manager for Media and Communications, will be giving the webcast sermon titled: “Who Was Moses?” How could an abandoned baby become one of the greatest leaders ever known? An immigrant family’s son rose to national power in a foreign land and became known as the greatest prophet of all time—other than Jesus. Why should this, and why does all this, affect your life? Mr. Eddington will lead us in looking at some powerful lessons from the life of Moses. What can we learn from his remarkable example?

UCG: You MUST send us your offerings when you celebrate spring holy days at home

 Send in that money folks!  Otherwise, your Passover is invalid!
Holy Day Offerings
Brethren, as God directs us, we should not come before Him empty-handed during His annual Holy Days, but with an offering reflective of the blessings bestowed upon us by Almighty God. It will take a bit more effort on your part to be sure that you comply, in principle, with this instruction from God. We greatly appreciate your faithfulness in following through with your offering to further the work of God in preaching the gospel and preparing a people for Christ’s return and for service in His Kingdom. Detailed instructions are included in this issue of the eNews (and on the Members site at for your convenience, along with a link to a 90-second video that demonstrates how to make an online donation: