Thursday, March 4, 2021

LCG Prepares To Sacrifice Jesus Again At The Local Masonic Lodge and/or School Gym

It is that time of year when the Churches of God focuses upon Passover. It is the one time of year that the focus is supposed to be entirely on the guy they call Christ or Jesus if they want to look cool to their members. The rest of the year, not so much.  

They look forward to the ritual symbolic killing of Jesus once again. Microphones will be brought forward so that when the matzo wafers are broken the sound of the breaking of the bread is amplified so that members sitting in the congregation are filled with guilt and remorse for their inability to remain sinless since the previous Passover.

Due to the previous sins in their lives since the last Passover, they have to kill Jesus all over again on the night of the COG version of the Passover. The problem is, as soon as they leave that gym or Masonic Lodge, Jesus seems to remain there for the rest of the year. 

The meaning of his life, the significance of the resurrection, which is way more mysterious and meaningful than the crucifixion, barely gets a peep the rest of the year. COG leaders shy away from resurrection stories because they don't want to seem too Protestant and Easterish. Justification is rarely discussed as it is more important to focus on following rules than being justified. Grace and unmerited pardon are not looked upon too freely either. In fact, as the year progresses, the church will, as usual, be more graceless than ever. The rules and new rules will be enforced as Jesus Christ gets shoved in the corner again where he will have to wait till Passover next year.

Prepare for the Spring Holy Days: In just a few weeks, we will be observing the Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread. These annual Festivals are a memorial of the great sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for our sins and the sins of the world. They are also a reminder that we need to recognize and eliminate sin and inappropriate thoughts and actions from our lives so we can become more like our Father and elder brother Jesus Christ. For the Passover to be meaningful and profitable—and not just routine—we need to do our part to prepare for this important step in God’s Plan of Salvation. To put the Passover in proper perspective, it will be helpful to review the gospel accounts of the events that led up to the Passover, the crucifixion, and the resurrection. Placing our own period of self-examination within this biblical context can help us appreciate the tremendous significance of Jesus’ sacrifice. The Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread provide us with an annual opportunity to examine every aspect of our lives in the light of God’s instructions found in the Scriptures. Spending time every day in prayerful study and reflection, as we go through this Holy Day period, will help us grow to be more like our Savior Jesus Christ.
Have a profitable Sabbath, Douglas S. Winnail

Dave Pack: [Ex-members] are people who sin a sin unto death. They start beating us, and giving up all the "laws of God" and go out and get drunk with drunks...But, they ain't all bad...

JC with his peeps...sinners, prostitutes, tax collecters, and other unclean people

From an RCG source:

Part 290 - Friday February 26th

Everyone With Us Go First!

“And I'm trying to be ever more careful to not have opinions. I'm convinced that there are people who leave this church and they are saints, and at the same time, they were expelled from the church by God, Who said, "If they're here last, they're going first and they're not going first." So you and I have to be very careful that we don't assume we won't spend all eternity with those people.

That's a sobering, and a very wonderful thing to think about. I'm trying to be more careful than ever because it's easy to fall into, "They left us, they're gone." Well I guess you could begin to say, there are people who sin a sin unto death. They start beating us, and giving up all the "laws of God" and go out and get drunk with drunks. Then it doesn't look good for them, from what I see. But a lot of them don't do that.

Now, they may not go with another group, but they may go home and don't know what to do. Because after you've been here, and you're disenchanted here, for some reason, no other group works very well. And those people bounce, because they go in and they see all kinds of collapsed standards, all kinds of problems, all kinds of dress, all kinds of attitudes, all kinds of beliefs and too proud to come back. They'll often go home, say, "wow, it was, it was really bad. It's kind of like what I heard" and you, and I might say, well, "Why don't they come back?" And the answer is, They're not going first, but even if they go home and doesn't necessarily mean that they're still trying to tithe, they're going to go somewhere for the Feast or hold onto their beliefs, don't judge them. If you can wallow with hogs and whores and blow your inheritance and get eternal life, then we shouldn't give up on them, like the prodigal son I'll return to my father. And when he did that, he was in a real bad state.

So I thought it was, It would be encouraging to think of it from that perspective. There are people who are leaving and I see it differently now. If you're here at the end, meaning you heard all of this, you're "going first." Some may have been blessed at the 1335, they accepted all of that, others maybe have to sign on and understand more things and then they are, and there are others who just, they bolt. But that doesn't mean they bolted and dove into the Lake of Fire or into the furnace or they're going to be destroyed by, by the God who is a consuming fire. A fiery indignation, you know, all the verses. 
It may just mean, God said, I can't. I made a promise in the scriptures over and over. If they're here at the last, they made it through the whole long, difficult, wonderful, but sometimes painful process. They're "going first" end of story. So you cannot have anybody here at the end who's not going to go first, or it wasn't a true statement. Took me a long to figure that out, that everybody who goes out isnt a "mocker and a scoffer" who wants to run after their own lusts. Not everybody's the same. And again, I hope that I hope that is encouraging to understand. 
So truly "The Mystery of God" is unfolding. Maybe it's better to say the "Mystery of God is Truly Unfolding." It is partially at least about how these two awesome beings work together in all they do as they work with us.”

Comment: In order to soothe the remaining membership, Dave claims, those who left his church actually could still “make it” and wouldn’t be destroyed by his god. That said, if you become a mocker, scoffer, run after your own lusts (e.g. not give all your money up in “common”) “beat RCG,” leave the diminishing and corrupt Armstrongist movement, or get drunk (?) then you will be destroyed by his god. That said, you still need to be in Dave’s version of the “True Church” to be saved, so basically copying Catholic theology. 

Gerald Flurry: "The PCG has the New Throne of David and the New Stone of Destiny. That’s putting us in a pretty close proximity to God.” "


From Exit and Support Network

I had the “honor” to listen to Pt. 3 of his sermon “Where are We in Bible Prophecy?” and it was all I could stomach to listen to a few parts. He is getting crazier by the day. He focused on nothing but Tribulation, wrath, punishment, death, how many are going to die, how there won’t be many left, Germany is going to strike and kill, etc. I don’t know how members can sit there week after week and listen to this bull crap doom and gloom. 

Young Herbie at the rock

He said the Prayer Rock they are in possession of is “a symbol of Jesus Christ.” (A rock in the Bible is a symbol of Christ but not HWA’s prayer rock! As mentioned in the article Idolatry in the PCG, this rock is nothing but blatant idolatry!) 
Here are some other things he said: 
“Who are we that God would entrust us to deliver this message to this world and especially three nations of Israel and God’s Laodicean church most of all. The PCG has the New Throne of David and the New Stone of Destiny. That’s putting us in a pretty close proximity to God.” 
He was downright arrogant when he started criticizing Evangelicals and saying, “How much do those people who are following Trump–how much do they know about their Bible? You could almost say zero. They are getting further away from God all the time.” (Who is getting further from God? Isn’t it GF?) “We have to learn you can’t follow a puny little man [i. e., Trump]” (And who is following puny little Gerald Flurry??) “They don’t obey much of anything in the Bible. They don’t obey God and they don’t want to obey God. But they will follow Jeroboam [i. e., Trump] And that’s their great sin.” (What about those who are following GF? Isn’t that a great sin?) 
He raised his voice when he said, “God’s wrath is on this nation!” and “This is a strong message that we have to deliver to these people!”